Gertrudes Suicide
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3.... handle this and was disgusted by the entire situation. He then decided to put on an "Antic Disposition," meaning that he will pretend to be crazy in order to find out the details of what is going on. Gertrude observes that Hamlet is not his usual self, and she feels responsible because her remarriage is so soon after her old husbands death. This makes Gertrude feel absolutely terrible and could be a possible justification for suicide.
The Chief Counselor of Denmark, Polonius and his family, play a big role in determining the motivation of a possible suicide. Hamlet was in the midst of aven .....
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The Mountain And The Valley
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2.... she can no longer see to draw the designs for the rug, and has to have David trace them on for her. "David had marked them for her. Her eyes could no longer trace the outlines of scrolls and flowers"(9). Throughout the novel we are taken to Ellen constantly working on the rug.
In the Prologue, Ellen is the artist and David is her apprentice. He does not realize that he too can be an artist, that there are other forms of art. He is looked at as an odd child because he is so smart, but he is not odd, he just wants more out of life. He does not realize his calling in life until t .....
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The Black Cat
Number of words: 2638 - Number of pages: 10.... carry true stories of murders committed under just abnormal psychological pressures as those described in “” (Buranelli 76). This story begins with the narrator ,who is about to be hung, confessing what he has done in some type of
repention for his soul. The narrator step by step describes how he began drinking and then to neglect his dearly beloved cat and his wife. One day when he is maddened by the actions of the
cat, he cuts out its eye and later kills the cat by hanging it. After his house burns down and he has lost all he owned he finds a new cat resembling all .....
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Bartleby The Scrivener-The Mea
Number of words: 619 - Number of pages: 3.... his personality. This was just part of his own personal existence. When the narrator hires Bartleby he is thinking and hoping that this is a man who can work at his best for the whole day. Nippers and Turkey might be here therefore to show us that the narrator is going to have the same problems with Bartleby. Nippers and Turkey also give us something to compare Bartelby to.
Another reason Turkey and Nippers might be in the story is because they can be part of the setting. The story is taking place around the 1850's. The mood is set by there only being two windows to look through and one wa .....
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Brave New World A Comparison T
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... dream of the perfect utopia and expect our world to transform into it. Some of us always look for the easy way out and drugs allow us that.
A further similarity of Brave New World to us, si when John is in the hospital after hos mother's death due to soma abuse, and witnesses the workers receiving their soma rations. John begins to throw the soma out if the window, causing hysteria among the workers. For these workers soma is everything. They cannot imagine life without it. People addicted to cocaine, heroine and other drugs go through a similar stage called withdrawl. Living without th .....
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Comparison And Contrast Of Lit
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... work where Perrault did not. For example “she is dressed and ready and it is Christmas Eve,” (820) and another example “you must run as if the Devil is after you.”(820) Yet another phrase that relates to the Devil states, “They say there’s an ointment the Devil gives you that turns you into a wolf the minute that you rub it on.”(820) Note that the passages all came from the same page, a clever tactic used by Carter to keep a strong theme in certain parts of the story. This concept of referring to religion is somewhat ironic because most mode .....
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Number of words: 333 - Number of pages: 2.... come like a blight”. An indication of not ever returning back to the earth is also demonstrated when he says that over the spirit, and sad images are present. A constant effect of nature is shown in line 14. Here nature is predictable and the same throughout its surrounding. Day in and day out it remains as it was before. “ To Nature’s teachings, while form all around - Earth and her waters, and the depths of air, - Comes a still voice - “. Nature here has many different languages. Poetic fancy and imagination(gaining deeper truths-Divine), play a large role on line 35. Sac .....
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Tom Clancy
Number of words: 1317 - Number of pages: 5.... units went on exercises in Germany fully armed with the expectation that the Russians could attack them at any time. This was also a time when the Soviets did the same exercises with the same amount of live ammunition. Therefore there was reason enough to worry about potential conflicts. Deep within the ocean waters, submarines played similar cat and mouse games with other submarines and surface ships. However some of these submarines were more dangerous then a whole army because they were fully loaded with nuclear missles. These facts were well know to the American public and made Red Storm .....
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Small Groups Of Committed People Changing The World
Number of words: 409 - Number of pages: 2.... was her own, with such warmth and love.
She was like a rainbow, after torrents of rain, the sun finally shined through for everyone she touched; and she touched their hearts. Mother Theresa was another diamond in the rough. She gave up all she had to be with others and help them. Both these women did these great acts by themselves. That must have taken such courage and love.
Some cases in history are shown far into the past. In the beginning, Christianity was not as immense as it is today. Judaism was most popular where Christianity originated. The early disciples of Christ were tormented .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 3
Number of words: 691 - Number of pages: 3.... that he cemented the tree because it was sick when it was not.
Secondly, Jem realized that Mr. Radley had lied just to keep Boo from having any friends
from the outside world. Harper Lee uses irony when Aunt Alexandra hosts the missionary
The ladies that attended Aunt Alexandra’s missionary circle acted as hypocrites.
She says, “...I made a pledge in my heart. I said to myself, when I go home I’m going to
give a course on the Mrunas and bring J. Grimes Everett’s message to Maycomb...” (pg.
233-234). The are speaking with c .....
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