Mrs. Warren’s Profession
Number of words: 1117 - Number of pages: 5.... smart woman who is able to survive and make a profitable living in a man’s world. She made some hard decisions growing up as a child., as a result, she chose to be a professional prostitute. Her life style allowed her the riches, and luxuries not afforded to most women.
April 24, 1999
Mrs. Warren’s main goal in life was providing a better life for her daughter. With the help of her sister she was able to get a brothel established and made it extremely successful. Unfortunately, the title of Madam has no honor and causes her daughter .....
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My Lai Massacre
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... taught. It was hard for the GI’s to tell the kids to go away, because most of the GI’s just loved those kids and Calley couldn’t encourage them not to. Captain Medina is Calley's commanding officer. Medina wants him to burn down a corral. Medina wants a VC body count. Calley replies his count is zero and is told he is not doing his job and will be replaced.
One day the GI’s are checking the village. A VC sniper shoots at a GI and a chase through the village pursues. The children swarm the GI’s yelling there are no VC present in the area. Calley now wo .....
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The Intelligence Of Odysseus
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3.... and shoved it hot from the fire into the Cyclops’ eye. Then as the blinded Cyclops guarded the door with his sense of touch, Odysseus quickly gathered his men and instructed them to hang on to the belly of the sheep as they passed out the entrance. By his cunning and resourcefulness, Odysseus used the wine as a stunner, the pole as a weapon, and the sheep as a getaway vehicle.
To free his men from her evil spell, Odysseus (with a little help from Hermes) manipulated the witch Circe in her palace. Circe and her potion had turned the men of Odysseus into various sorts of animals. Odysse .....
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Revision Rich
Number of words: 1381 - Number of pages: 6.... listening only to what their hearts tell them. The three poems "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers," "Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law" and "Planetarium" are analyzed to demonstrate the changes in Rich's way of writing.
Rich wrote "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" in 1951, while she was a student. At this time in her life she conforms to tradition in her writing, and tries not to identify herself as a female poet. Rich does not identify herself as a female poet by detaching herself from her character and allowing her character to accept the life that man has placed upon woman. Rich's writing is constrai .....
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The Plague By Albert Camus
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2.... white and vomited often, he hurt so much from the vomiting that he seemed paralyzed. Mr. Rieux tried to help the man the best that he could, but he ended up dying. Michael was the first person to die of this illness. After his death, many cases of this illness were reported widespread. Again more details of sickness and death, this is the parallelism for this novel.
As the reports of sickness and death came to inform Dr. Rieux, he tried to comfort and cure the plagued patients. About ninety percent of the people infected had died. He wanted a stop to this plague. Quickly he linked the rat .....
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Hamlet - A Comparison To Humanity
Number of words: 978 - Number of pages: 4.... he writes:
What we have in the exploration and implicit
criticism of a particular state of mind or consciousness.In
Hamlet, Shakespeare uses a series of encounters to reveal the
complex state of the human mind, made up of reason, emotion,
and attitude towards the self, to allow the reader to make a
judgment or form an opinion about fundamental aspects of human
life. (192)
Shakespeare sets the stage for Hamlet's internal dilemma in
Act 1, Scene 5 of Hamlet when the ghost of Hamlet's fath .....
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Symbolism In Young Goodman Bro
Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... of her nature. The story directly supports this point in the phrase "Faith, as the wife was aptly named . . . " (184). Faith is persistent in trying to keep goodman Brown off the path of sin in the first part of the story: " . . . pr'y thee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night" (184). Hawthorne does an excellent job of turning the main characters into symbols that are prominent throughout the story.
Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses different objects in the story as symbols. One of these is the staff of the devil : "But the only thing about him, th .....
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The Five-forty-eight
Number of words: 1157 - Number of pages: 5.... suggests that there were many others before her. "Most of the many women he had known had been picked for their lack of self-esteem." It is clear that "picked" has a double meaning in this place. To fill a secretary's position was a mere masquerade, compared to the real reason of quenching his personal desires and victories. Because of his overconfidence, he underestimated Miss Dent. How could someone so young and frail do anything to harm a man like him? Now we begin to see a dark side of him. The words in the story begin to paint a picture of a man we are about to know a little bett .....
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An Analysis Of Buried Child
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5.... allow this abomination to grow up and live in his family, so he drowned it, and buried it in the backyard. We can guess that this is when the farm ceased to be fertile, and fell into disuse. This is a symbol of the death of honesty and the birth of the family’s terrible secret.
Why exactly does everything go wrong for this family? We don’t know exactly when the problems started, but we know that Ansel died on his honeymoon, Bradley cut off his own leg in a chain saw accident and is now mentally imbalanced, Tilden is nonfunctional and has been driven out of New Mexico, Dodge is a c .....
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A New Vision Of Masculinity - A Summary
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... resiliency, self-control, and physical strength."(78) Sometimes masculinity is related to violence; violence became the tool maintaining their masculinity among boys. Then, he mentions the two most critical socializing forces in a boy's life: homophobia and misogyny. He explains that homophobia, hatred of feminine qualities in men, and misogyny, hatred of feminine qualities in women, put pressure on them to avoid femininity, even good qualities of femininity.
Then, he argues the negative side of the "traditional view of masculinity." He claims that believing in masculinity is being tough, d .....
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