Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Number of words: 693 - Number of pages: 3.... colored jelly beans being hidden all over the house. It was a tradition; the bunny would come in the middle of the night, hopping about delicately as not to wake my brother and me and spread the magical colored jelly beans about the house. My brother and I would race about the house as though we were searching for a million dollars that had been Hidden. Our dog, Ginger, ways managed to find the really tough spots were my brother and I had failed our search and took her share of the magical jellybeans. After the hunt, the aroma of quiche, baked bread, and pastries would lure us the k .....
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Snow White
Number of words: 1003 - Number of pages: 4.... with a size
double "D". Even she was surprised by the growth; however, no one was more
surprised than Snow White's stepmother.
The Queen, even in her younger days, had always had the largest
mammary glands in the kingdom. With the sudden growth of Snow White the
Queen began to doubt herself. So she went to her magic mirror to ask if
she was still the most buxom woman in the land.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the bustiest of them all?"
The mirror, as expected replied, " You are, of course, my most
sovereign Queen." Satisfied, the Queen let the matter settle for .....
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Personal Writing: Non-Conformity
Number of words: 673 - Number of pages: 3.... receiving that knowledge at
that church.
I met some really great people last year who went to Redeemer's. I
was invited to one of their youth group meetings, and I was amazed that
thirty high-school kids were there. We talked in-depth about Jesus and
chapters of the Bible. I really enjoyed it. I talked to my parents about
switching churches. They knew that Redeemer's was right for me, but at the
same time, they wanted me to stay with my old church. I tried to do both
for a while, but my old church kept wanting me to commit myself to them. I
found myself wanting to be a part of Redeemer's .....
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A Trip To The Dark Side
Number of words: 846 - Number of pages: 4.... willing to agree with Steve, who had been his best friend through grade school. After five minutes of discussing memories, praying, and then telling each other how much they would miss each other, a ship came out of nowhere. It was a black ship, very large and elegant looking. From a distance, it appeared to be a cruise ship. As the ship came closer, Steve spotted a name on the ship. It read, “SSDARKSIDE”.
The crew of the ship appeared odd. The crew all had burn marks over their bodies. “This is very odd,” thought Steve and Hector,but they figured this was the best they coul .....
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Creative Writing: Friends Till The Very End
Number of words: 1329 - Number of pages: 5.... almost by habit to gaze once more
at the Arizona Memorial stretching white and graceful, remembering painfully
that this would be the last time that he would ever walk along this beautiful
As his eyes watched the waves, and how they caressed the muddy shoreline, he
began to think of the future. His thoughts were quickly disrupted.
“Hey bud, how's it going? What was so important that you had to talk to me
about?” Chris asked.
“It's to hard. I can't go on with it.”
“What? What can't you go on with?” Chris demanded urgently.
“It's just, that, that, this will be our .....
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Personal Writing: My First Impression Of My Teacher Miss Vicki
Number of words: 385 - Number of pages: 2.... the fact that we were going to meet each other for
the next 365 days. Instead of trying too hard to lick her boots, I tried my
best to be my natural self in front of her.
Still, I could not shake off the ice-cold image that she possessed
in my heart. True, her corney jokes sometimes sent me into frolicking
laughter, yet at other times these jokes simply fell flat the moment she
uttered them. My lovely class, however was always ready to laugh at the
right time and place of her amusing stories. Afterall, we would not want to
run the risk of her temper erupting in front of us like Mount Saint .....
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Finding Aviation In A Boy's Heart
Number of words: 651 - Number of pages: 3.... signs turned on. I quickly hopped into the window seat and buckled my seatbelt. Soon the soothing voice of a flight attendant was giving instructions over the intercom on emergency procedures. I began to hear the whining of the engines, and with a clunk, we began moving. As the plane began to roll backwards, the captain announced on the intercom how long the trip would be.
When the plane finally reached the runway, the engines started to scream as more power was wanted. Rolling down the runway all that I saw was a blur as everything raced by the window. All at once the plane rocked b .....
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Personal Writing: A Devoted Teacher
Number of words: 312 - Number of pages: 2.... his colleagues as well.
In his spare time—he coached kids’ swimming and the debate team. He was a favorite man because his life was intertwined with so many others. He was like your best friend and your father, all in one. He spent his time away from work with family and friends.
Mr. Wang died of a heart attack in his classroom. Everyone was shocked. We felt sorry and sad to lose such a wonderful and caring human being.
Nineteen years past, we still remember his smiling face and his wise eyes, especially the knowledge and skills applying to the mathematical questio .....
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Creative Writing: "My House"
Number of words: 495 - Number of pages: 2.... The handles and the frame is made of brass. As I continue around
the house I come across three windows overlooking the entrance to the house.
There are black shutters on each window. As the porch continues to the south
side of the house I am now looking over the Pacific Ocean. A huge eight foot
picture is facing the same way I am. As I look down and observe the ocean I
see two piers jutting out into the Pacific. On either side of the piers are
huge boulders protecting the coast line from erosion. The house's walls are
made of stucco and it has an old fashion shingles that are a cl .....
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Personal Writing: Museum Of Tolerance
Number of words: 833 - Number of pages: 4.... and explained what they were and what they were used for. It
didn't take very long for our tour guide to show up and lead us to the main
tour. There was a short, maybe 15 minute tour with a tour guide, then a
two and a half hour audio tour.
The tour guide led us to two doors and told us to choose one.
Above each door was a label one with the word "prejudice" and one with the
word "unprejudiced." I tried to go through the unprejudiced door only to
find out it was locked. When I asked the tour guide why it was locked she
told me that everyone has their own prejudices at one time or ano .....
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