The Daughter Of Time By Joseph
Number of words: 907 - Number of pages: 4.... viewed Richard III. This could have been because the writer’s attitudes
towards Richard were all different. For example, in the novel, Sir Thomas More’s and later accounts of
Richard III were derived from John Morton, Richard’s bitterest en enemy. Sir Thomas’s account was
from the view of someone who hated Richard and is therefor considered biased. As a historian it is
important to realize that some facets of history are written with a biased opinion and it is our job to
realize which ones can be credited and which ones can’t.
Personal accounts and documents are often overlooked o .....
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A Worn Path
Number of words: 864 - Number of pages: 4.... a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles" are indications of Phoenix Jackson's old age. She supports herself with a cane, striving not to fall with every step she takes. She wears a "dress reaching down to hershoe tops" along with "an equally long apron of bleached sugar sacks, with a
full pocket." This just adds to her difficulties. As she begins her journey, she talks to herself and warns "Out of my way,all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!...Keep out from under these feet, little bob-whites", because as she says, "I got a
long way." She is det .....
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Oedipus 2
Number of words: 2692 - Number of pages: 10.... weakest as a small child. He depends solely on others for his nourishment and well being. Oedipus was the child of Jocasta and King Laius who was taken to the mountain by a shepard to be killed so the omen of the god apollo that Laius’ son would kill him and lay with Jocasta would not come true. Oedipus was the weakest of his life at this point. If it has not been for the shepard spairing his life and giving him to Polybus to raise as his own Oedipus would have died. Man walks on 2 feet when he has matured. This is a metaphor for Oedipus when he reaches adulthood and leaves Corinth to e .....
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Number of words: 798 - Number of pages: 3.... and manipulates Roderigo to do it by playing on Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona. Iago also uses Roderigo for his money as well as helping his evil plans,
“ Roderigo: I am changed: I’ll go sell all my land. Exit.
Iago: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane,
If I would time expend with such a snipe, But for my sport and profit. “ (Pg. 665)
Simply put Iago explains that if it wasn’t for his plans and his desire for money he would have nothing to do with a fool like Roderigo.
Iago’s motives when it .....
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The Ideals Of Knighthood In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Number of words: 744 - Number of pages: 3.... and loyalty is clearly evident as he offers his life for the king.
The poet reveals that Gawain is not only loyal, but also courageous, and worthy to have his attributes put to the test. This is done in the description of the shield that Gawain arms himself with to undertake his journey to the Green Chapel. The shield is adorned "with pentangle portrayed in purest gold.” This pentangle represents Gawain’s "faith in the five wounds of Christ and the five joys of the Virgin, and his possession of the five knightly virtues..." This display of Gawain’s purity reinforces his worthines .....
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Academic Attitude
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... the information in a deeper sense. In doing this, learning does not become a habit. Rather, instead of memorizing material to perform well on a test, or regurgitate it into a paper, the pupil synthesizes the information presented, relating it to other things, hence, learning about the subject. Information, then, is no longer strictly exchanged from teacher to student. It allows the learner to open her mind, liberalizing it, allowing deeper thought into the subject. Approaching learning with a free mind demonstrates quality .
It is commonly believed that education is based on the fact .....
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Mark Twain
Number of words: 427 - Number of pages: 2.... either ban it from or restore it to their classrooms.
The social classes that Twain portrays in this novel are extremely slanted, and they are not just about racism. It’s more like a rich-poor issue, which is illustrated by Huck and Jim (poor) versus the upper-class townspeople (rich). The upper-class people are racist and keep slaves. Huck, being part of the lower class, is not racist and makes friends with the slaves. Basically, Twain’s opinion is that they are wrong and separationalist. He continually portrays the upper-class people as immoral, unintelligent, and bigoted .....
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Sybolism In White Fang
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... The character Beauty Smith, for instance very simply put symbolizes Satan. This man, this creature so vile as to subdue yet another victim (White Fang) into his ever-growing underground slavery prison camps. The greed for money and profit is the only need for this “prison camp”; the dog-fighting gambling is their prison cell. A comparison between the bulldog Cherokee and death itself can be made. Once death has you, there is no way of escaping. When Cherokee had White Fang gripped between his jaws, “There was no escaping that grip. It was like Fate itself, and was i .....
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Huck Finn
Number of words: 4268 - Number of pages: 16.... they would be killed and their family would be killed also. At first glance while reading this page, it would seem as though was a boy who was a killer and one with no conscience, but it is mearly describing a boy who was in the beginning of a great adventure, yet to take place.
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," takes place during a period in a young boys life, when he is trying to find out who he really is and trying to find a place that he can call home. Mark Twain is thought of, by some critics, as being an author who is describing the adventures of a boy, in a racist .....
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John Dryden
Number of words: 2656 - Number of pages: 10.... Dryden was also a religious man. He had as much faith in the Lord as he did in his pen. He belonged to the Church of England all his life until converting to Catholicism due to the change of the throne. He was baptized at All Saints Church in Aldwinule, Northamptonshire ten days after his birth (Hopkins 75). Dryden, growing into a young man, began his education in his hometown. There he took the basic classes. He furthered his education at Westminister School in London. Here, he attended school for about twelve hours a day, beginning and ending at six. At Westminister he studied history, ge .....
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