Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Personal Writing: Friendships
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5.... or shared together. This is what makes
friendship such an exceptional thing.
A large part of friendship is learning lessons together, and for
almost everything in the world there is a lesson that must be learned.
Learning these lessons through friendships is a very powerful and
exceptional thing. These lessons have varied from one extreme to the other
in my life and have changed and shaped a large majority of my views and
perceptions. Learning any lesson with a friend, be it significant or not,
will bring you closer together; and furthermore that lesson that you
learned was done in .....
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Creative Writing: The Cure To AIDS
Number of words: 372 - Number of pages: 2.... satisfied with the results, especially I. I was shouting: “I made it! I really made it!”
That was only the first test and was followed by a series of painstaking animal and human experiments. Fortunately all of them proved successful.
The agent I discovered was an antidote to HIV-the virus that causes AIDS. It was called DAA- Dessy AIDS Antidote and blocked the reproduction of HIV in human cells. Thus it was the most effective drug ever synthesized. It would defeat the scourge of 20th century- AIDS. DAA would stop the unwanted deaths of thousands of people around the globe. It wo .....
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Personal Writing: Significant Experience That Has Special Meaning
Number of words: 477 - Number of pages: 2.... priority in the O'Steen castle
(if asking the rest of her family, they probably would have chosen "high
mantinance" as a far more appropriate term).
Then, after seventeen and a half years, the day finally came for
Princess Lauren to leave home in order to further her education. As she was
preparing for this day, she began to realize that her life, as she had
always known it, would be drastically changing. And I don't mean a simple
adjustment. I mean a humongous change. Who would do her laundry, and cook,
and clean for her? After pondering over this troubling question for a while,
it fin .....
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Skiing - Creative Essay
Number of words: 705 - Number of pages: 3.... earlier
looked like dollhouses a child might play with. The towering smokestacks
of the factories wou ld not have caught my eye had it not been for the tiny
stream of gray emerging from them. At this distance, the smoke spiraled
upward like tree branches reaching for the sky.
The air was raw and stung me through my many layers of clothing.
There was snow all around me. It was on the trail and in the trees. There
was so much white, that my eyes became blinded by so much absence of color.
It was too cold to remain at the top forever, so I decided to make
my run. I gave .....
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Just Another Saturday Night?
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4.... skated the mini-ramp. He rode with a smooth style. I watched his arms, spread out, as he balanced. I followed with my eye the cigarette in his right hand as it glowed, spearing through the night.
I ran up the ramp and crouched down next to Matt, Eddie, Gavin and Jared. They all yelled my name as Matt tackled me to the floor of the platform. I tripped Matt over and rolled across next to Eddie. I grabbed his bottle of Tequila and took a swig, the salty liquid burnt down my throat, and the warmth cradled my body.
I grabbed a skateboard off Jared and pumped my way up the transition of t .....
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Creative Writing: The Case Of The Broken Hutch
Number of words: 5097 - Number of pages: 19.... working for this company they were short
handed and all the employees at the store I started at were new to each
other. That is they had worked for the company at other stores but had not
worked together. I was hired when the manager went to his yearly manager
meeting in Reno. When I was hired I was hired on as a delivery
driver. The delivery driver is responsible for all of the deliveries and
pick-ups of store merchandise. The only training that I received were two
videos. One video was on "Smith's Safe Driving Techniques", and the other
was "In-Home Deliveries and In-Store Deliveri .....
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Personal Writing: The Path To The Unknown
Number of words: 1298 - Number of pages: 5.... need for a tryout. Besides, I
think he is becoming desperate if you ask me. You will also need to go to
U.D. on Saturday for practice. Do you need a ride?"
"O.K." and “Yes,” was all I was able to say. What had I done? I was
not qualified to play in the honors band I stink. I had trouble playing
the music in the high school jazz band, let alone the music that was geared
towards the musically gifted! The next few hours and throughout that night,
I could not think of anything but the mistakes I was going to make on
Saturday during practice. What if I screwed up? What if I was .....
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Shattered Perfection
Number of words: 469 - Number of pages: 2.... a young age, which was good, but the bad side was that I was never able to change once I started, and being so young and fickle, that discouraged me from liking things that I could have later on.
The pressure to be perfect in every way has always had an enormous impact on me. It has resulted in pressure I put on myself to be perfect, which has caused a lot of problems and stress in my life. If someone else pressures me in any way, negative or positive, it has a negative effect on me. This also never really resulted in much of what my parents wanted after I reached a certain age. I perfo .....
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A Modern Interpretation Of Everyman (the Excerpt)
Number of words: 1932 - Number of pages: 8.... for it fortells of how God will judge
us and our deeds, and the anguish and the pain. Of those who would not
change their ways, to do well and to be kind. So once the show is over it
would do you good to keep these events in mind_[Cue Energetic Dance
ROOF FOR GOD!!![Disco Call][Exit Sports Commentator. Enter God]God. What
in the Hell was that?[Dance music abruptly stops]God. Ya' know, I
see here,in all my splendor, how the people do not remem .....
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If There Was A Revolution In 1998
Number of words: 414 - Number of pages: 2.... We are walking all over it, not thinking twice before dropping trash on the ground. Our country needs to recycle… that is the end of it. We are filling our earth with trash… just think what could be in place of all those garbage dumps. If there was a revolution, I think that there should be a big change in the way we are taking care of our earth… because if we don’t, nothing else will matter because where will we be?
Thirdly, if there were a revolution in 1998, we should create a better working system, make better jobs available to more people. Working for EVERYONE is a way .....
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