Similarities In "Miss Jean Brodie", "Dead Poets Society", And "The Trial And Death Of Socrates"
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... meant that his students were to gain. This was no
more evident than with the Dead Poets Society. He knew that if it were ever
uncovered by the faculty higher-ups his job would be, at least, in serious
jeopardy. This is another case of needless persecution of someone with the best
of intentions. It is ridiculous to think that he could have been implicated in
any way to the suicide of one of his students. Firing Professor Keating was the
biggest disservice that the administration could have done to the student body.
The most extreme case of this senseless persecution is that of Socrate .....
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The Mayor Of Casterbridge And
Number of words: 1204 - Number of pages: 5.... of Farfrae and of his meeting first with Elizabeth-Jane and then with Susan. Hardy could easily have said all of this in one or two chapters, but he chose to drag it out like this. In much the same way, he could go through periods of many months in a single paragraph. He even bounds over a single period of twenty or so years and only lets the reader in on what happened as characters reflect on the past. Therefore, the feeling of time is very different in the movie than in the book.
The characters in each story all live in the same place. In The Mayor of Casterbridge, they all live in .....
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A Rhetoric Of Outcasts In The
Number of words: 1478 - Number of pages: 6.... Memorial awards. Before his death in 1983, Williams accumulated four New York Drama Critics Awards; three Donaldson Awards; a Tony Award for his 1951 screenplay, The Rose Tattoo; a New York Film Critics
Award for the 1953 film screenplay, A Streetcar Named Desire; the Brandeis University Creative Arts Award (1965); a Medal of Honor from the National Arts Club (1975); the $11,000 Commonwealth Award (1981); and an honorary doctorate from Harvard University (1982). He was honored by President Carter at Kennedy Center in 1979, and named Distinguished Writer in Residence at the University of .....
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The British Renaissance Produced Many Types Of Literature And Was Influenced By Shakespeare, Marlow, And Spenser
Number of words: 1014 - Number of pages: 4.... Love should be attained by use of the heart. This theory is the
premise of Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love."
The Shepherd in his poem offers the world to his Love and everything with
it. He is an old man and hopes to win the girl's heart. Notice the word ‘
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.
And so the last two lines of the poem end. Putting these lines at the very
end of the poem emphasizes the unsure gestures of the Shepherd. His age
also brings up another very interesti .....
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Grapes Of Wrath - Allusions
Number of words: 851 - Number of pages: 4.... into the wilderness like Him, without no campin’ stuff" (105). In the first half of the book Casy is thinking and forming his ideas. He changes from a thinker to a man of action when he sacrifices himself for Tom. When in prison Casy sees the advantage of organizing people to achieve a common goal. When Casy tried to put his ideas into action he, like Christ, aroused the antagonism of the people in authority and was brutally killed. He died, like Christ saying to his crucifiers, "You don’ know what you’re a-doin’" (495). Rose of Sharon represents a Biblical allusion to .....
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The Great Gatsby - Analysis Of
Number of words: 1109 - Number of pages: 5.... neither reserves all judgments nor does his tolerance reach its limit. Nick is very partial in his way of telling the story about several characters.
He admits early into the story that he makes an exception of judging Gatsby, for whom he is prepared to suspend both the moral code of his upbringing and the limit of intolerance, because Gatsby had an "extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness.” This inspired him to a level of friendship and loyalty that Nick seems unprepared to extend towards others in the novel. Nick overlooks the moral implications of Gatsby's bootlegging, his ass .....
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Analysis Of Mark Strand’s “Kee
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... towards life in this poem is quite different from how most people see it. Where he writes, “In a field / I am the absence / of field.” (ll. 1-3) instead of acknowledging his existence as something, he regards it as a lack of something. This negativity towards himself is what the entire poem is focused on.
He uses the idea that when his body enters an area the parts of that area are momentarily interrupted and are forced around him, just waiting to return back to normal once he leaves: “When I walk / I part the air / and always / the air moves in / to fill the spaces / where my body .....
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Irony, Humor, And Paradox In K
Number of words: 1143 - Number of pages: 5.... Salem Press, 1986.
Magill, Frank N. Survey of Contemporary Literature. 8 vols. New Jersey: Salem
Press, 1977.
Irony, Humor, and Paradox in
Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
"My name is McMurphy, buddies, R.P. McMurphy, and I'm a gambling
fool." So said Randle Patrick McMurphy upon his admission to the psychiatric
ward in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. McMurphy, along with Chief
Bromden and Big Nurse, make major contributions to the central themes in the
novel. Irony, humor, and paradox illuminate .....
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Loyalty Shown In The Odyssey
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... he risks his life to know of his well being. This also shows loyalty to Penelope by journeying to Pylos and Sparta, even though his path may be dangerous, just so he can find knowledge of Odysseus and ease his mother’s pain. He also shows loyalty to Penelope by trying to protect her and keeping the suitors away from her. During the final battle, Telemakhos shows loyalty to his father by fighting side by side with him against the suitors even though he knows he might die in battle.
Odysseus shows loyalty like Telemakhos and Penelope to the gods and his family. Odysseus is a man that can b .....
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Changes In Macbeth
Number of words: 1217 - Number of pages: 5.... His "overiding ambition" is not enough. When Macbeth and Lady Macbeth speak, they speak to eachother with such closeness and bond; he calls her his "dearest chuck", his "partner of greatness". She knows that he is too weak to do anything and states her position in the murder "leave the rest to me".
In Act 1, Scene 7 establishes the force and power that Lady Macbeth posseses over her husband. Upon hearing of Macbeth's decision not to kill Duncan, she is outraged and starts to work her force and power upon him. She knows where he is most vulnerable and attacks him at his weak spot. She stri .....
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