Antigone Essay
Number of words: 555 - Number of pages: 3.... to forgive them. Antigone’s obstinacy also becomes very apparent in the prologue when IsmĂȘne tried to talk the former out of burying PolyneicĂȘs because the former would be killed. Of course, as head strong as Antigone is, she wouldn’t be talked out of breaking the law that Creon passed. Even though Antigone knows the consequences, she buries her brother. She has done this because Antigone would rather die in honor than live a life of shame. This tragic flaw, Antigone’s obstinancy influence many of her choices through life while also blocking many opportunities she has.
Ant .....
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How To Prepare A Book Report
Number of words: 492 - Number of pages: 2.... You may discuss the kind of ending or resolution, eg. Was it startling, unexpected, disappointing etc?
In your introductory paragraph include enough information about the type of book it is, the title, author, setting, and theme so that the reader will get a quick idea of the general nature of the book.
Working from your outline, which should include what you want to say about each idea you have selected for discussion, develop each paragraph around the main idea, your response to particular parts or aspects of the book. Use details, references, quotations from the book to support your anal .....
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Things Fall Apart By Chinua Ac
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... his family. This corresponds to Okonkwo loosing faith in his father.
Another important occurrence where one can see that Okonkwo’s life falls apart was when he was thrown out of the clan for a few years. From this episode one can see that Okonkwo’s hopes dreams have begun to fall apart. His hopes of being a rich and popular individual had drifted away with this upsetting incident. Okonkwo had no longer had his farm or animals. Also Okonkwo lost faith with most of his friends. This goes to show that Okonkwo lost faith with his friends,
like his father lost faith with his.
Another .....
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Jane Eyre Vs. Well, I Have Los
Number of words: 308 - Number of pages: 2.... herself a great deal of unnecessary pain.
Another example of a common thread between the two works is that neither woman holds a grudge. "I shall have only good to say of you." is what the poem's author declares. Jane feels very much the same, "I had already gained the door; but, reader, I walked back...I knelt down by him; I turned his face from the cushion to me; I kissed his cheek I smoothed his hair with my hand." Both of the women are strong, but keep a soft spot in their heart for the men they loved--and still love. .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1122 - Number of pages: 5.... boar, who is not much of a talker. He uses animalism only to increase his power and the dogs to terrorize the other animals. Napoleon symbolizes the dictator Joseph Stalin in this world.
He is a pig that fights with Napoleon over the power on the farm. He is a very energetic, eloquent speaking, brilliant leader who organizes the defense of the farm. Napoleons jealousness of him makes him try to kill Snowball. Snowball flees the area and every misfortune in Animal Farm after that is blamed on him. He represents Leon Trotsky in this story.
He is a short, fat, twinkle .....
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Waiting For Godot And Beowulf: Fate
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3.... is experiencing in the work. For example, in order for a reader to
feel how and understand why Vladimir and Estragon feel as though they do while
they wait, it is essential for that reader to either understand or experience
the same feelings that Vladimir and Estragon are experiencing. Vladimir and
Estragon are waiting; waiting for Godot, to be exact; and Beckett wants the
reader to feel as if he or she were waiting also. Along with the feeling of
waiting that a reader may experience, he or she might also understand how
Vladimir and Estragon feel at times: Unsure, not very anxious to move on .....
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Fifth Business - Character Foils Of Dunstan Ramsay And Percy
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... his lack of desire for materialistic things:
Where Boy lived high, I lived - well, not low, but in the way congenial to myself. I thought twenty-four dollars was plenty for a ready-made suit, and four dollars a criminal price for a pair of shoes. I changed my shirt twice a week and my underwear once. I had not yet developed any expensive tastes and saw nothing wrong with a good boarding-house. (Page 113)
This shows us that where as Percy was in pursuit of money and possessions, Dunstan was concerned elsewhere. Dunstan bluntly states that Percy was materialistic:
To him the rea .....
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Morleys Callaghans Our Lady Of
Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2.... in town though is a man nameEdmund J. Dubuque. Also known as 'Da boot' because of his club foot, everyone in town either owes him, is being protected by him or felt his punishment. Due to his eminent figure, Mr. Dubuque feels that he not only controlled the bar but owns the town.(pg.9)
Money leads to power and in the race to become the 'ultimate force', it is acquired by any means possible. At 'the Bradley' a pimp named Frankie Spagnola tries to cheat his 'girls' out of their share through bribery and fear hoping to collect the big pay check.(pg.11) Those men who already have an abun .....
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Mesmerism And The Enlightenmen
Number of words: 1438 - Number of pages: 6.... that is when people became ill. He believed that through electricity, baths and a trained "mesmeris," diseases, and all other troubles, could be cured. He likened his "animal electricity" or "animal magnatism" to that of gravity, fire, light and electricity, The system of complex theories put forth by Mesmer could be discussed at great lengths and, in time, they were. His and many other "scientific discoveries" were all the rage in the salons of pre-Revolution Parisian society. The Enlightenment brought about a surge in scientific interest and since the fluids than man intellectuals .....
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Gerard Manley Hopkins Terrible
Number of words: 1411 - Number of pages: 6.... His job demanded long hours which took away time for his admiration of nature and his time for prayer. The six "terrible" sonnets have a strong contradiction to his earlier works. His early works were filled with beautiful scenes in nature and praise of God. His realization that he was not dedicating enough time to God allowed him to see how many other people lose sight of God. This and other experiences during the time while he wrote his "terrible" sonnets allow us to assume that the poems are his own religious confessions. "More important, however, was his sense that his prayers no .....
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