American Revolution Essay
Number of words: 595 - Number of pages: 3.... but the main act of provocation to the colonists was the stamp act. The stamp act was protested upon the principle of "no taxation without representation". The stamp act was affecting virtually all the colonists, and restricted economic prosperity, thus it was protested by colonists. The Townshend acts were also a factor in the economic theory, Sam Adams had said "The parliament was taxing illegally!", most colonists agreed, and a boycott of British goods resulted. When the British passed the Currency act, this left the paper money worthless, and the colonists had to rely (economically) .....
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Beowulf - Hero
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... Brecca, was because he had not only been swimming for seven nights, he had also stopped to kill nine sea creatures in the depths of the ocean. Beowulf is also strong enough to kill the monster Grendel, who has been terrorizing the Danes for twelve years, with his bare hands by ripping off his arm. When Beowulf is fighting Grendel's mother, who is seeking revenge on her son's death, he is able to slay her by slashing the monster's neck with a Giant's sword that can only be lifted by a person as strong as Beowulf. When he chops off her head, he carries it from the ocean with ease, but .....
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My Lost Love
Number of words: 2099 - Number of pages: 8.... was with made the date seem like Heaven. We dated non-
exclusively for about one month. On our one month anniversary, I
gave her my letter jacket which I earned playing varsity
football. And while I did that, I asked her to date exclusively.
She answered my question so fast I didn't realize that she said
yes. We started going out together almost every weekend and
talked on the phone all night and walked with each other to class
everyday, and I gave her a ride to and from school everyday. We
had been going out for about 3 months. The student body voted us
cutest couple of the year. We .....
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The Alchemist
Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you.' Before the boy could reply, a butterfly appeared between him and the old man. He remembered something his grandfather had once told him: that butterflies were a good omen. Like crickets, and like expectations; like lizards and four-leaf clovers."
Even when Santiago had almost given up his journey, after working in the crystal shop for eleven months and nine days, he finally earned enough money to go to Mecca and buy his sheep. But for some reason, he remembered what the old man had told him about seeking his Pers .....
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The Count Of Monte Cristo
Number of words: 1259 - Number of pages: 5.... is a Bonapartist, therefore it is the basis for his arrest and inevitable captivity in the Chateau D'If..
Basic Plot:
is a story about a sailor, Edmond Dantes, who was betrayed during the prime of his life and career by the jealousy of his friends. His shipmate, Danglars, coveted his designation as the captain of the mighty Pharon. Ferdinand Mondego wished to wed Mercedes, who was affianced to Edmond.
Danglars and Ferdinand wrote a letter accusing Edmond of carrying a letter from Elba to the Bonapartist committee in Paris. Caderousse, a neighbor, learned of the plot but kept silent. On hi .....
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Paralytic - Sylvia Plath
Number of words: 1654 - Number of pages: 7.... My wife, dead and flat, in 1920 furs,
Mouth full of pearls,
Two girls
As flat as she, who whisper "We're your daughters."
The still waters
Wrap my lips,
Eyes, nose and ears,
A clear
Cellophane I cannot crack.
On my bare back
I smile, a Buddha, all
Wants, desire
Falling from me like rings
Hugging their lights.
The claw
Of the magnolia,
Drunk on its own scents,
Asks nothing .....
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An Analysis Of The Philosophy Of Science
Number of words: 648 - Number of pages: 3.... which are true, necessary and unspurious. We think we possess we scientific knowledge, when we assume knowledge of the causes. This is not possible, because having scientific knowledge is being in this condition, and those who think they have this knowledge are not, but those who do really are. Which follows that anything of scientific knowledge cannot be otherwise. Nous (starting -points which are themselves knowable) grasps indemontratible starting points. Therefore, if scientific knowledge is what we say it is then demonstrative knowledge depends on premises of truth, which ar .....
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The Lesson: Expression Of Anger At An Early Age
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2.... in America. Miss Moore decides to take the children to a toy store on Fifth Avenue, where their lesson of the day begins. It is here that Sylvia becomes infuriated with the systems in America. She notices all of the expensive toys in the store window and inside the store, and wonders who would pay so much money for toys. Obviously, rich people are the only ones who can afford such expensive items. Sylvia feels that it is unfair for certain people to be able to buy certain things, while other people are struggling just to get by. One of the children in the group, Sugar, points out that all .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Theme Of Nature In His Works
Number of words: 932 - Number of pages: 4.... neither can you crack a nut” (lines 18 and 19). In this poem, Emerson was trying to say everything has different strengths and weaknesses, but in the end they end up equal. In the poem Water, Emerson compared water to life, “Well used, it decketh joy,... Ill used it will destroy,...” (lines 7 and 9). Water well used, like rain, nour .....
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Grapes Of Wrath Character Journal
Number of words: 649 - Number of pages: 3.... that box, it ain't fair! One day, I will get that stupid girl....
Lil' Ruthie got in a fight with some kids today. She tol' em 'bout Tom an' how he kil't two men an' how he's a-hidin'. It fri'ened me, and I had to go warn Tom. I tol' him to go far away, so no one would catch 'im. But that Ruthie, it ain't her fault', she just wanted her box o' Cracker Jack. No use for me hittin' her-she didn't know what she was a-doin. I can't let anger tear apart this famby now, I must keep lovin'. Oh, how I miss dear Tom, how we need him now...
Ma came to see me an' brought some good cooki .....
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