Number of words: 1664 - Number of pages: 7.... focused on embodiment and monstrous reproduction. Together, these two discourses create a dichotomy of good and evil, with the female body as the site of their conflict. In constructing 'good' maternal desire as essential to humanity, the film offers a comparison with an opposing human trait, presented as potentially as destructive as the threat of the alien itself. This is the ideologyr epresented by the Company, a profit-motivated, exploitative enterprise whose disregard for human life, and the values that maternal desire encompasses pose a comparable threat to human survival in this film. .....
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The Scarlet Letter 2
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... him alive and slowly tear away at his heart until he is actually dead. He knew what he did is wrong he just could not tell anyone because he was ashamed of it, but this is not saying that he’s not in love with Hester because that’s why it happened. That is his second punishment being denied the wish of spending the rest of their lives together.
Chillingworth committed the worst sin out of all of them. He wanted to get back at Dimmesdale so he was trying to commit revenge. In fact his punishment for this was watching Dimmesdale dye but not by any fault of his own but by the secr .....
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18th Century Poem Analysis
Number of words: 1288 - Number of pages: 5.... with popes'
efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature and
romantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to
the reader through their writing.
Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls,
"An Hero-Comical Poem." This poem has exalted an over all sense of
worthlessness for common rules. The mentioning of Achilles and the
ever-popular Aeneas, are symbols of Pope's Gothic style. Pope speaks
(almost) G-D like throughout, "The Rape of Lock." Contrary to Keats,
who is more down-to-earth with his sense of realism .....
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Heart Of Darkness 10
Number of words: 1184 - Number of pages: 5.... novels. Stories such as Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness are based upon true to life experiences that Joseph had while at sea. Another unique aspect of Conrad’s writing, would be the lack of simple romance within all of his novels. This lack of emotional passion is most likely due to a drastic love affair when he was 17 that ended with an attempt to end his own life. Of Conrad’s many works some include Nostromo, Typhoon, The Secret Agent, and perhaps his most famous work Chance, which made him an instant celebrity within literary circles. From his world-renowned success, Conrad b .....
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Jane Eyres Struggle For Love
Number of words: 997 - Number of pages: 4.... and that I can do
without one bit of love or kindness, but I cannot live so: and you have no pity" (Bronte, 68). Here,
Jane makes her first declaration of independence, contending that she will no longer be a secondary
member in the Reed household.
At Lowood, Jane is repulsed by Mr. Blocklehurst and his "two-faced" character and coarseness.
However, while at Lowood, Jane finds her first true friend in the form of Helen Burns, another
student at the school. Helen teaches Jane of love in the form of religion. By means of instruction as
well .....
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The Parable Of The Doorkeeper
Number of words: 554 - Number of pages: 3.... by the warders, when he tried to discover his charge. The act of refusing entry into the house of law, can be considered to the “incarceration” that K was put under. Although, it appeared that the greater part in impeding entry into the house of law, can be compared to the judges.
When the doorkeeper says that maybe K will be allowed entry later, it reminds one of the Inspector. He attempts to act as K’s friend, and gives him no solace, by saying that he knows nothing. The Inspector says, that he knows nothing about the man’s charge, and is probably the only one who’s on his .....
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Le Cid (french)
Number of words: 2611 - Number of pages: 10.... des décisions importante soit entre la vie ou la mort. Ces décision portait toujours le risque de mauvaise répercussions. Ceci est appelé le conflit cornélien. Le conflit cornélien consistait dans le Cid consistait d'une décision entre l'amour et le devoir/l'honneur. Après la première mise-en scène du Cid, il y avait plusieurs critiques. L'une d'elle venait des Espagnols, ils accusaient Corneille du plagiat d'une pièce écrite par un écrivain espagnol célèbre. Corneille avoua qu'il avait raison, mais il affirma qu'il l'avait seulement fait parce qu'il car il avait une gra .....
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Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Grim P
Number of words: 1079 - Number of pages: 4.... in the book are a somewhat logical projection from current conditions and historical environment that Orwell observed in 1948. Perhaps people would be more comfortable with the book if they could rule out in their minds the possibility of the prophecy becoming a reality.
In a critique of his own work, Orwell called Nineteen Eighty-Four "A work of a future terrible [sic] because it rests on a fiction and can not be substantiated by reality or truth. " But perhaps this future is realizing itself more than Orwell thought it would. Orwell, more than likely, would have made note of, but wouldn't .....
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Hamlet - Appearance Vs. Reality
Number of words: 1660 - Number of pages: 7.... Polonius speaks to his son with advice that sounds sincere but in reality it is rehearsed, hollow and without feeling. Polonius gives his advice only to appear to be the loving caring father. The reality is he only speaks to appear sincere as a politician, to look good rather then actually be good: "And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season this in thee!" Act 1 Polonius gives his son Laertes his blessing to go away, he sends a spy to .....
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Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2.... (Morrison 211) is one of the more eerie statements in the book. How traps Sethe is simple, for Sethe "the future was a matter of keeping the past at bay" (Morrison 42) and when her past, , catches up with her the future is gone and she is enslaved. What's more, does not intend to allow her slave to go free, "I will not lose her again." (Morrison 214)
When Beloved returns to the leaves it could be argued that she was either chased away by Sethe's rejections and liberation from her slavery, or that the relationship between Beloved and Sethe has changed. The possible change in the relat .....
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