Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Personal Writing: My First Time Experiencing Riding A Bicycle
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... determined to try it. My dad was proud
of me and I felt very manly. He and I went to the park to see what we
could do there.
The park was empty when we arrived. I had no dought that my dad
told everybody not to be there because we had to use it. I felt badly for
other people, but I was proud to have such an onnipotent person as my dad.
We found a smooth and a often space. My dad was holding the rear
of the seat to make sure I didn't fell. He assured me that I was not
going to fall because he would be running right behind, holding the
bicycle. He reassured me by sayin .....
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Personal WritingAn Event That Changed My Life
Number of words: 304 - Number of pages: 2.... for at any moment
they know it may melt away, like their past. The snowmen are created as if God
had sprinkled a little of his miracle in each of their tiny hands. Snowballs
are thrown playfully by young boys, showing their “masculinity” to the girls who
giggle at their “immiturity.” No one notices the shadow. She walks through,
smiling to herself at the past she barely can recall. The angelic music of her
past plays to herself. She wonders if the children themselves can hear the
songs of the angels. She just then realizes that they are the angles. .....
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Number of words: 477 - Number of pages: 2.... I saw a tall black-skinned man with his back to me. I said
"Hey!" and then when he turned around i said what the hell are you doin? He
said "This is my room." then he said "let me see your key." i gave it to
him and he looked down at it and then said while looking down "i guess were
roomates." He told me his name was bryon. We unpacked our suitcases and I
washed up. We plugged in the Stereo, listened to music and ate junk food.
We quickly became good freinds. We stayed up late and we couldn't get up
when our clock buzzed 7:00am we both showered and got dressed and got down
to the cafeterea .....
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Finding A Job
Number of words: 1191 - Number of pages: 5.... than I could deal with at that time.I enjoyed the job greatly but the pay was not steady. I then started looking for employment that would provide a more stable income.
I applied at many different businesses and got no response. However I just kept on applying anywhere I could find that would let me. My neighbor from across the street, came to my door one day and asked if I needed a job. She said that she was transferring to another department and could probably get me on at Quality Motors. I didn't care what kind of job it was as long as it paid more than minimum wage. I started .....
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The Orange Colored Sphere
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... each other. The closest thing I can think of that resembles it is a thin person’s belly button.
The way the outside of the orange feels is also interesting. When I first pick up the orange it is cool to the touch. The slightest squeeze will dent the surface, only to just spring right back into shape. I can feel those dime shaped dents easier than I can see them. The surface is also very slick.
My curiosity gets the best of me and now it is time to cut the orange sphere into two halves. As I slice the orange I smell the fresh scent of citrus. As I expected the inside was al .....
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Personal Writing: The Guitar
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... I could
use his guitar any time I wanted to, so I called him up and asked if I
could borrow it. He told me I could have it, because he had just bought a
brand knew one. The strings and the pick guard had been taken out, so I
went to a guitar store and they fixed everything for me. I was able to
play it after that. I also have an Ovation guitar, which is a lot
different from the electric guitar I had gotten from my friend. My sister
won the Ovation guitar in a raffle, along with Melissa Efferage concert
tickets. She doesn't play the guitar, so she gave it to me. Melissa
Efferage pla .....
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Volunteering For A School Of Handicapped Children
Number of words: 1819 - Number of pages: 7.... As time progressed I became more educated on why Lori acted the way she did. For me, the more I understood, the more patience and compassion I had for her and people like her. During my Junior and Senior years of school I took a class (with much prodding from Lori) which involved going into the special education classroom and helping these kids. Not only did I help teach book lessons but also how to react and interact with other people. To tell the truth these kids taught me more about myself and the people around me more than anyone else ever could. Now that I have given a brief histor .....
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Creative Story: Racing Along Walls
Number of words: 3100 - Number of pages: 12.... and spray
cycle for many hours to make sure his car was immaculate.
As I turned one of the bolts clockwise to tighten it, I felt a sharp,
searing pain on the upper portion of my hand. Instinctively, I swore, forgetting
all the lessons on good manners my parents had taught me. I brought my hand up
to inspect the wound but the darkness of the garage, the setting sun, and the
little remaining light my car blocked made it so I couldn't see my hand at all.
As I climbed out from underneath the car, I noticed that I was leaving a trail
of thick, dark, drops with my movements. I carelessly wip .....
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My Favorite Room
Number of words: 278 - Number of pages: 2.... fun and
relaxation for all that enter the room.
My entertainment center offers a wood grain big screen TV. Complete
with surround sound and multi-function remote. The picture within picture
offers dual sport viewing, to bring live sports action to the room.
For half-time entertainment, guest can enjoy a antique carved wood
clawed foot professional size pool table, which was bought from Minnesota
Fats estate auction. Billiard action is well lit by the hand cut glass
Billiard lamp hanging from the open wood beam ceiling. Lazy Boys abound
sitting on top of genuine hand pegged oak .....
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The Rule
Number of words: 445 - Number of pages: 2.... away from home, then why does it matter
who we live with? Why aren't we trusted when it comes to that issue? I feel
that one should be trusted until one proves otherwise.
The rule may forbid boyfriends, girlfriends, or just friends to stay in
a room, but why family members? Have a heart. Your family member drives all
the way to your school to see you and they must sleep some where else, why?
Didn't your brother or sister come to visit you in college? Didn't you want him
or her to stay with you? If they were a younger sibling wouldn't it make you
feel safer if they were by your side .....
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