Can We Debate Art?
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... basic definition of art. What could be defined as art? Does it have to be “pleasing to the eye,” or “something that does not offend or ridicule?” One example was a piece done where a person had placed a crucifix upside-down…was this art? I decided that it was, based on my belief that anything, although it may seem offensive or even repulsive, should be considered as art as long as one person, maybe only the artist himself, was somehow affected by it. Reading that sentence over, I suddenly realized how difficult it is to discuss this issue. It seems as if we are to debate art, .....
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The Positive Influence Of Gods In The Odyssey
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... help a mortal. By giving Odysseus the veil
she protects him, and for Odysseus, this is a positive interference.
Though some goddesses, like Ino, help mortals reach places, others, such as
Hermes, warn them against danger.
Hermes gives Odysseus advice on how to avoid danger. As if
reaching the land of Circe isn't hard enough, now Odysseus must find a way
to get his men back from her. The person to help, is Hermes. Odysseus
reaches the house "'But just as I was on the point of entering the sacred
dell...who should meet me but Hermes with his golden rod'" (Homer 117).
Hermes interferes in .....
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Futures Truth
Number of words: 1352 - Number of pages: 5.... the role of science and literature in the future world, scared that it may be rendered useless and discarded.
But one theme that both Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 use in common is the theme of individual discovery by refusing to accept a passive approach to life, and refusing to conform. In addition, the refusal of various methods of escape from reality is shown to be a path to discovery. In Brave New World, the main characters of Bernard
Marx and the "Savage" boy John both come to realize the faults with their own cultures. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag begins to discover that things .....
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Number of words: 1610 - Number of pages: 6.... in order to go on with life Sethe needed to remove herself from her guilt. She removes herself so completely that her neighbors, already upset at her crime, isolated her because she seemed to feel no remorse for the awful deed. Sethe's stoic resolve continues until Denver loses her hearing, which was caused by Denver not being able to deal with hearing what her mother had done. Only when her mother's conscience manifests itself as the ghost of the baby does Denver's hearing return.
Denver, having as a child suckled her sister's blood with her mother's milk, attaches herself to .....
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Exotica - Character Analysis
Number of words: 1700 - Number of pages: 7.... However, Egoyan's Exotica differs in this respect, as he portrays five principle characters, each with separate desires, and unifies them via the complex and tangled narrative in such a manner that by the end, these people are so tightly wound up together that if you took one away, their world would collapse. After the first few scenes of the film, we are taken to club Exotica where we are introduced to Francis (Bruce Greenwood), the tax auditor. At first, we assume he is a typical man seeking entertainment of a sexual nature from the young and innocent, (as depicted by her "school girl .....
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Things Fall Apart 4
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2.... reader that placing too much emphasis on acting manly is bad.
One example of Okonkwo's quick reflexes is seen when he kills Ikemefuna because he did not want his fellow clansmen to think that he was weak. After the Ikemefuna's slaying, Okonkwo is unable to eat or drink for two days due to the fact that he is upset over the death of Ikemefuna. However, he must fight against his manly pride, which reminds him that killing someone should not bother him. However, he has trouble accepting this, but must for fear of being considered weak, like a "shivering old woman" (Achebe 45). Another instance .....
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Road Less Traveled By William
Number of words: 2321 - Number of pages: 9.... have something to look forward to and an incentive to finish whatever task is at hand. Good scheduling skills and the lack of procrastination are very important in delaying gratification.
Responsibility is very important in solving life’s problems. Peck says that we must accept responsibility for a problem before the problem can be solved. This is a fairly self-evident statement; however, many people feel if they put the blame for all their problems off on other people that the problems with miraculously go away. Perhaps they are scared of the pain that the problem will cause, or ma .....
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Number of words: 612 - Number of pages: 3.... Kafka reflected his life to "Metamorphosis" is in his thoughts and feelings. Kafka developed a low self-esteem because of the way his father treated him; his father made him feel as though he was not wanted by the way he treated him. His suffering and depression would make him think of disturbing thoughts like his own death. In "Metamorphosis," Gregor had a slow and painful death. First, he began to lose his vision. Second, the apple that his father had thrown at him began to rot. He was also cut by a piece of glass from a bottle of alcohol, which made him bleed heavily. On his way hom .....
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Julius Ceaser - The Importance Of Brutus
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... gained him the respect of the people. Brutus was a naive man as well. Sincerity is often misconstrued as being naive; however, I will treat each as a separate characteristic. Brutus's naive spirit is mostly shown not in one
single action, but in the overall willingness he has to believe that those around him are essentially good. "Only be patient till we have appeased the multitude, beside themselves with fear, and then we will deliver you the cause why I, that did love Caesar when I struck him, have thus proceeded." (Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 179-183); And also
when he said: .....
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Number of words: 916 - Number of pages: 4.... in society up to the reader because bias views have long been inflicted into people's heads by society's morals. In the novel the so-called "insane" patients are sent to an institute called Craiglockhart. It is one of the top schools in the country, at that time, for curing insanity.
Officer Prior is inevitably an outcast in society because he is dubbed insane. Prior suffered from mutism and reoccurring nightmares. At a time when he was at the institute he leaves to go to a bar and pick up women. One needs to understand that when the patients leave the institute they are advised to .....
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