Only Yesterday
Number of words: 1793 - Number of pages: 7.... died down and people began to face the realities that followed a post war nation. Troops were still marching into Germany and there was still a casualty list that added new names each day.
America faced other problems. Workers began to form Unions in order to gain more wages and benefits. One of the most notable strikes was the one by the Boston Police Department. The Police force went on strike and Boston went virtually unprotected. The criminals saw their opportunity and began to riot and loot. The National Guard had to be called in to regain order. It took several weeks for any semb .....
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The Gift Of The Magi And The N
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2.... original necklace. In "the gift of the Magi", a woman sells her hair to buy her husband a watch chain, only to come home to find that her husband sold his watch to buy her some hair combs. There are many similarities, though: the women in both stories need to get something and get it, only
to end up with something worse than before. The plots of these stories are good to contrast and compare, because they have so many similarities, but at the same time they are so different.
There aren't many similarities in the theme of these stories at all. They teach totally different lessons. For exampl .....
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What To Write
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... one paragraph, you run out of things to say. Therefore, you put it off, which causes you to run out of time. Then you find yourself writing your paper at the last possible moment, which makes it dull. Writing your paper at the last possible moment also fills it with unnecessary information, and oversized margins. After reading through these steps many people realize that this is exactly what they do. Robert tells you this paper would, more like than not, earn you a “D.”
The next two sections, “Avoid the Obvious Content” and “Take the Less Usual Side,” deal with making your .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3.... live her own life, but since her father had been controlling her for so long she wasn’t able to function without him. Since she wasn’t able to function without his presence Emily chose to live her life as if her father was still with her. She spent the majority of her time inside of her house because that was where she could best feel her father’s comforting dominance.
Emily was extremely resistant to modern changes in the outside world affecting her own world because she was determined to live in the past with the ghost of her father. When the new age of city authorities in the town .....
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Being Unprepared
Number of words: 817 - Number of pages: 3.... they had parked it. It was at this point in time that they discovered that it was illegal to take a rental car into Mexico.
When I was in high school, I was in the band. We lost a competition last year because we had won it the year before, and were cocky enough to think that we could just go down and win it again. We didn't even work that hard in practice for this reason. When we got to the competition, we lost it. We didn't only loose it, but we lost it by a large point margin. If we had prepared ourselves better, we may have been able to win it.
Then comes the subject that every student k .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage 2
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... physical and emotional limits have not been tested. The war gives him an opportunity to do so. It is very important for him to feel like he can succeed in the world; and he puts emphasis on the tests he is undergoing. I think that Henry's analytical nature is his best attribute. A good mental stature is the basis for a good person.
The setting to this story is key. In the beginning of the story, the setting is the bank of a river, and that represents the journey he is undertaking. Not just his enlistment, but the ever- moving journey of his life. He is going to go and do something. .....
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Sonnett 18
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... shake the darling buds of May," tells why the man’s beauty is greater than that of a summer’s day. Shakespeare uses "rough winds" to symbolize imperfections. The speaker is implying that there are no imperfections in the young man, but there are in the summer, so the man cannot be compared to a summer’s day. In line four the speaker adds to this thought by saying that the summer also does not last as long as the man’s beauty therefore it cannot be compared to it. Line five states another imperfection of the summer. Shakespeare uses "the eye of heaven" as a me .....
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Kingston's “No Name Woman”: Community's Role
Number of words: 425 - Number of pages: 2.... she had sex
against her will, she couldn’t have talked to anyone about it. “My aunt
could not have been the lone romantic who gave up everything for sex”
shows that she was not an immoral woman but someone who was forced into
having sex. She could not let anyone know what was happening with her. She
had no one to listen to her and understand her misery. She did not have
anyone to rescue her out of the fateful situation. Her own family treated
her as an “outcast”. They made her, the wrongdoer, be left alone. They
considered her an offender when she was not to blame. The villagers .....
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Willy (death Of A Salesman) Vs
Number of words: 1048 - Number of pages: 4.... a housewife. Willy often lapses into the past and talks to himself. He believes physical appearance to be the catalyst of a successful career; however, his sons, who are well built and attractive, turned out to be failures: " Biff Loman is lost. In the greatest country in the world a young man with such-personal attractiveness, gets lost."(Discovering Literature, 1215) His high expectation for his sons and their failure hurt him. Willy pretends to be a successful man in front of his wife. In addition, Willy does not like his wife to mend stockings, because he feels guilty for giving stockings .....
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Utopia Vs. Dystopia
Number of words: 962 - Number of pages: 4.... authors have expressed their views on utopia in their novels. Some have done it by creating their own perfect world, while others have chosen a different path. They have selected to voice their opinions in anti-utopian novels, or dystopia. An anti-utopia is simply the reverse of a utopian novel. The aim of both novels is basically the same. Both have as their objective the improvement of society. The anti-utopian novel, however, instead of presenting an ideal society toward which all men should strive, it basically presents a highly defined, completely hideous society. This type of nov .....
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