Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Story: Lycanthrope
Number of words: 3561 - Number of pages: 13.... over the phone." He whispered. "It's too important.
You have to be here."
"In Africa?" I said in disbelief.
"Yes, here. It's that important."
"But Lyle--"
"I'm an animal over here!" He hissed into the phone. "I can't tell you
any more. I don't dare. Please, Niles, don't tell anyone what happens when you
get here, or anything about this phone call. It means my life, Niles, and it
could mean my death."
I caught the nearest plane out to Africa. I was worried about my friend.
If I had to go to Africa to hear it, I knew it had to be important. I stopped
at his unreasonably small .....
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How I Learned To Ski
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... boots. That day was so hot but yet the snow remained and kept falling from
the ski. Then my father showed me the basic techniques he acquired while
learning how to ski, you see there is no standard way to ski everyone has to
find their own style of skiing or snowboarding . As you can find out this sport
is not something you do good at right away, it takes time and practice to become
When I got older we would go to bigger mountains in Colorado where he
lives, we would spend all day skiing down difficult runs called double diamonds,
that is the hardest run on the slopes. At first .....
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A Passage Of Time
Number of words: 1473 - Number of pages: 6.... in his life, they had always
maintained themselves as an unwavering constant. But most importantly, they
were carried out slowly, and in the current times of speed and fast results,
it was very reassuring to be able to take time to go through the routines
which had been a part of Bradley's life for at least fifteen years, now.
Bradley savoured his drink, choosing to drink it very slowly, as if in
an attempt to slow down time. Bradley tried again to put words to the page,
typing away furiously (certainly the ability to type over ninety words per
minute helps when you have to write .....
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Personal Writing: Piercing - An Extra Hole
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... girl gave us a paper we needed to fill out, we gave them to Tiffany's mom to sign on the line stating that we had authorization from an adult .The girl showed us all the body jewelry we could choose from to pierce our navels with. There were all colors of small rings with little colored beads connecting them . There was baby blue, teal green , royal purple, sterling silver, gold, and then I saw it - a perfect 12 gauge lime green loop with a smoky colored bead. Tiffany found a purple one that she had to have hanging from her belly button. That's when a couple came out from behind a string .....
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Personal Writing: "Do You Want To Go To Space Camp This Summer?"
Number of words: 735 - Number of pages: 3.... months. However, I wanted to make American friends
because I thought it was senseless to come here if I only talked with
Japanese friends. On the second day, we were divided into teams with three
to five Americans on a team. I tried to use my poor English to make
American friends, but it was really difficult. First, I could not even
introduce myself without looking at my note book in which I had written a
few sentences down. Second, the Americans had never had any Asian friends,
so they were surprised when I bowed, and they asked me many questions.
They tried to understand my English .....
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Personal Writing: Getting Out
Number of words: 867 - Number of pages: 4.... for four days with my family. Another weekend I went ot a friend's
house, who I met at Boy's State, to see a rodeo. My roommate, Nathan, had
a wedding ot attend. Nathan worked from eight'o clock untill five thirty
as a hired hand. I worked a virity of hours at the Dariy Queen usually
over lunch and supper, which is when Nathan did not work. By the time we
finished playing the messages game, we dicided to take our things to the
apartment when we had time to go to Ankeny.
Nathan and I had to by at DMACC on the same day for a financial aid
seminar. So, we planned to help each other take .....
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The Power Of Obierika
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... to be herded to wherever it best serves them, to die or to be converted into a life of death. The Christians will die, the Christians will die!"
Obierika screamed the manta over and over, aware of his inhuman and mangled voice. Not as mangled as the Christians made Nwoye to become one of them, he was the fine and sensible son of Okonkwo. What evil magic did the Christians wield that they could force Nwoye to forsake the gods and turn his loyalty towards their leader, Christ?
Still consumed by his anger Obierika rushed through the village waving his rifle and machete wildly in .....
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Creative Writing: Time Travel
Number of words: 740 - Number of pages: 3.... to jail but he
did not understand the manslaughter charge. If he could only make things
Then he remembered his crazy Uncle Leon telling him a story about
time travel. Leon was strange and no one believed his stories but Bryan
was desperate. He went to his Uncle's house praying that there was some
way he could help him.
Leon carefully listened to Bryan as he told the whole story and his
feelings. Bryan asked him about the time travel theory and Leon said, “
and now you want to believe my stories?”
Leon told Bryan his theory again and then took him to the basement.
At fir .....
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Personal Writing: If I Could Meet Three People, I Would Meet....
Number of words: 628 - Number of pages: 3.... example, he discovered a faster and safer way to go to Asia from Europe.
This way made more business people invest their money to Asia. As the
results of these facts, Marco Polo became the first person I wish to meet.
Galileo Galilei, an outstanding scientist in mid fifteenth century
is the second person I would like to meet. Galilei is not just a physicist
according to the resource I found, he however is also a astronomer. His
ability to manage time to do good job on both fields of physic and
astronomy became the first reason I chose to see Galilei. Second, his
bravery to speak up .....
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Basketball Dreams
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... Through rain or shine he would always be ready to correct any of my mistakes. His comments were always to work hard, and all the hard work would eventually pay off. He always drove me to watch the older kids play. He also encouraged to play with them so I could get tougher and better. I was very intimidated by the older kids, but he always encouraged me to keep on going and to never give up. The biggest lesson I learned from him was if I lost the game to keep my head held up high because I knew that I gave it everything I had and that next time I would be better.
When I got to midd .....
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