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Term Papers on Creative Writing

Personal Writing: My Dreams
Number of words: 767 - Number of pages: 3

.... meaning to. After waking from one of the war dreams I feel great, like a hero, like I accomplished something. I was recently thinking about joining a military service so I could be related to those thoughts. Often, the war dreams occur when I'm angry or have conflict in my life, so maybe it's my way of getting rid of that anger. My war dreams are some of the clearest and fun dreams I have, but I did not have any during this project. Girls, or girl I should say, is one of the main topic of my dreams. I think that is an obvious one! I see my girl-friend every day, and she is always .....

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My Friend T.W.
Number of words: 895 - Number of pages: 4

.... his body it would be palm trees and coconuts from here on out. Red headed is just a polite way of saying, are you sure your not Irish? Nevertheless, he has always been and still is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. This is the type of kid who made A’s in every class and couldn’t wait to get home and do his homework. (The one area we differ in.) As for his character, I again have met very few people in this lifetime that values this trait as much my friend. His dad and my dad were both in the Marines and shared a lot of the same values. His dad just had a differe .....

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The Body
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3

.... came out but she thought it was fircrackers. They started out on there mission walking along the train tracks. Teddy Duchamp played chicken with the train pretending he was a paratrooper, but Chris pushed him out off the way in the nick of time. They get into a fight but settle it. They go into the town dump to get a drink of water. It is restrickted to go in there when the dump isn't open. They fliped to see who goes to the store to get the food. when they fliped they got a goocher which vern says is bad luck, so they flip again ang Gordie looses. Gordie goes to the store t .....

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Personal Writing: What I Learned This Semester In English Class
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3

.... take my writing more seriously, and try much harder at producing good output. Also, my goal isn't to write a paper that will get a good grade. Now, my goal is to write better papers. I write to become a better writer. That is, I feel, a very important thing that I learned this semester. I don't think, "O.K., I have to get at least a B on this paper." Instead, I think, "O.K., I have to use this assignment to improve my work." This is a much better approach because it causes the writer to try to produce a well written piece. Writing for a grade often causes the writer to do just enough .....

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Creative Writing: The Tiger And The Tree
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3

.... to do." The next morning all of the animals secretly gathered in the forest near the field where Tiger was sleeping. All of the animals who lived on the ground, like Turtle, Elephant, Ox, and Donkey, they all stood near big hollow logs. All of the monkeys and birds who lived in the trees quietly sat in the branches and waited for Rabbit to arrive. Soon Rabbit did show up, carrying a large, thick rope. He ran across the field and made a lot of noise. "Oh, my! Oh, my!" he shouted. Tiger sleepily opened an eye and growled, "Why are you making so much noise, Rabbit? Can't you see I am sleeping .....

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Creative Writing: The Snickers Bar
Number of words: 275 - Number of pages: 1

.... chocolate covered peanuts and caramel were very tantalizing. Then we were allowed to open the wrapper. I opened it, careful not to rip the wrapper. The second it was uncovered, the sweet smell got stronger. That chocolate and caramel aroma was now increased with the glorious smell of roasted peanuts. Oh! How I longed to taste that tempting Snickers bar. The top of the bar itself looked like an ocean wave just before it crashes onto the beach. It was a perfect picture, frozen in time. It felt smooth, yet gooey at the same time. Then I heard those magical words. "you may now tak .....

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Not Having Enough Money
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3

.... went out with my cousin to a Chinese restaurant for some dinner. The place was packed with people, so we had to wait for a seat. After about ten minutes the waiter called my name and directed us to our seat. We opened up the menu and our eyes just focused on the prices, everything was around fourteen to twenty dollars. My cousin checked his pocket and I checked mine, for how much we had, and together we had $35.00. We were so worried that we won’t have enough money to pay for two meals that we ordered only one, we had to consider the tip and tax also. Our order was one sweet and sour chic .....

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The Lesson
Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2

.... depended on it. So the young farmer went back and worked on his books, trying to keep everything in order and soon found himself to be as rich and wealthy (in grain) as the king. This, now rich farmer, bought a very precious ruby and to the king to deliver as a gift as a gift of gratitude. When my father told me this, it was one of those special times in my life, To learn from a man of experience, whom no better to learn from than one’s father. That day I learned that buisness is trickey, but can be done with precision control when hard work is put into it. He also taught me when to sh .....

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Creative Writing: “The Paradise Behind My Eyes”
Number of words: 950 - Number of pages: 4

.... all my life. Only God himself could create a smell so sweet and delicate. My heart is immediately thankful that god gave me such a heavenly paradise. As I continue my walk I wonder if I am alone or if this enchanted tropical rain forest has other inhabitants. Upon thinking this I notice bright, rainbow colored tropical birds perched in the towering trees all around me. The beautiful birds were feeling the air with the sweet love songs of nature. In the near space, on the other side of the bushes I am slowly making my way through, I hear something. The sound of gentle footsteps it feet, hoov .....

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Creative Writing: The First Day
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3

.... I was on the wrong side of the building. ‘At least I know where the main building is,' I said to myself. The main building looked bright and cheery, like the sun. I trudged over to the main building trying not to look at anyone, the pavement looked really white. When I got to the main building I walked up to a Miss Kerby, sitting behind a desk and asked her if she could tell me where this building was. Instead I felt like I had just been arrested for murder. I was bombarded with about 5 questions all at once. I answered them all, and with a negative tone she told me ‘I cant help you, y .....

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