The Adventures Of Huckleberry
Number of words: 768 - Number of pages: 3.... is asked, "Well, who done the shooting? Was it a Grangerford or a Shephardson?" Buck replies, "Laws, how do I know? It was so long ago." The reader is sadden by this moment that is shown through irony. This feud is one of the most ironic events in the book but Twain uses irony for other occasions, too. The second circumstanc that stands out in my mind for being so ironic would be when Sophia Grangerford marries her enemy, Harney Shephardson. "Well, den Miss Sophia's run off to ded she ded. She run off in de night some time. Nobodydon't know jus' when run off to dat Harney Shephards .....
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Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 3597 - Number of pages: 14.... These two scenes introduce Paris as Capulet's pick for Juliet's husband and, more broadly, establish the theme of parental influence over a child's happiness. In the last scene, it was shown how the hatred Capulet and Montague bear for each other flows down to affect the rest of their households and results in violent conflict, but here the influence is more subtle and mundane. Paris is a nobleman and a worthy choice to be Juliet's husband; there is no reason why she should not want to marry him. Capulet himself defers to her ability to choose for herself ("My will to her consent .....
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A Friendly Enemy
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... predator that attacks unnoticed, but to Medea death is a trophy. For Medea death has a value of importance. A friendship has been established. Death is Medea’s friend. She uses it as a weapon to get what she views as justice. "Then if you have a dog eyed enemy and needed absolute vengeance . . . Unchild him, ha? And then unlife him"(23). Medea believed with great depth to get vengeance upon Jason. She wanted to go through with her vengeance and hurt Jason as Jason hurt her. Jason left Medea for another woman thus leaving her miserable and craving for revenge. Thus, she w .....
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A Passage To India - Charachte
Number of words: 1090 - Number of pages: 4.... his friends, meticulously discusses these details over dinner at Hammidulah's house. During this conversation Dr. Aziz states his estimation of how the British have become malicious stating, "I give any Englishman two years… And I give any English woman six months." They also conferred on the likelihood of the British accepting bribes and mistreating their positions. Dr. Aziz's views about the British were not unfounded; he and his friends had various unfortunate experiences with the British. His boss, Major Callander, treated Dr. Aziz very shoddily calling him for appointments an .....
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A Certain Hunger
Number of words: 686 - Number of pages: 3.... what the perfect weight is. For that matter,perhaps there is no perfect weight. When a person gets too thin, though, it is not simply enough to tell her that she needs to eat, she knows that she is getting to thin, but she has starved her body for so long that her brain is telling her that she does not want to eat and that food isn't good for her.
In this day and age when no one in Canada should go hungry, let alone purposely starve herself, society is totally to blame. Models and celebrities are put on pedestals because of their looks. That is where mixed up conceptions .....
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The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll
Number of words: 1119 - Number of pages: 5.... right at the beginning of the book. The door is said to be – “ equipped with neither bell or knocker, was blistered and distained.” Along with the introduction of the door is the introduction of Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde’s appearance is described as “something displeasing, something downright detestable.” So right from the beginning, we are aware of Mr. Hyde’s connection with this mysterious door. Mr. Enfield’s story on page 2 gives a good understanding of the shady character of Mr. Hyde. A quote from the book that best describes this is “ Th .....
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Number of words: 572 - Number of pages: 3.... in the work. For example, in order for a reader to feel how and understand why Vladimir and Estragon feel as though they do while they wait, it is essential for that reader to either understand or experience the same feelings that Vladimir and Estragon are experiencing. Vladimir and Estragon are waiting; waiting for Godot, to be exact; and Beckett wants the reader to feel as if he or she were waiting also. Along with the feeling of waiting that a reader may experience, he or she might also understand how Vladimir and Estragon feel at times: Unsure, not very anxious to move on, and cons .....
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For Love Or Money Dust Over Th
Number of words: 1543 - Number of pages: 6.... City the characters Alain and Madeline are the embodiment of two people that are newly wed and the problems that each other face may or may not be normal.
Alain and Madeline were a very unhappy married couple and there were many things underlying their true feeling about each other. This is proved when Madeline meets someone. Alain is confronted with this great big beast of a man who works in a bare and owns the restaurant. The only thing Alain could do to survive the marriage and win Madelines live back was to fight back despite the unequal balance and size of strength and the poor odds o .....
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Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2.... went to a village.
The story was told as a third person point of view. I enjoyed this story because it shows that how Jonas stands up against what he thought was wrong. The place was suppose to be a utopia turns out to be a dystopia to Jonas. It shows that how the people acts in the real life. How they act to be honest but they are actually lying. The government in the story is the biggest lie, they control everything of the people and assign them what to do, and so that they won't even notice that they are in such a situation that they are controlled. After all, this novel is a good e .....
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Lord Of The Flies 5 -----
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... beat up a kid, Wilfred, without a valid reason, because he had done something Jack did not like. Other comparisons are Simon, who represents heroes and philanthropists because he wanted to always help others, and Piggy, who represents the scientists and advisers for his ideas and the advice, which he gives to Ralph. Roger represents the criminals and sadists because he abuses and wants to kill others and does not feel any remorse for what he does. These groups of people are evident in life and in most stories. Most people in life can be compared to one of these characters on the island wo .....
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