To Be Or Not
Number of words: 1638 - Number of pages: 6.... backwards into the future. We feel that we as individuals make little difference, as if history and the future just happen at us. Obscure plans, which have guided people forward in the past, have now rendered themselves useless. There are no known maps to show pathways into the future.
We’ll need to consider back to our hearts, common sense and basic human capabilities. We’ll need to consider the deep issues at stake and make deep choices about them. This idea of disaster is actually an aide. It activates resourceful survival instincts. The human race needs to change course. The .....
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Tintern Abbey
Number of words: 997 - Number of pages: 4.... “again do I behold”, and “again I see”. He seemed to be overwhelmed with emotions that he, though up on a very far away cliff, was certain that a hermit was in his cave sitting by the fire alone. Wordsworth wanted so much to remember the place that he was allowing his perception of the past take over his present reality. More importantly he says, “I again repose here…” to express that the scene gives him a sense of reconciliation. He further illustrates the isolation, peacefulness, and greenness of the abbey to tap into his vague memories .....
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Number of words: 581 - Number of pages: 3.... deal with that fact, which created some inner isolation, she also had to make the decision whether or not to kill her daughter or let her suffer through a life of slavery. She made the decision to have her daughter killed. This also created some detachment from herself. Perhaps she felt as if her mind had deceived because she had her daughter killed. But yet, she knew that it was in the best interest for the child for she couldn’t bare to see her child be born into a life of slavery. Whenever I do something bad I feel separated from myself as if there is someone evil inside of me informing .....
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A Man For All Seasons
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... believe, when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties...they lead their country by a short route to chaos."(Bolt, p 22).
Despite what many may think, More would rather not get involved or influence the life of the king concerning the divorce. To most people signing the oath is a minor thing. It is something that should be done to appease the King , despite personal beliefs. However, for More his decision to sign the oath must be based on his beliefs. If he were to sign the oath he would lose all self respect. The audience learns this when he sa .....
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Comaparison Of Crucible And So
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... between the two couples can be described in the same way; they are very uncomfortable around each other. Orin is similar to Abigail Williams because they are the ones that are having the affair with either Laurel or John. Both of them also try very desperately, with no success, to maintain their relationship with the person they are committing adultery with. Some of the characters in these two stories have something similar to the character in the other story.
Jack Sommersby and John Proctor made similar decisions prior to not confessing or denying the crimes they were accused of .....
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Frankenstein Rejection By Soci
Number of words: 640 - Number of pages: 3.... the old man was blind, he could not see the monster's repulsive characteristics. But fate was against him and the "wretched" had barely conversed with the old man before his children returned from their journey and saw a monstrous creature at the feet of their father attempting to do harm to the helpless elder. "Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore [the creature] from his father, to whose knees [he] clung..." Felix's action caused great inner pain to the monster. He knew that his dream of living with them "happily ever after" would not happen and with the encounter still f .....
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The Great Gatsby By Fitzgerald
Number of words: 988 - Number of pages: 4.... kept on a blank page in a copy of The Adventures of Hopalong Cassidy.
"Rise from bed ……………………………….6:00 AM
Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling ……..….6:15-6:30 "
Study electricity, etc. …….………………….7:15-8:15 "
Work …………………………………………8:30-4:30 PM
Baseball and sports ………………………….4:30-5:00 "
Practice elocution, poise and how to attain it .5:00-6:00 "
Study needed inventions …………………….7:00-9:00 "
No wasting time at Shafters or (indecipherable name)
No more smoking or .....
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The Southern Lady From Pedesta
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... carefree, sought -after girls to responsible, submissive, plantation mistresses. They were led to believe that depraved women and men were the only sexual creatures; thus, they were supposedly incapable of erotic feelings.
Women were often uneducated, and when they began to voice their opinion concerning a need for education, most men disagreed with them. However some men did agree with them, but it was for the wrong reasons. Men believed that women should be educated in order to conduct female responsibilities more gracefully and effectively.
Men felt that women needed to develop .....
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Beach Burial - Kenneth Slessor
Number of words: 1267 - Number of pages: 5.... hard to believe at first – For me to be able to use this poem, (as it has been my one of my favourites for years) I though that for it to have ANYTHING to do with national identity I would have had to use my creative ability to dissect and warp aspects of the poem that COULD have something to do with national identity if the poet had actually CHOSEN to write about national identity. Basically a lot of windbagging- and as much I was looking forward to see how great my powers of persuasion were I finally realised that they wouldn’t be necessary. I realised that even though Slessor’s B .....
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Alice Walkers Everyday Use
Number of words: 791 - Number of pages: 3.... (Perrine 91). In relation, Alice’s older sibling shot her in the eye. This blinded her and made her feel like
she was unpleasant to look at. She secluded herself and felt ashamed. These events led to the other, non-social activities.
Alice Walker, after being blinded by the BB gun, turns to reading stories and writing poetry. Many of her writings are related to her life as a young black woman. In “Everyday Use”, Alice uses the character of Maggie to express her own internal struggles. Maggie is taught by her grandmother to make quilts, and quilts are made to
put to ev .....
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