Fountain And Tomb- Ignorance A
Number of words: 1617 - Number of pages: 6.... the story is the concept of “Ignorance is bliss”, which is an old cliche meaning what we don’t know can’t hurt us. While massaging his naked female neighbor’s body, the narrator is asked if he’s going to tell his mother. No, he answers. “So you even know that certain things are better left unsaid! You really are a devil” (Mahfouz, 13). The neighbor makes the obvious point that sometimes there are things that don’t have to be repeated, for the benefit of all the parties involved. Some might argue that the Truth will always come out, and by hiding it someone will end up being .....
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People Of The Mist
Number of words: 760 - Number of pages: 3.... woman named Hunting Hawk, Her grand daughter, Red Knot, is murdered is murdered in the early morning of the day of her arranged marriage to Copper Thunder. He is a powerful chief of a different tribe. Red Knot loves a young warrior named High Fox, from a neighboring village, Three Myrtle. High Fox is the son of the Weroance of Three Myrtle Village, Black Spike.
Red Knot and High Fox hatch a plot to escape Flat Pearl Village and the arranged marriage to Copper Thunder. They plan to meet early in the morning of the day of her wedding and run away before anyone is able to miss them. Be .....
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Odyessy - Circe And Calipso
Number of words: 1080 - Number of pages: 4.... (155). Yet, when the story describes Odysseus, he is “wrenching his heart with sobs and groans and anguish” (156). Even though, Odysseus resides on a beautiful island with a goddess who takes care of him, he still wishes to be at home. Odysseus recognizes that fact that the island is beautiful, but he still longs to be at home. Additionally, Odysseus remains faithful to Penelope, not by modern day standards, but he chooses Penelope over the goddess. When Calypso questions Odysseus, he recognizes that fact that Calypso is more beautiful. Odysseus even mentions .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... about the Collins' after they marry. Austen’s use of Mr. Collins and Charlotte as flat characters is to show that marrying just to be married can lead to an unhappy life and to show the importance of marrying for love.
Although the Collins' lead a dull life, Mr. Bennet has the opportunity not to. There is plenty to keep him occupied with having five daughters and possibilities of marriage proposals. This, however, is not a concern of Mr. Bennet. First, he never seemed interested in pursuing a fatherly role towards his daughters. This is evident when Lydia turns out like she does and .....
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Oedipus The King 4
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... the potential to end the plague that has taken over the city of Thebes; however, Tiresias's refusal sends a message to the reader that it is better for Thebes to suffer than for the truth to surface. This leads Oedipus to believe that Tiresias is "bent on betraying us, destroying Thebes" ("Oedipus the King" 1. 377), ironically, this claim has an element of truth to it. In a way, Tiresias is betraying Thebes, and his choice makes sense only if the truth is more terrible than the possible destruction of the city.
Creon recognizes the dangerous nature surrounding the truth as well. With t .....
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Addicted To Love
Number of words: 1244 - Number of pages: 5.... heart is tortured until he confesses that Isolde is unfaithful; then just as cruel, he is fooled into believing she is his. This repeated scenario of torture is by far the highest tragedy in the romance. The climax of the abuse is when Mark questions his own senses after the discovery of the couple copulating in the garden. Blinded by the violent inebriation of amour, he disavows empirical proof of Isolde’s betrayal. While through the omnipotent narration the reader sees that Isolde never loves Mark, the king is nevertheless betrayed. First of course, he betrays himself. All indicati .....
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find
Number of words: 2672 - Number of pages: 10.... her images. She contrasts the two houses, The Tower: the restaurant owned by Red Sammy, and the plantation house. The restaurant is a "broken-down place"- "a long dark room" with a tiny place to dance. At one time Red Sammy found pleasure from the restaurant but now he is afraid to leave the door unlatched. He has given in to the "meanness" of the world. In contrast to the horrible Tower is the grandmother's peaceful memories of the plantation house that is filled with wonderful treasures. However, the family never reach this house because this house does not even exist on the this d .....
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Hamlet 15
Number of words: 1490 - Number of pages: 6.... must make sure that he is doing what is right. He does not want to be influenced by the devil in any way. The Christian thoughts of the time stated that vengeance was a sin. Hamlet wants to avenge his father's death but if he were to kill Claudius his soul may not be saved. Hamlet wants to be a better person than his Uncle, but if he were to become a murderer he would be just like Claudius.
One more place in this play that focuses on the Christian influence is in Claudius's bedroom. Hamlet argues with himself that he cannot kill Claudius at the end of Act III scene iii. Hamlet surmises t .....
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Harrison Ainsworth Rookwood An
Number of words: 1186 - Number of pages: 5.... and punishment’ in the nineteenth
Ainsworth started his writing career as a writer of Gothic stories for various
magazines. Gothic elements are included in Ainsworth’s novel: the ancient hall, the
family vaults, macabre burial vaults, secret marriage, and so forth (John, 1998, p. 30).
Rookwood is a story about two half-brothers in a conflict over the family inheritance.
The English criminal who Ainsworth decides to entangle in Rookwood was Dick Turpin,
a highwayman executed in 1739. However, echoing Bulwer, Ainsworth’s explanation for
his interest in .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 4065 - Number of pages: 15.... of a lifetime".
Marlow begins his voyage as an ordinary English sailor who is traveling to the African Congo on a "business trip". He is an Englishmen through and through. He's never been exposed to any alternative form of culture, similar to the one he will encounter in Africa, and he has no idea about the drastically different culture that exists out there.
Throughout the book, Conrad, via Marlow's observations, reveals to the reader the naive mentality shared by every European. Marlow as well, shares this naiveté in the beginning of his voyage. However, after his first few m .....
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