A Rose For Emily 5
Number of words: 1504 - Number of pages: 6.... the story with Miss Emily's funeral, where the men see her as a "fallen monument" and the women are anxious to see the inside of her house. He gives us a picture of a woman who is frail because she has "fallen," yet as important and symbolic as a "monument." The details of Miss Emily's house closely relate to her and symbolize what she stands for. It is set on "what had once been the most select street." The narrator (which is the town in this case) describes the house as "stubborn and coquettish." Cotton gins and garages have long obliterated the neighborhood, but it is the only house left. .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities - Foreshadowing
Number of words: 851 - Number of pages: 4.... cask is broken in the street. Many people rush around the puddle on the ground trying to scoop it up and drink as much as they can. Dickens describes the rush to the spilled wine by saying "The people within reach had suspended their business, or their idleness to run to the spot and drink the wine... some men kneeled down, made scoops with their two hands joined and sipped."(Dickens 27). This goes to show how desperate the people are. The quote also infers that many people are unemployed. As a joke, a man writes the word "BLOOD" on a wall next to where the cask broke o .....
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1984 4
Number of words: 1920 - Number of pages: 7.... The girl who was following him slipped him a note while at work. The note said, I love you. They make plans to meet each other and carry on an illegal love affair. This love affair is another rebellion against the government. It goes on for some time. Winston rents a room where he and Julia can be secluded from the outside world. They meet a man named O'Brien who indicates that he is another revolutionary. Winston and Julia go to his house to meet with him. O'Brien gives than a seditious book to read. Soon after that, they are caught by the Thought Police and never see each other a .....
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Setting Goals For Yourself
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... have a degree and experience .
Short term goals are often more easily obtained then long term goals . Long
term goals can take years even a full life time to accomplish . Though they
are usually more difficult to accomplish , they are usually more
significant . The accumulation of short term goals helps you accomplish the
long term goals .
After finishing school, I hope to get a good job , with advancement
opportunities , that I enjoy doing . I do not want to settle for a decent
job . I want to have an excellent career that will last for a long time .
Over the last several years I have .....
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Beowulf: Short Story
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4.... allowed the Ventarians to eat enough to stay healthy, but nothing
more. Before the Filth-Sammich arrived, the people were loyal and faithfully
devoted to their respected ruler. The monster lived in a gigantic cave which
was a ten-minute walk to the edge of town. It was rumored that when the Filth-
Sammich swallowed you, you were slowly digested over a week or two. The beast
also made it clear that it had powers beyond the forces of nature that allowed
him to mentally witness the actions of anyone within the borders of Ventaria
simply by thinking about it. With this in mind, town .....
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Periods Of English Literature
Number of words: 1502 - Number of pages: 6.... now known as England. The main characteristic of this time was the heroic ideal, which was the attempt by a hero to do things such as sailing a ship through a storm and taming a horse better than anyone else. The hero’s first priority, however, was to always be ready to fight. The Angles were a heathen race, worshipping old Nordic gods and Wyrd (fate). It is very important to remember that it was the Anglo-Saxons who determined the basic language and culture of the English race, therefore it was them that were the foundation upon which literature would stand. The first literat .....
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Woman Warrior
Number of words: 1195 - Number of pages: 5.... the connection between food and strength. During the beginning of her story she claimed she no longer needed meat. After she became starving, she breaks down and eats meat. “…I saw the rabbit had sacrificed itself for me. It had made me a gift of meat” (26). Her will was eroded by the hunger because as her hunger increased, she became weaker and her resolve was easier to destroy. When the narrator was not starving she was in control of her faculties. Hunger however, strips her even of vision, as she imagines things that do not exist. The narrator says, “Hunger .....
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Henry James Book Report
Number of words: 2887 - Number of pages: 11.... and Isabel are both extremely attractive and charming, which cause them to have more than one marriage proposal from wealthy and eligible bachelors. This option would alleviate their financial concerns but would also restrict their personal freedom. Isabel refuses the proposals of Casper Goodwood and Lord Warburton , because she does not want to be someone's wife even though getting married would give her security and approval of society. Lily, however, actively seeks out potential suitors and uses her beauty to manipulate men and to win the admiration of her peers. To get marr .....
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Wild Meat And The Bully Burgers
Number of words: 2038 - Number of pages: 8.... all the trimmings. She wants to marry a haole so she can have a haole last name. Lovey makes haole friends so that she can sleep over their houses and eat their food. Her father says that she is crazy for wanting to be friends with haoles, and that she should stop.
Lovey and her family do many things together. They sit on the back porch picking fleas off of their dogs, squeezes blackheads off of her mothers back, count all white cows, sing war songs, and pick macadamia nuts for extra money. A normal Sunday afternoon would be their Mother smoking Parliaments on the porch of their house, grumbl .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Symbols
Number of words: 2103 - Number of pages: 8.... themes for many of his future writings. To make ends meet at home, Miller worked as a truck driver, a warehouse clerk, and a cargo-mover; consequently, these odd jobs bring him close to the working-class type people that will later be the basis of many characters in his plays. It is while he is involving himself in these jobs that Miller forms his love for literature; he is greatly impressed by Fyodor Dostoevski’s The Brothers Karamazov because it questions the unspoken rules of society, a concept he often wondered about, especially after the Great Depression. He believes that America .....
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