Shooting An Elephant
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... wild and dangerous towards the people. He seemed to try to convince himself that all animals go through this stage, however he could not face the fact that the people would think of him as a coward. Orwell made it obvious that he did not feel that it was the right thing to do. However he also brought it to the reader’s attention that the reason he did kill the elephant was because he felt he couldn't face the people if he didn't. He says, "To come all that way rifle in hand, with two thousand people marching at my heels, and then to trail feebly away having done nothing—no, that .....
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Shawshank Redemption 2
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3.... is keeping the one thing that he holds dear, hope. The hope that he would one day live as free man once again. Andy's best friend is a man named Red. Red was convicted of murder during a robbery at an age of 18 and was sentenced to life. He has had multiple parole board hearings and each of them were denied. Red has lost all hope of living one day as a free man again.
Andy keeps himself busy by transforming the prison into a more comfortable environment but he is never completely assimilated into prison life. Andy has a hobby of playing chess in which he carves the pieces with ran .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... permanently, if not physically then mentally. After the war the soldiers usually never recovered from the war. Two of the most common side affects of the war were shell shock and stir crazy. When suffering from shell shock a soldier’s brain doesn’t function properly and the man is a “vegetable”. This means the man is alive but he can’t do anything because he is in a state of shock because of the war. Stir crazy is a mental illness caused by the firing of so many bullets that when no bullets are heard by the victim he goes insane. Everyone was scared to go to war when it started. .....
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Number of words: 1069 - Number of pages: 4.... that no one else has. This is not always true. Most of Baxter's characters are all different in one way but yet are all very similar. Almost all of Baxter's characters have a desperate need to find peace in themselves. In "Kiss Away", Jodie seems to be not able to trust Walton after her encounter with Gleinya which makes me believe that she had been hurt before in the past, although we are never told this in the story. The same thing is seen in "Stained Glass", where Donna doesn't believe she can stay with Bobby, but after se received his stained glass portrait, she forgave him and .....
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Mark Twain - Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1281 - Number of pages: 5.... “the Missouri Negro dialect; the extremist form of the backwoods Southwestern dialect; the ordinary Pike County dialect... are used to wit...”. In Huckleberry Finn, as they traveled down the Mississippi River, the values of Huck and Jim were contrasted against those of the people living in the southern United States. Huck (the narrator and one of the main characters) and Jim(another main character) were both trying to reach freedom. Twain based this book on things that were happening during this time in his life. Huck was introduced without a father in his life. Twain .....
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Academic Shortcoming And Study Habits Of College Students
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... prepared students feel compelled to try college. Getting accepted by some schools isn't difficult. Once in, though, the student who has taken nothing beyond general mathematics, English, and science faces serious trouble when confronted with college algebra, first-year compostion, and biological or physical science. Most colleges do offer remedial courses and other asistance that my help some weaker students to survive. In spite of everything, however, many others find themselves facing ever-worsening grade-point averages and either fail or just give up.
Like academic shortcomings, poor s .....
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The Human Abstract
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... what it is. Only when we start to watch the nature from an internal perspective, based on own needs, it safety is in real threat. This frightening development can then arise in pure cruelty and its thoughts become actions. The darkness then drag us down under, and forces us to his side. With a friendly eye to the out side, it is easy to be fooled by its truly face.
"He sits down with holy fears,
and waters the ground with tears;
Then Humility takes its root
Underneath his foot."
The Mankind's soul is filled with different emotions. Fear is the most frightening feeling we have .....
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An Analysis Of British Literature
Number of words: 2732 - Number of pages: 10.... when he told Hrogthgar "Fate will unwind as it must." When
Grendel died, the soldiers "had no semse of sorrow, felt no regret for his
sufferings," because they believed Grendel was destined to die, and there
was no way to defy destiny. They also did not pity Grendel because they
considered him to be entirely evil because it was his fate. The Anglo-
Saxon's strong belief in fate led to them not fearing death as much as
during other times periods in British Literature. Beowulf's strong belief
in fate was a reflection in the society's pagan belief in fate. Due to the
fact that the .....
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Paradise Lost: Where Does Evil Come From
Number of words: 400 - Number of pages: 2.... a Hell of Heaven". Hell is clearly a state of mind. According to the non-physical aspects of Hell described at the end of the poem, one can conclude even from the quote mentioned above, that Hell is what we think of it to be.
Can the human exploration for answers, ambition for knowledge, and curiosity reach a level that then threatens humans themselves? The answer to this question is YES! If we examine subjects such as human cloning, nuclear weapons and medicine there may be different responses. My personal feeling is that anything that alters, or changes life itself, in exception to me .....
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Number of words: 1176 - Number of pages: 5.... with the slightest touch or trouble from an outside source, would recoil its leaves and take a defense position close to the garden that it grew within. Vito would retreat to this garden to escape the
troubles of the outside world when they became unbearable. He describes the garden to us as;
“The garden that kept them little children even as adults;”
This could be taken as that it did not actually affect Vito physically young but rather it altered him mentally. He would become like Adam and Eve before evil and like that of a young child, all ignorant of all troubles. Complex .....
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