Looking To The Future 1984
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3.... intentions, which is often what socialist rulers may have done and still may do.
Many of the ideas in 1984 were written to show predictions of what the world might be like if people did not question and act on what was happening around them. Orwell wrote 1984 after World War II when socialist governments which had gone wrong, like Russia, were becoming a powerful force in the world. Orwell, having once fought against Communist Russia, saw how much of a dangerous power they could become in the future, and in turn found it necessary to inform readers of what the future could hold. 1984 .....
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Paradise Lost The Devil Compar
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... pride caused him to believe he was equal to God. That belief led him to betray God, attempting to create a coup in Heaven. This action compares to Howe Cadet leaders when they betray other cadets, in vain, to gain more power. Satan thrived off the power he had in Heaven and tries to gain more, just as Cadet leaders often do. When he fails to gain more power, he looks to take revenge against those who resisted him.
After God throws Satan from Heaven, Satan realizes his mistake in underestimating the power of God and becomes spiteful. He refuses to accept his punishment and looks f .....
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Happiness In Brave New
Number of words: 728 - Number of pages: 3.... actions. Huxley states this coldly during Lenina’s trip home with Henry Foster, “‘What a hideous color khaki is,’ remarked Lenina, voicing the hypnopædic prejudices of her caste” (62). Khaki is a color worn by lower castes in the society and the higher castes are taught not to associate with them. Bernard’s hypnopædic lessons did not work as well as most. He sees everything in this artificially manufactured society as dismal, and does not act against it by using soma, a drug to induce a safe hallucination and keep one felicitous. For problems that nature creates, the .....
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Analysis Of Platos Purgatorio
Number of words: 1074 - Number of pages: 4.... of love manifests on the second terrace, the terrace of envy. He displays love in the goads of envy - caritas, or love of fellow men: And my good master said: "The sin of envy/ Is scourged within this circle; thus the cords/ That form the scourging lash are plied by love. (XIII 37-39) Another example of Dante's expression of love exists in Canto XXX and XXXI. It is the character of Beatrice that inspires Dante throughout his journey. When Dante finally meets the spirit of Beatrice, the beauty of Beatrice overwhelms Dante. In the confrontation, Dante reveals his true love for Beatrice .....
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Use Of Colors
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... the time"2. He did not help the situation
and contributed to his wife's dissatisfaction and disillusionment by not coming
home. He found his satisfaction through other people, thus he neglected Pauline.
To make up for this neglect and her own insecurities, Pauline sought
comfort through movies. Here she would sit and watch the perfect "white" world
of Hollywood. Here she would find her colors on the "silver screen". She had a
longing for these colors which was going to affect her life and the lives of her
family until it destroys them, especially Pecola.
When Pecola was born, a major .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Character Analysis
Number of words: 2310 - Number of pages: 9.... civilized behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people. The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of the evil inside themselves and in some cases, made the false politeness that had clothed them dissipate. However, the changes experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This is attributable to the physical and mental dissimilarities between them. Jack was first described with an ugly sense of cruelty that made him naturally unlikeable. As leader of the choir and one of t .....
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The Journey Of Odysseus And Telemachos
Number of words: 2541 - Number of pages: 10.... their emotional status has resulted in. These
all partake a immense role in the way the story is set up, stemming from
the purpose of each characters journey, their personal challenges, and
the difficulties that surround them.
The story commences when Odysseus, a valiant hero of the Trojan war,
journeys back home. Together with his courageous comrades, and a several
vessels, he set sail for his homeland Ithaca. Fated to wander for a full
ten years, Odysseuss ships were immediately blown to Thrace by a powerful
storm. The expedition had begun.
Upon this misfortune, he and his men s .....
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White Fang
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... very simply put symbolizes Satan. This man, this creature so vile as to subdue yet another victim () into his ever-growing underground slavery prison camps. The greed for money and profit is the only need for this "prison camp"; the dog-fighting gambling is their prison cell. A comparison between the bulldog Cherokee and death itself can be made. Once death has you, there is no way of escaping. When Cherokee had gripped between his jaws, "There was no escaping that grip. It was like Fate itself, and was inexorable," (London 139). Surely enough, God (Weedon Scott) .....
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Fallen Angels
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... into the war a little scared, because he doesn’t know what to expect. After
Perry is wounded and sent back to war he becomes horrified by the thought of going back to war, and throws up. Another difference between Perry before an after the war is the fact that before
the war he had never killed anyone or had been around death that much. After the war you know that he will never forget these tragedies, because these are very traumatizing things to see, and they
scar for life. One example that probably scared Perry for the rest of his life were the sounds he
heard after Brew, and .....
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The Crucible--comparing Play A
Number of words: 982 - Number of pages: 4.... as opposed to the play. First, the large group of "stricken" girls, which indeed had a greater number than did the group in the play, left the church meeting at the beginning of the movie to see about Betty's condition. Betty seemed to be much more violent in the movie and she tried to jump out of the window, which did not occur in the play. These details were most likely added to augment the idea of "mass hysteria." A scene was added in the movie, showing the hangings and cheers of the crowd watching, also to add to that effect.
Next, Tituba was not whipped into confession in the play, wher .....
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