In Our Time By Ernest Hemingwa
Number of words: 375 - Number of pages: 2.... admit that despite not being at the center of your course I could not help but think of how much Hemingway's content was influenced by his life. Many of the stories like "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife" were based directly on personal experiences of Hemingway's life. Since it is not the focus of your course, I am trying to just accepted the content and concentrate more on writing style and the way Hemingway writes something. I have found it difficult to pay close attention to both the story and the writing at the same time and have had to reread several times. "The Three-Day Blow" offered .....
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Julius Caesar - Mark Antony
Number of words: 1031 - Number of pages: 4.... by shaking their hands and saying, "Friends
am I with you all, and love you all..." (III i 220). This act symbolizes that
Antony has made a new friendship with the conspirators, but in reality, he is
plotting to seek revenge so he can take over Rome. Antony is also able to
flatter the vast angry crowd in order to get his way. He is first able to get the
crowd to feel sorry for him. This feeling is evident when the second plebeian
says, "Poor soul, his eyes are red as fire with weeping" (III ii 116). Antony is
then able to turn the people in the crowd agai .....
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Mark Twain 2
Number of words: 501 - Number of pages: 2.... those times America was going through great tribulation and was in need of relief from the Civil war. Through humor he eased the pains of America and also made himself a popular literary figure of the time. In the story "Life on the Mississippi" he writes of the life in a small town on the Mississippi where steamboats passed and little boys dreamed. Written about a small average American town, yet there is so much truth revealed within it and how it is the American experience. He traveled through out America experiencing much of the country, the life and the people, and writing thin .....
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Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Number of words: 1605 - Number of pages: 6.... fall from grace in the garden.
Originally, the first duty of a knight was to be at the service of his church. However, with the rise of courtly love, knights began to give their devotion to their mistress rather than God. This elevated the church’s mistrust of women and the flesh. The characterization of Bertilak’s wife is not unlike that of Eve, a temptress who would bring both happiness and despair to her man. One interesting twist to this story is that, like courtly love, possession of power seems to be shifted into the hands of the women. The wife of Bertilak operates .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... class. Laborious individuals and those who possess great physical strength are
often said to be “as strong as a horse.” Boxer is both hardworking and extremely powerful. He was able to do as much work as all the other animals combined. He was also dedicated to his tasks. His motto, “I will work harder,” gave the rest of the farm inspiration to carry on. He worked himself to death for the well-being of others. Horses are known for their loyalty and determination. Boxer is a fine representative of the common hardworking citizen.
The other stereotypical members of society are .....
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Number of words: 1157 - Number of pages: 5.... to have fun. Shelton was upset because of the facts that nobody cared about the school. He had the idea that if they got a student to run for president things would change.
Paul Abrams is a conniving teenager who causes trouble when he is around his best friend Sheldon. Since he was the new kid, he acted shy and quiet until he made some friends. Paul met a teen named Sheldon, he was Paul’s first friend in New York and they shared similar interests. When he arrived at Don Carey High he felt weird because it was a dump and know cares about what happened to it. Paul knew right from wrong but S .....
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James Joyce (Araby And Eveline
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0.... .....
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Orthello As A Satistic Figure
Number of words: 1181 - Number of pages: 5.... that he is reluctantly holding back the full truth: "I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth/ Than it should do offense to Michael Cassio" (I.ii.21-22). This deception impresses and convinces Othello that his ensign is a good and loyal soldier. Iago also succeeds in deceiving Cassio. After Cassio's drunken fight, Iago counsels him to speak to Desdimona about trying to convince Othello to reinstate him as lieutenant, all the while knowing that this will only prove helpful to his plan of having Othello see him with Desdimona. Cassio answers him: "You advise me well . . . Goodnight, ho .....
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Number of words: 417 - Number of pages: 2.... respect for authority. Most of the problems in his life he blamed his father for, whom he referred to as the "bore." Yet when Mr. Pignati died John realized that he was the one to blame for abusing his trust, and that he could no longer hide from his problems. Lorraine's mother constantly put her down and left her with very little self-confidence. As a result Lorraine was very shy, too shy to stop John from throwing a big party in the (Mr. Pignati)'s house. Yet when the died, she knew something had also died in her, and took responsibility for Mr. Pignati's death.
At the end of the pl .....
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1984 2
Number of words: 1197 - Number of pages: 5.... of the people." (page 6). To the corrupted government, physical control is not good enough, however. The only way to completely eliminate physical opposition is to first eliminate any mental opposition. The government is trying to control our minds, as it says "thought crime does not entail death; thought crime is death." (page 27). Later in the novel the government tries even more drastic methods of control. Big Brother’s predictions in the Times are changed. The government is lying about production figures (pages 35-37). Even later in the novel, Syme’s name was left ou .....
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