Speech Observations
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... to his personal and professional experiences of over thirty years in the field. This gave the students the opportunity to hear the information in various ways and possibly help the understanding of how it might relate to their individual roles as they pertain to their jobs. His demeanor was affable and he seemed genuinely concerned that the class not only understood the topic in preparation for the exam, but also would be able to utilize the information in real time situations. As students related the information to their experiences and attempted to make analogies of their own he gave f .....
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Antigone 3
Number of words: 662 - Number of pages: 3.... duty of the women of the house to mourn the dead man in unrestrained sorrow, sing his praises, wash his body, and consign him to the earth. This enormous sense of loyalty leads to her simultaneous violation and abidement to the duty of women at the time. In order for her to properly mourn her brother, like every sister should, Antigone was forced to boldly challenge the law set forth by her uncle and king, Creon.
Unlike her sister, Ismene refuses to challenge the male authority, even if it means to (not fulfill) her duties as a sister. "Remember we are women, we're not born to contend wi .....
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A Portrait Of The Artist As A
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... on Stephen shapes his life early at Clongowes, a preparatory school run by the Jesuit order. Even as he is adhering to the principles of his Catholic school upbringing, he becomes increasingly disillusioned. Even though Joyce spoke warmly of his own experiences at Clongowes he portrays a different, almost opposite experience for Stephen (Kershner 4). Formerly above reproach or distrust, the priests become symbols of narrow-mindedness and repression in Stephen's mind. Father Dolan, in particular, whose abusive and humiliating statements along with the frequent floggings, personifies .....
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Great Expectations
Number of words: 928 - Number of pages: 4.... share or sacrifice everything you are…or ever hope to be."(Sclossberg 1) True love is unconditional. It is an unexplainable phenomenon. This love, this supreme happiness, is to a very large extent an illusion in itself.
When one is truly in love, he/she vows a commitment to live for that person. He/she should be willing to do anything for the happiness of the one they love. In order to do this, one must recognize and understand the character of their lover. "He alone is in a position to recognize the hidden treasures of the one he loves."(Lepp 31) One must be able to unlock the s .....
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Revenge In Hamlet
Number of words: 1106 - Number of pages: 5.... is in fact the murderer before he attempts to kill him. Hamlet decides to have the players act out what the ghost has told him and see Claudius’ reaction. When the play “The Mouse Trap” is performed, Claudius is shocked by the play and storms out, which is the reaction of guilt that Hamlet had hoped for. The play is named “The Mouse Trap” because it is designed to catch Claudius so that he reveals his distress of the play and shows that he was the murderer. Hamlet is now certain that Claudius is the murderer of his father and he can now carry out his r .....
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Comparative Essay - A Bird In
Number of words: 830 - Number of pages: 4.... Rachel Cameron is a young schoolteacher who also experienced the death of a loved one, namely, her father. However, this is not Rachel's only exposure to death. Every day she sees the 'Grim Reaper' hovering over her ailing mother. Almost every waking moment she fears her mother's weak heart will fail and she will die. Rachel also suffers the death of a dream. She believes she is pregnant and when she finds out she is not, Rachel grieves the loss of what might have been - motherhood. However, Rachel finds solace in her fate - she becomes a mother to her mother. Like Vanessa, she too moves a .....
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Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4.... discontent with his behavior
hoping that she will make some kind of logical relation.
This drastic change in his behavior does not spark a
question of doubt in his mother's mind. The connection
between his recent return home and his changing behavior is
not made. Harold isolates himself from his family and his
community. He does not "want any consequences." The
psychological damage he receives from the war causes him to
act cold and emotionless. Harold's mother asks him, "Don't
you love your mother," and he replies, "no." His mothers
love for him is selfish because she ref .....
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Melville's "Bartleby The Scrivener": Introduction Of Character
Number of words: 223 - Number of pages: 1.... The lawyer begins with
the words, “I am a rather elderly man.” This first “I” begins a long,
autobiographical narrative in which the lawyer reveals much of himself to the
reader. Because the story is centered on the lawyer's life, it is imperative
that the reader have this close view of him.
The repetitive “I” in these paragraphs is important because it comes
from the lawyer's thoughts of himself. For this text to flow in it's intended
path, the reader must know a great deal about the lawyer and his employees. In
fact, it is these characters which consummately defi .....
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The Dark Room
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... stopped seeing Shanta Bai, the other woman, and I guess you could say it’s a happy ending. It’s now up to you to go and guess the rest.
Savitri is very much real. She is basically quite like most people. They treat problems like that. They find ways to escape it. Like booze, drugs, suicide, etc. In Savitri’s case, she stays in , and finally, leaves her family.
As I was reading “The Dark Room”, I felt compassion towards Savitri. I can clearly see that she was a confused woman. It was depicted through the first part of the story wherein her son was ill a .....
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Sweetness And Power
Number of words: 1994 - Number of pages: 8.... the structure of the book, each chapter must be looked at individually to see how each is organized.
Chapter one begins by describing the connection between different groups of society and the food that each of them eats. Mintz argues that food is a factor in which one can identify and categorize a society and/or those who belong to that society, which is shown on page 3 with the line "Food choices and eating habits reveal distinctions of age, sex, status, culture, and even occupation." Later in the book, Mintz will continue this contention by describing sugar as a symbo .....
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