Hawthornes Reference To Anne H
Number of words: 1003 - Number of pages: 4.... Hutchinson.(religious leader)” 2). On the other hand, Hester did not become a respectable member in society until she was charged with adultery. People’s thoughts of her are shown here, “Such helpfulness was found in her,--so much power to sympathize,--that many people to interpret the Scarlet A by its original signification. They said it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman’s strength”(Hawthorne 111). Hester’s alienation from society made her sensitive to the problems of other people. This helped her to help them .....
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Diggin The Dancing Queen - Mur
Number of words: 1026 - Number of pages: 4.... the film. Muriel's siblings are unemployed and show no desire for a better future and the father, Bill reinforces his families' low self esteem by constant negativity. Muriel's desire to get married is at some level her opportunity to escape this environment.
Throughout the film, Muriel demonstrates avoidance behaviour. Music plays a large part of this process and becomes a symbol of freedom from her environment. She allies herself with a group of "trendy" and popular girls in an effort to disassociate from her lower class, dysfunctional family. Her motivation to improve herself and .....
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Lady Macbeth Is Worse Than Mac
Number of words: 478 - Number of pages: 2.... of Lady Macbeth's plot to kill the king. He doesn't think that he will be able to live with the guilt of killing his king while he is staying under his very roof, and then decides that he will not kill the king. This shows that Macbeth is thinking about what he is going to do, and shows that he does feel guilt and is weighing up the situation, unlike Lady Macbeth who never thinks twice about killing the king.
When Lady Macbeth notices that Macbeth has left the room, she goes to speak to him. Macbeth firmly tells her that they will not kill the king : "we will proceed no further in thi .....
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Howl & Kaddish By Allen Ginsberg
Number of words: 2615 - Number of pages: 10.... under the rug". Names can be mentioned: Jack Kerouac, Philip Whalen, Lawrence Felinghetti. Perhaps the most famous and most criticized of these "beatniks" is Allen Ginsberg. Allen Ginsberg was born on June 3, 1926 in Newark, New Jersey. His mother, Naomi, was a Russian immigrant, and his father Louis was a poet and Paterson, NJ teacher. Allen’s childhood was not always a happy one; Naomi went back and forth from mental hospitals and endured the physical abuse of Louis. She also had Communist leanings, thinking that spies were out to get her and that Hitler was on the way. .....
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Great Gatsby And Money
Number of words: 756 - Number of pages: 3.... seen such - such beautiful shirts before" (89). Soon, the reader comes to understand what makes Daisy's voice like this; "Her voice is full of money" (115). The truth of Gatsby's remark is immediately perceived, her voice is the key to all her magic. Daisy has an ulterior motive to just about everything she does; this motive is to gain money. Her voice carries the jingle of riches.
Tom is a man who is made out of and by money. Tom, being raised into a rich family, has had all the advantages of being rich throughout his life, "His family were enormously wealthy-even in college his free .....
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The Lives Of Confucius And Guatama Siddhartha
Number of words: 3049 - Number of pages: 12.... since Confucius' birth, he was a great student. All throughout his
childhood Confucius liked to play religious and cultural roles. By the age of
15, Confucius began to take his studies very seriously. He was a diligent and
studious learner and put forth his whole effort on his studies. Nothing is
known about his educators or his education.
Confucius started work at an early age, due to the fact that his father
died. By the age of seventeen, Confucius received a job in the public service.
Most likely this job was being a keeper of fields and cattle, a town governor,
or a court arbiter of .....
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Macbeth - Character Changes
Number of words: 1349 - Number of pages: 5.... that, and when Lady Macbeth finds out about the witches her strong desire for ambition and her cold nature leads Macbeth astray. Macbeth is a little ambitious at first, but Lady Macbeth’s far exceeds his and so she is able to get Macbeth to agree with her to kill King Duncan. Macbeth still has a conscience at this stage because he is very hesitant about killing the King but his weak nature over comes him. He has a conscience throughout the entire play as this is seen by the hallucinations of the dagger and the ghost of Banquo and his vivid imagination and his constant worry also provokes h .....
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Eating Gilbert Grape - Respons
Number of words: 892 - Number of pages: 4.... from wanting for his family, then his mother, Arnie, Ellen and we get the impression the list would have continued 'wanting' for other people, had Becky not interrupted.
Gilbert's good nature is apparent from the very start when he and Arnie are waiting for the caravans to pass through Endora. We can hear Gilbert describe the scene as a 'yearly ritual' in a very tired voice. Yet, we know he is doing it for Arnie. It pleases Arnie so much to see the caravans along the road, and Gilbert feels satisfaction that his brother is happy. To make someone else happy creates a warm feeling inside .....
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Was The Wife Of Bath A Feminis
Number of words: 1141 - Number of pages: 5.... everywhere.
The commonly used example of the Wife of Bath's so-called "feminism", is the incident in which she rips pages out of her husband's extremely sexist book. He proceeds to hit her in the head, causing her to fall to the floor in pain. This seems like an act of female liberation, but it is far from that. She did not think the horribly sexist stories her husband read to her were untrue. In fact, the stories sounded like something the Wife of Bath, herself, would say. She lashes out because she can not face her flaws. The Wife of Bath actually says that women can have no one "reprove u .....
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On The Waterfront
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5.... about the problem.
On the docks work was on a first come first serve basis. Friends of the mob was given good easy jobs while the other work tokens were thrown on the ground and the men would fight for them.
Characters – The main character is Terry an ex semi-professional boxer who became friendly with the mob during his career. He is a common unintelligent man (typical of his town) that unlike his brother quit school. He was the man that helped the mob kill a good man in the opening scene by distracting him to come onto the roof and check out his pigeons (Symbolic). His brother keeps the m .....
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