Odyssey, Learning About Himsel
Number of words: 1122 - Number of pages: 5.... most likely taken over the kingdom. That didn’t happen though. Odysseus learned self-control and humility. He may not be perfect at it, but going through all the humility made him a better man. Along the same topic, he was a king going through this humility. It would be one thing for a peasant to go through it, but a king? This made it even harder for Odysseus. He had rank above all the suitors and could rightly kick them out of his kingdom. Instead he waits for the right time and kills them all. The “pre-journey” Odysseus would of thought of himself invincible and probably wo .....
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Barn Burning
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... remembering things of his past. Switching between first and third person shows that the choice he made greatly affected him.
The way the characters are portrayed remarkably depicts Faulkner’s theme. The two conflicting characters are described in similar ways to show their differences. Abner is described by how people see and think about him. From the beginning his character is clearly depicted by the way people shout at him in the small, southern courthouse for burning barns. The story shows us he enjoys to burn barns and he feels no remorse in doing so. Sartoris sees what his fath .....
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Hunger Of Memory 2
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... another. He needs to do this in order to move from the private to the public society. This movement is voluntary by Richard and forced by his parents. It is done to help Richard’s education. It will give him better opportunities in the United States. Speaking only English at home initiates the movement, instead of speaking Spanish. Ultimately, Richard can have a sense of belonging to the public world. He will become a citizen.
Separation causes an uncertain future in How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent. It is the result of Antojo. Julia Alvarez describes Antojo as a mysterio .....
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Call Of The Wild By Jack Londo
Number of words: 721 - Number of pages: 3.... loved to play Chinese lottery" (Page 2). If he didn't love to play lottery Buck might still live in California. Manuel is the gardener for the family and the first person who sold Buck. Buck shows his love for leadership by fighting with Spitz. "The dominant primortal beast was stong in Buck" (Page 15). If Buck didn't want to be leader Spitz might still be alive because Buck never fought with anyone unless he had to. Spitz was the leader of the pack until Buck killed him.
The many different settings helped everyone see how Buck was loved. The first setting was California, then the dog .....
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Scarlet Letter Symbolism
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... Pearl above the rest. She wears colorful clothes, is extremely smart, pretty, and nice. More often than not, she shows her intelligence and free thought, a trait of the Romantics. One of Pearl's favorite activities is playing with flowers and trees. (The reader will recall that anything affiliated with the forest was evil to Puritans. To Hawthorne, however, the forest was beautiful and natural.) "And she was gentler here [the forest] than in the grassy- margined streets of the settlement, or in her mother's cottage. The flowers appeared to know it" (194) Pearl fit in with natural thin .....
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Sea Fever - Analysis
Number of words: 1171 - Number of pages: 5.... Fever" is an excellent example of varied meter which follows the actions of a tall ship through high seas and strong wind. Lines one and two contain the common iambic meter found throughout the poem. "Sea Fever" may be categorized as a sea chantey due to its iambic meter and natural rhythm which gives it a song like quality. This song like quality is created through the use of iambic meter and alliteration. For example, lines three and ten contain the repeated consonant sound of the letter "w".
In line three, the meter becomes spondaic through the use of strongly stressed syllables. The .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 540 - Number of pages: 2.... with it to be looked after" (62). This negative light that the ruthless use of capital punishment casts upon the rulers of France is exactly what Dickens had intended.
When the revolution actually takes place, the Jacques become drunk with bloodlust. Their methods of restoring order and peace are exactly the same as those they opposed: send anyone to the guillotine who disagrees with them. "They are murdering the prisoners," says Mr. Lorry to Darnay after arriving in France (260). Again Dickens uses capitol punishment as a way to show the reader the atrocities that humanity can creat .....
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Julius Ceaser Essay Brutus Cha
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4.... him to "climber-upward…He then unto the ladder turns his back…"(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar’s death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome…"(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of the conspiracy) hearts, which are full of pity. Again, this shows how Brutus loved Caesar but cared for the life of Rome and its peo .....
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The School: Postmodernist Ideas
Number of words: 567 - Number of pages: 3.... from the first
paragraph about the orange trees to the last when the new gerbil enters the
classroom. In this school, where the children are supposed to receive education,
everything dies. The fish, the salamander, and the orange trees die though
children take much care of them. The teacher is pessimistic although life goes
on and a new gerbil walks in the school. Edgar says that "life is that which
gives meaning to life," but still this does not change that Edgar knew that the
puppy would die in two weeks. He had seen worse when some parents died in a car
accident and when two children .....
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Compare And Contrast: Aneas And Turnus
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... (Virgil 7).
As a slave to the gods and their plans, Aneas assimilates his mind and
sacrifices his life to the establishment of Latium. As the greatest of all
warriors, Aneas displays his superb strength and his leadership
capabilities, by guiding the Trojans to victory over the latins and
establishing Latium. The selflessness of Aneas and his devotion to the
Gods, enables him to leap over and break through any obstacles that
obstruct his destiny. Patterned after Homer's Hector, Virgil's Turnus is
also a courageous and devout hero. As the most handsome of Rutilians,
Turnus' nobility re .....
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