Brave New World
Number of words: 1075 - Number of pages: 4.... Predestination Room". It is here that they are given a caste designation (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon), carded into the main card index and stored. It is here that they are "sexed". Thirty percent of the female embryos are allowed to develop normally (to maintain the supply of initial ova). The rest of the female embryos are given a large dose of male hormone that renders them structurally female in all ways, but sterile.
It is also here that their caste designation determines how much oxygen they will receive in their bottle. "The lower the caste, the shorter the oxygen." The lower cast .....
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Poetry Assignment
Number of words: 1470 - Number of pages: 6.... The subject matter is perhaps similar in these two poems with the fact that both poems embody foul weather that prevent life from flowing in its normal path. To be more specific, a storm destroys plants, animals, and life in general, while a fog blocks out the sun and its energy to spring life.
In "Fog" the poet, Carl Sandburg, uses the weather condition of a fog as the main subject matter for his poem. The entire poem is literally focused on the fog above the city and harbor. Using a metaphor, Sandburg makes the fog come to life as if it actually had its own eyes to be able to overlook t .....
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A Drunk Bus Driver And A Bad A
Number of words: 1528 - Number of pages: 6.... come into contact with the beast coming through.
Bertha was 7 feet tall, and appeared to be one of those ex-weight lifters, that had been on steroids for most of their adult life. Her neck was bigger than that of football players, and her arms resembled those of the body builders sometimes on ESPN. Her gut brought thoughts of the worlds strongest man competition to mind. She was big, and no one, not even Superman, or Batman could get away with messing with her. To us she might as well have been dressed in some military uniform, carrying a leather riding-crop. The fear kept us in li .....
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A Raisin In The Sun
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... say precisely how the man is being
tormented. Moreover, the phrase "blood shod" shows how the troops
have been on their feet for days, never resting. Also, the fact that
the gassed man was "flung" into the wagon reveals the urgency and
occupation with fighting. The only thing they can do is toss him into
a wagon. The fact one word can add to the meaning so much shows how
the diction of this poem adds greatly to its effectiveness.
Likewise, the use of figurative language in this poem also
helps to emphasize the points that are being made. As Perrine says, .....
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Comparison Of Shakespeare Shal
Number of words: 1515 - Number of pages: 6.... no longer be commercially viable for him to take over his fathers business. In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was the daughter of a local farmer, to whom he had a daughter in 1583 and twins, a boy and a girl, in 1585. The boy did not survive. By 1592 William Shakespeare had attained success as an actor and playwright in London. His Sonnets and poems, written between 1593 and 1609, also established him as a gifted and popular poet of the Renaissance.
Shakespeare’s poetic efforts include a series of one hundred and fifty four Sonnets, in which he developed the Shakespearean .....
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Antigone-Higher Law Vs. Laws O
Number of words: 930 - Number of pages: 4.... whether to give him a proper burial or yield to the king's wishes and allow his body to be desecrated. She chooses to bury him, citing the will of the gods. "I will bury my brother, and if I die for it…convicted of reverance-I shall be content" , she remarks to her sister in defiance. Later, when captured and brought before Creon himself, Antigone continues to push her holy defense, "I do not think your edicts strong enough to overrule the unwritten unalterable laws of God and heaven, you being only a man." Her opinion is routed in the belief that a proper burial will secure her b .....
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Essay On Separate Peace
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3.... For insistence, the reader can see that friendship does develop when Gene is asked by Lepper to come done because he escaped. Leppers trust toward Gene is shown especially because Gene understands his emotional state. However all of these boys are drawn to each other because of the fo! rces surrounding them. So, for Gene and Finny, unlike Lepper, they realize their dependency on each other. Thus their friendship would not have evolved if it were not for war. Both Gene and Finny experienced an inner and outer war. Internally the protagonists are searching for their own separate peac .....
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Grapes Of Wrath And Jim Casy
Number of words: 2487 - Number of pages: 10.... for was supposed to be , Casy was hailed and respected by many for simply being a preacher. Casy and Jesus both saw a common goodness in the average man and saw every person as holy. Both Christ and Casy faced struggles between their ideals versus the real world. (Despite Casy's honesty, goodness, and loyalty to all men, he would not earn a meal or warm place to stay. Although Jesus had many followers, still others opposed his preaching until the very end. ) These prophets attempted to disengage man from the cares of the world and create a high spiritualism that stemmed joy from misery. .....
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Through The Tunnel By Doris Le
Number of words: 857 - Number of pages: 4.... then he was in the real sea - a warm sea where irregular cold currents from the deep water shocked his limbs" clearly describes the beach where the boy is swimming and how it is seen by him. With the addition of words like "discoloured monsters" and "real sea" we can tell what the boy's feeling are toward his beach which he considers scary but at the same time challenging.
By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator is able to render the characters with information related both from direct description and from the other character's revelations. This way, the descriptio .....
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Common Sense
Number of words: 582 - Number of pages: 3.... would not protect America. Paine’s third point is the fact that Britain is a monster. In this point he states that England brings tyranny to America because of the persecutions of emigrants that came to America in the first place and that Britain still pursues the descendants of the first emigrants.
In Thomas Paine’s second point he states that the British form of government cannot keep peace within America anytime longer. Paine gives two points to support his idea of this; one is the fact that the King can pass any law he wants upon America because he still has absolute .....
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