Blazing Satire
Number of words: 908 - Number of pages: 4.... have a villain. The villain, usually a man, dresses very slick and will stop at nothing in his quest for power. In addition, the villain usually has a gang to carry out his dastardly deeds. The gang is usually full of incompetent, but loyal thugs, who would love to destroy a small town just for the pleasure of wanton destruction. The elements of a western are very simple, but easily manipulated into a very interesting plot.
Blazing Saddles contains all the elements of a stereotypical western, only with a twist. Like most westerns, Blazing Saddle has a sheriff, but he is black. African-Am .....
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A Separate Peace
Number of words: 735 - Number of pages: 3.... Phineas,” because he does not like feeling clumsier than Finny. Instead, he blames his presence in the tree on Phineas. Finny also has the role of being the leader in their friendship. They sustain the balance of the friendship when Phineas thinks of something to do, and Gene supports him. The problem with this is that Gene only trails Finny so that he would not “lose face with [him].” Gene never speaks up when he has a problem, hereby damaging their lines of communication. Another principal factor that dissolves the bond between them is Gene’s jealousy. Gene is envious of Finny .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... said about the Collins' after they marry. Austen’s use of Mr. Collins and Charlotte as flat characters is to show that marrying just to be married can lead to an unhappy life and to show the importance of marrying for love.
Although the Collins' lead a dull life, Mr. Bennet has the opportunity not to. There is plenty to keep him occupied with having five daughters and possibilities of marriage proposals. This, however, is not a concern of Mr. Bennet. First, he never seemed interested in pursuing a fatherly role towards his daughters. This is evident when Lydia turns out like she does .....
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The Pearl
Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... discovers otherwise. stirs envy in the villagers, and that night Kino is attacked in his hut by a thief. The following day, he tries to sell to buyers in town, but he is offered only a small amount of money for it. The buyers all work for the same man. They know is worth a fortune but hope to buy it cheaply by pretending that it is worth little.
Kino says he will sell his pearl in the capital city, where he believes he will get a fair price. This amazes the villagers because Kino has never traveled so far. After dark that evening, Kino is attacked again. Juana is sure is evil and will .....
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Killing Is Wrong In Every Aspe
Number of words: 550 - Number of pages: 2.... clearly shows the barbarism involved with the death penalty. He says, "Perhaps we want retribution on the flesh and bone of a handful of convicted murderers so badly that we are willing to close our eyes to all the demoralization and danger that come with it. This lottery of death both comes from and encourages an attitude toward human life that is not reverent, but reckless."(329) This intellectual has a clear view of the wrongfullness of the death penalty.
Alongside the essential fact that killing is wrong, there are also other important reasons why capital punishment should not be made l .....
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The Oddessey
Number of words: 1550 - Number of pages: 6.... home in Ithaca to visit Odysseus's son, Telemachus. Many suitors were there, trying to win the hand in marriage of Penelope, Telemachus's mother and Odysseus's wife. These many suitors had eaten Telemachus out of house and home. Athena arrives in the form of Mentor, a Taphian chief. Very generously, Telemachus invites Athena in. After they introduce themselves and Telemachus explains how the suitors have been living off of him, Athena puts Telemachus in his place.
Athena explains to Telemachus that he needs to rid his house of the suitors, tell Penelope to return to her father's hous .....
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Dr. Faustus, Pride And Gree
Number of words: 1217 - Number of pages: 5.... led him to fly so high in the sky that his wax wings melted and he fell to his death. Second this could be a comparison to Lucifer who, due to his pride also fell, but not to his death, but from Heaven. Either comparison shows perfect foreshadowing of what will happen to Faustus, due to his deadly sin of pride.
Greed, the other characteristic of Faustus becomes apparent in the first scene. He has already gained all that he can materially and intellectually, being very wealthy as well as a master of logic, medicine, and law. However, he still was not satisfied, he felt confined by mer .....
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Hamlet 7
Number of words: 698 - Number of pages: 3.... his queen. This is the first time the reader
really knows that Claudius is cold-hearted and ruthless.
After Hamlet heard this, he held a play where the murder of his father is reacted in a scene,
that Hamlet himself designed. The purpose of this was to see Claudius’s reaction to the scene to
prove if Claudius is the real murderer or not. After Claudius sees the play he storms out of the stage
scared and surprised. Claudius then prays to heaven for forgiveness of his sins since he knows that
Hamlet has figured out what he has done, he does this so he will not get sent to .....
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Catcher In The Rye - Holden
Number of words: 1250 - Number of pages: 5.... on the stone steps till hew as good and goddam dead and bloody." (201) His deep concern with impeccability caused him to create stereotypes of a hooligan that would try to corrupt the children of an elementary school. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. When Phoebe asked him to name something that he would like to be when he grew up, the only thing he would have liked to be was a "catcher in the rye." He invented an illusion for himself of a strange fantasy. He stated that he would like to follow a poem by Robert Burns: "I .....
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Number of words: 742 - Number of pages: 3.... Man is fair, Petty man is unfair."
The second of these three values is responsibility and respect to one's family and elders, and responsibility and respect to others families and elders. This is most evident in ' writings. He is constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of your parents be that you might become ill."This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your parents. Hammurabi showed responsibility by saying "If a builder has built a house for a man, and has not made his work sound, and the house he built has .....
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