Huckleberry Finn - Life On The River
Number of words: 864 - Number of pages: 4.... ‘Here is the way we put in the time.’ Presents Huck’s idyllic life on the river is as routine. The words ‘then’ and ‘next’ are repeated several times in the first half of the passage, their function and effect is ensure that the passage flows, much like the river, in a slow and constant sequential manner.
A sense of relaxed movement is conveyed and emphasised by diction and alliteration throughout the passage ‘then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness’. The use of onomatopoeia ‘swift’ allows the passage to progress in the same continuous and serene motio .....
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Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... in direction but also in intensity. At first, the Executioner mentioned his first experiences of killing the enemy-soldiers headquarters had handed down to him. He described them as "delicate assignments". The first time, he said he threw up. The second, he was ill for days, the third, drank a bottle of alcohol, the fourth, a few glasses of beer, the 5th he joked about it, and finally the sixth, remorse, for it was fe killed. As you can see, he was slowly desensitized to his job. That is, he comfortably adapted to it and as he eliminated each of the five soldiers before , the intensity of .....
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Down Goes Hurston
Number of words: 1285 - Number of pages: 5.... his duty to critique literature truthfully. In Hurston’s novel she rarely states anything about the reality of the South at that time. ‘"Brothers and sisters, since us can’t never expect tuh better our choice, Ah move dat we make Brother Starks our Mayor until we can see further"’(40). In this passage Hurston uses a soft pleasant type of diction. In that south at the time, people were not accepted into towns if they were new to the area. Jody, Janie’s second husband, takes charge and becomes the mayor. The people in the novel respect Jodie and Janie. Being a black .....
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Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... him. Yet Carton had a pathetic need to be around Lucie. For example, he swore that he would come visit Lucie and her kids frequently.
The major reasons for Sidney Carton’s death revolved around Lucie Manette. Chances are Sidney would have given up alcohol if he could have married Lucie. He most likely would have become a prosperous lawyer if he needed to support a family. Carton would not have been the “jackal” anymore, as described by his law partner Mr. Striver.
One might think that if Carton cleaned up his act he could have convinced Lucie to be his wife. The opinion Lucie ha .....
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The Relationship Between Snowb
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... reign by using the dogs to exile him from the farm. Shortly after, he halted the construction of the windmill. More often than not he would cleverly work his way around the seven commandments by altering them to his pleasure. For example, “Now animal shall drink alcohol to excess.” Or “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” Napoleon grounded the rations of each and every animal. The farm slowly fell into a dark abyss with every wretched move Napoleon made.
What’s worse, Napoleon came to constantly use Snowball to shift the blame on every small mishap .....
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Number of words: 1168 - Number of pages: 5.... as his use of "etc." depicts. However, the narrator’s ignorance and his perception of the blind man’s life is obvious. Because the narrator cannot understand life without vision, he assumes that the blind man cannot either, and that anyone that is affected by blindness is unsatisfied.
Shortly after the narrator sets the initial tone, he cites an example that plays an important role in the rest of the story. He talks about how, "on her last day in the office," the blind man "asked if he could touch her face." As he continues his description of ho .....
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Return To Babylon Analysis
Number of words: 1524 - Number of pages: 6.... may not be a reliable person. There are also certain situations in the story, which questions Charlie’s sincerity about how much he has changed.
I think that Charlie’s love for Honoria is the biggest reason for him to regain her custody. Throughout the story, Charlie has expressed how much he loves Honoria and how much he needs her in his life. Honoria also expresses how much she loves her father and how much she misses him. She tells her father more than once that she would rather live with him than with her Aunt Marion. To separate a father and daughter from each oth .....
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A Violent Illumination Of Salvation
Number of words: 1700 - Number of pages: 7.... The price of redemption is high. O'Connor violently
shocks her characters, illuminates their shortcomings, and prepares them for
redemption as seen in: "A Good Man is Hard to Find," "Revelation," "The River,"
and "The Lame Shall Enter First."
Walters reasons, "The instruction of pride through lessons of humility is, in
each story, the means by which the soul is prepared for its necessary
illumination by the Holy Spirit" (73). The grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to
Find" and Rudy Turpin in "Revelation" is each convinced that she is a lady of
elevated status. When threatened by supe .....
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Young Goodman Brown
Number of words: 921 - Number of pages: 4.... the art of alchemy. Maybe Hawthorne is drawing a parallel here between the scientists of his day trying to control nature and by the failure of scientists to do this in the past. Aylmer's attempt to control nature leads to the death of his wife which is unnecessary, she is quite content with the minor facial blemish until he makes a big deal about it. Maybe this too is a parallel between the mass majority being content with the state of the world and a certain few who would like to make it better, and, in turn, destroy it. I can understand Hawthorne's idea. I live in constant fear .....
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Ode On A Grecian Urn
Number of words: 858 - Number of pages: 4.... stanza when he writes, "A burning forehead, and a parching tongue." By using these two literary elements in conjunction with each other he was able to create larger emphasis over that statement.
Allusion is the technique used to refer back in history or literature. Authors and poets both use allusion to bring content and a realistic environment to the work. Keats tells of the dales of Arcady, adding to his work, another dimension of reality.
Irony is the discrepancy of what is expected to happen and what really does happen. "Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss," is ironic because .....
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