Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Personal Writing: After "Casino"
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... to him how I
wouldn't have had that attitude with they guy if we hadn't seen that type
of movie.
I guess the fellow in the car still thought I had a problem because
he pulled his truck up, got out, and got up in my face. What were you
sayin' to your friend just now? You talkin' sh*t? Listen man, I said, it's
cool, there's no pee on my car! Well I think you two still gots a problem
over here. With that he proceeds to throw one of their empty beer bottles
on the ground and then one at my car. We argue some more and then his
friend gets up in Ryan's face. Just when I think this guy is .....
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Just Trying To Help
Number of words: 1070 - Number of pages: 4.... year in high school.
My high school is predominantly white, with a few Asians, and very few black students. One of the few black students, Kaasa, happened to be in my phy-ed class during the first semester of my sophomore year. The problem was that Mike Hartman was also in the same class. Mike was kind of known to the people in our grade as “Mr. Racism”. He was always quick to come up with a “nigger joke”, or to tell everyone how much better he was than the entire black community. This really ticked me off, and Mike knew it. Ever since the day that I made damn sure Mike wa .....
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Personal Writing: Dreams
Number of words: 634 - Number of pages: 3.... of the future.
Miscommunications and misunderstandings are unheard of. Every individual is
nice to each other and no one is ever upset. Work atmosphere is quiet and
peaceful. People respecting each one's own opinion. Every day people are on
time and punctual. Work is done on time with no excuses for late work.
The future is full of coworkers' being angry and disgruntled.
Miscommunications and misunderstandings are a part of life. No individual is
ever nice to everyone all of the time. People upset with other people is a
natural process of life. Everyone has a bad day. It is not .....
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Route 66
Number of words: 788 - Number of pages: 3.... replies “My cousin owed me some money so he gave me the car and I haven’t had time to change the registration yet.”.
Doubting the truth of Johns answer the officer asks, “Then why is the car reported stolen?”. John refuses to acknowledge the officer. Sensing trouble the officer demands, “Turn off your engine, step out of the car and put your hands behind your head, NOW!”.
John shouts “No way pig!”. “I’m never going back to prison!”. Throwing the NSX into gear and hitting the accelerator he leaves the officer in a cloud of dust. With lightning speed the officer scramb .....
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Personal Writing: My Room
Number of words: 347 - Number of pages: 2.... dancing girls head. Mr. Manson is squating down,
his half naked self-mutilated body glowing red under my lights. His arm is
reaching out at me, trying to pull me into his twisted Willy Wonka world.
I close my eyes and concentrate, leaving my ears, my nose, and my mind to
do all the work for themselves. Realizing the stench in my room has gotten
quite bad, I light some insense. It's almost 11:30, and I don't seem to be
getting much writing done, so I'll sucumb to the greater power known as
t.v.. I turn on Dave and hop under the four blankets which heat my badly
insulated body thro .....
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Creative Writing: The Most Important Day Of My Life
Number of words: 541 - Number of pages: 2.... tested it out on a small sample of black powder. The glue did not ignite
the black powder, so we filled up the pipe with hot glue. We then screwed the
steal cap back on the pipe with the fuse sticking out. We were done with making
the bomb.
Last we decided what did we want to do with it now that it was done.
All of us were in a destructive mood at the time. So we ended up going out in
the middle of the woods where no one lived for 10 miles. We found these bed
mattresses that someone threw away. So we stuck the bomb in between there and
lit it and took off in a car. We were about 1 mi .....
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How To Enjoy Reading A Novel
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... or becomes part of a literary course, the joy of reading it is immediately
lost due to the fact that the particular novel may not be interest to the
student, the student may hurry to finish the novel and by the extent to which
the novel is studied.
The joy of reading a novel is lost when a novel is not of interest to
the reader because the reader would not be able to relate to any of the
characters, and would therefore not be able to fully imagine what the author
intended to be imagined at a particular moment in the novel. Not being able to
imagine in a novel does not allow the novel t .....
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Personal Writing: About Me
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... life on the farm. Nobody had a rushing schedule and everything felt as peace. They lived day to day on the food they grew and the milk from their cows. In my eyes, this kind of life is very fulfilling. There was always something fun to do and I was always spotted playing with the cows and chickens.
Farm animals are only one type of animal I adore. I own three dogs, a bird and two degu, (which are like hamsters). I just love any type of animal, big or small. Their eyes are so innocent and their hearts are filled with love. They don’t judge by looks or grades, but solely on the size of your .....
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Ballet Analysis: Self Evaluation
Number of words: 2005 - Number of pages: 8.... the floor much more in every exercise. On the releves, I focused on tightening my abdominals and lengthening my lower back. Its amazing how much that centers your balance! I also noticed that at the beginning of the course, my feet would cramp terribly during the releves, but as I got stronger, the cramping stopped and my releve became much higher. The balances in coupe were extremely helpful. I learned that if I really press my working knee back and shift my weight way over my supporting leg, I can balance much longer. I also noticed, however, that when I balance I find myself tensi .....
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Personal Writing: My Senior Prom
Number of words: 775 - Number of pages: 3.... of beef stood out to draw everyone near. The
shrimp had a salty smell with a hint of ocean water. The bell peppers, both
green and red, had a tart smell, compared to their fleshy counterparts. My
taste buds watered, but nothing could compare to the next course I was about to
After devouring the hors d'oeurves, the main course was set before us.
The arrangements of Chinese styled meats, rice, and vegetables were scrumptious.
The roasted chicken with its dry skin was covered by an orange sauce with green
onions glued to the surface of the sauce. The rice, darkened to the color of
li .....
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