Romeo & Juliet
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... end the
hostilities between the two houses. When he says "Shall
Romeo by my letters know our drift, and hither shall he
come; and he and I shall watch thy waking, and that very
night shall Romeo bear thee to Mantua." (Act 4, Scene 1), he
tells Juliet how everything will be all right.
Unfortunately, for all his good intentions the play still
ends in tragedy.
Friar Lawrence is a man who is not afraid to take risks when
he feels it is neccesary to help someone. For example in
Act 2, Scene 6, when he marries Romeo and Juliet, he is
risking his reputation a .....
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Book Report - Lies My Teacher
Number of words: 1424 - Number of pages: 6.... infancy and how men tried to pursue their way of thinking as opposed to what is good for the country they would be ashamed at what the United States has stood for in the past.
Heroification is a degenerative process that makes people into heroes regardless of any type of character flaw they may possess. It appears that Mr. Loewen’s greatest concern about heroification does not revolve around who gets chosen for the history books but what actually happens to them after they do. He cites two examples of people that had led colored lives but in our textbooks show them as people we should .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... his position of high
authority. Oedipus displayed anger throughout the whole story, which did
not help him at all. During the story, we learn of Oedipus' anger as he
knocked a passerby at the meeting of the three highways; "I struck him in
my rage". Later, this passerby whom he angrily and quickly killed, was
revealed to be Laios, Oedipus' father. Oedipus' anger also quickly
shifted his judgement of Teiresias. "We are in your[Teiresias] hands.
There is no fairer duty", Oedipus' respect for Teiresias quickly changed as
Teiresias refused to tell of what was the trouble's cause. Oedip .....
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The Evils In The Chrysalids
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... playing together for endless hours. One day as they were playing Sophie's foot became caught between two stones. When David helped her free her foot he saw that she had six toes on each foot. Her toes really did not bother David in fact it made their friendship grow deeper in trust. They enjoyed going down to the stream to go catch little creatures. Sophie now felt quite comfortable around David and often took off her shoes to reveal her six toes. Their world came shattering down when Alan Ervin saw Sophie's footprint in the dirt that clearly showed her six toes. Sophie was now discover .....
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Social Criticism In Literature
Number of words: 1501 - Number of pages: 6.... vengeful and, for some of us, overly ambitious. Both
these books are similar in that both describe how, even with the best of
intentions, our ambitions get the best of us. Both authors also demonstrate
that violence and the Machiavellian attitude of "the ends justifying the
means" are deplorable.
George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, ". . . to discredit the Soviet system
by showing its inhumanity and its back-sliding from ideals [he] valued . .
."(Gardner, 106) Orwell noted that " there exists in England almost no
literature of disillusionment with the Soviet Union.' Instead, that
country is v .....
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A Rose For Emily -- Symbol Of
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... daughter, even at the age of thirty, to
make her own decisions. Moreover, he did not feel it was her place to act on her own behalf. Miss Emily willingly accepted her role in the household. The name and the attitudes that Mr. Grierson passed on to his daughter Emily symbolically opposed the change that was going on around them.
Even after his death, Miss Emily kept her father’s decaying body in the house. Following in her father’s footsteps, she clung tightly to the past telling everyone in the town he was still alive and refusing to accept the her father’s death. Although the law .....
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Themes Of The Color Purple By
Number of words: 1021 - Number of pages: 4.... her step-father and later on her husband, but eventually found her own freedom and peace of mind through Shug Avery and other influential women was a fiercely independent woman from the start. She made her own decisions, spoke her mind, and let no one, especially any man, take advantage of her. In a crucial moment for Celie, Shug stood up and made a decision, she said "That's it. Pack your stuff. You coming back to Tennessee with me." She acts on her own terms and does what she feels, no questions asked. Another example of this theme was the way Sofia, Celie's daughter-in-law, carried h .....
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Andrew Jackson
Number of words: 599 - Number of pages: 3.... the government there are many laws made pertaining to witchcraft. It is believed that if he or she is to dance, he is controlled by the devil. The subject of dancing is what gets the girls into trouble in the first place. The girls are seen by Parris dancing and conjuring evil spirits in the woods. “Witches” are what the girls are called by the people of the town. After they were caught, Parris goes upstairs to call Betty, his daughter, and Abagail, his niece, but Betty will not wake. This is when the
Christie 2
townspeople cry witch against her (Betty). Abagail says to her Uncle .....
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Analysis Of Frankenstien
Number of words: 543 - Number of pages: 2.... he is ecstatic that this horrible beast has left him.
Victors’ ignorance is viewed again when he does not tell anyone that he has created this monster, and that he is the murderer of William. He does not tell of this creature until his own welfare is on the line. He could have stopped these evil deeds the monster was doing if he would have finished producing his mate, but Victor makes up reasons so that he does not.
The monster on the other hand is the opposite of Victor Frankenstein. The feelings that the monster has are shown when he is first created. He tries to speak to Frankenste .....
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Number of words: 1239 - Number of pages: 5.... on different levels. Before watching the "show," he was filled with curiosity. So badly he wanted to view this "EXclusive" show. After glancing at the body, he first thought that it was a skinned animal. When he realized what it was, he at once left the tent, ashamed, and perhaps frightened of the object before his eyes.
Hazel’s reaction was not unnatural. The sight with which he was confronted would invoke both fear and embarassment within most ten-year-olds. Not only was the body nude, but it was inside a casket as well. The author parallels this vulgar display of sexuality wit .....
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