Fools And Kings In King Lear
Number of words: 1109 - Number of pages: 5.... wickedness. Edmund realizes that his evil is self-taught. This soliloquy shows the audience Edgar's foolishness in his belief that malevolence is the force that drives one to greatness or prosperity. It also illustrates the bastard's mistaken belief that by fooling his father, he might be able to eliminate Edgar, the competition for Gloucester's title, and possibly rid himself of his father in the same
act. This is a prime example of immoral foolishness in King Lear.
Another type of fool in King Lear is the ignorant fool. Whereas characters such as Goneril, Regan, and Edmund are f .....
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Chopin's "The Storm": Summary
Number of words: 812 - Number of pages: 3.... she is unaware of the sexuality and passion within her.
As Calixta is gathering up the laundry, Alcee Laballiere enters the
yard, seeking shelter from the coming storm. My first impression of Alcee
is that he is pretty well off in the world. Although I see Bobinot as a
simple man. There is a mutual attraction between Calixta and Alcee, and
this attraction is not new. Calixta has not seen Alcee very often since
her marriage, and never alone. The attraction between Calixta and Alcee is
only briefly explored. With Alcee's arrival comes the beginning of the
rain, and he asks to wait out .....
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All Quiet On Westren Front
Number of words: 1051 - Number of pages: 4.... only home. "We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces. We are not youth any longer." They have lost their innocents. Everything they are taught, "the world of work, duty, culture, and progress" are not the slightest use to them because the only thing they need to know is how to survive. They need to know how to escape the shells as well as the emotional and psychological torment of the war. The war takes an heavy toll on the soldiers who fight in it. The terror of death will infest the minds of soldiers and bring about horrible images of d .....
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The Sun Also Rises By Ernest H
Number of words: 384 - Number of pages: 2.... of what was written on the pages. There is a scene towards the end of the book where Jake finds all of his friends eating at a restaurant and thinks to himself that he is too far behind to catch up. Jake always seems behind, or at least only a marginal player put so in his position because of his injury. He must have had relations with Brett before the injury and was a "player" before it, so this leads to the assumption that Jake purposely removed himself from being a participant. As I was reading I was trying to make connections and read into the story to try and understand if there was .....
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The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe By
Number of words: 726 - Number of pages: 3.... Marvin is a "bold, fearless, and cruel" man who changes his unlawful ways to win Miss Amelia's love. Rather than robbing houses he begins attending church services on Sunday mornings. In an effort to court Miss Amelia, he learns proper etiquette, such as "rising and giving his chair to a lady, and abstaining from swearing and fighting". Two years after Marvin's reformation, he asks Miss Amelia to marry him. Miss Amelia does not love him but agrees to the marriage in order to satisfy her great-aunt. Once married, Miss Amelia is very aloof towards her husband and refuses to engage in marital .....
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A Separate Peace - A Journey T
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... and complicated friendship,
Finny and Gene developed a strong bond. Unfortunately a strong bond could not withstand Gene's insecurities, as he faltered in Finny's unknown pressures of conforming.
Another important theme is conformity. Conformity refers to the choices young people make regarding going along with the crowd and pursuing their own paths. They can either give in to peer pressure or be secure with their own individuality. Gene succumbs to peer pressure the first time he jumps off the limb into the Devon River. Even though he would have rather not done it, he went along with t .....
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City Of Joy
Number of words: 732 - Number of pages: 3.... he helped teach him about the rickshaw business and life in Calcutta. Ram showed Hasari where to get business and how to help the soreness from pulling. Another thing he taught Hasari was how to hide any illness he got. Ram also reminded Hasari how lucky he was to have what he did have. "Good old Ram, there was no one quire like him for making you realize that there was always someone worse off than you"(C.O.J. p. 161).
"Jesus of Anand Nagar, you know that I am here simply to share- so that together they and I can show you that we love you- you and your father, the father of mercy, the fa .....
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Free Will Versus Determinism
Number of words: 1083 - Number of pages: 4.... due to the person's choice. This would limit
God's omnipotence, which is unacceptable to some. The other argument for
determinism is causation, or causes and effects. This argument depends on
relationships that should happen with the same results every time, such as
a baseball breaking a window, breaking the window. Basing on this,
everything in the universe has a cause. And if all the causes and the
events were known, then it would be possible to easily predict the future.
If everything can be foreseen, then this proves that nothing that anyone
does can change the courses of the fut .....
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Grapes Of Wrath - Characterization
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... In an effort to preserve her Cracker Jacks, she threatens to call upon her brother, who has killed two men and is now in hiding. Ruthie's revelation endangers Tom and forces him to abandon both his hideout and family. Ma, whose primary goal has been to keep the family together, must bid another painful farewell.
Through his speech, Muley reveals that he is stubborn and refuses to accept the fact that things have changed. His home has been seized, and his family migrated to California, but he refuses to leave the land. Muley roams the countryside alone, sleeping and eating like .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird 2
Number of words: 1317 - Number of pages: 5.... by Jem and Scout. There was not
enough snow to make a snowman entirely out of snow, so Jem made a foundation out of dirt and then covered it
with what snow they had. If the snowman was made completely out of snow, Jem's action would not be so
significant. Scout is very surprised when she sees the brown snowman and she exclaims: "Jem, I ain't never heard
of a nigger snowman." (72), and to this Jem replies: "He won't be black long." (72). Scout's words indicate the
strange nature of the snowman which is half-black, half-white. Jem, however did not find it pecu .....
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