Taming Of The Shrew - Illusion Vs. Reality
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... vulnerable side to Katherina actually surfaces when she arrives at Petruchio's house. As Petruchio taunts her with food, she exclaims, "I pray you husband, be not so disquiet: The meat was well, if you were so contented." (Pg. 70) Disposing of the invincibility she maintains in Padua, she hungrily entreats her new husband to be reasonable. Taking off the fierce mask she wears in the beginning of the play, Katherina exposes the reality that she too is human.
Stumbling onto the scene in Padua, Petruchio makes a grand entrance as a man who brings merriment to all those around him. .....
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Always A Vicim, The Characteri
Number of words: 718 - Number of pages: 3.... appear on his sad face. When we here him speak we hear a voice that is "flat and hopeless"(108), "weary and agonized"(110). These are all indications of a troubled soul, but it is when we look into Joe's eyes that we begin to comprehend the depth of his despair. When the young man with the "tormented eyes"(110) bestows upon a child "a glance of infinite sadness"(107), that sadness, that hopeless feeling are instantly conveyed to us.
The feelings and emotions that Joe Manetti experiences also provide and insight into the bleakness and lack of hope in his life. Joe begins the story "in a conf .....
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Sociopolitical Philosophy In The Works Of Stoker And Yeats
Number of words: 2663 - Number of pages: 10.... the rising lower class and foreign influence as evil and harmful to
modern civilization. The Irish Protestant author Sheridan Le Fanu uses vampires
to represent the Catholic uprising in Ireland in his story Carmilla. Like much
of gothic fiction, Carmilla is about the mixing of blood and the harm that
results from it. When vampires strike, they are tainting the blood of the pure
and innocent, causing them to degenerate into undead savages who will take over
and colonize until their race makes up the condition of the whole world. This
was the fear the Protestants had of the rising .....
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Anna Karenina
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... backbone for some of the other
existing themes. With a masterful touch, Tolstoy is able to use these
two themes to show the characters in their true forms at both stages.
The characters are shown to be living in a state of delusion, and as
the characters find themselves at times of near death situations or on
their deathbed, they are able to reveal themselves truthfully.
Many of the characters in the novel are able to show their "real
self" and at times of death, there is a point of reversal in the
characters. This is most evident in the scene of Anna's near death .....
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Oedipus Rex - Compared To Hamlet
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... They have the child taken away to be killed, so they save themselves, but instead the child ends up in a new castle and is raised by another couple as their own child. They never tell Oedipus that he is not their own. When Oedipus hears he is to kill his father and marry his mother, he leaves his parents and searches for a new residence. Except he meets up with a man on the road and kills him. He then finds a castle that is being terrorized by a sphinx and answers the riddle it asks. He then marries the Queen and rules over the kingdom. In the end, the city is threatened by a plague that .....
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Othello: Iago The Con
Number of words: 923 - Number of pages: 4.... takes hold of Desdemona's hand before the arrival of the Moor Othello, Iago says, "With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio." [Act II, Scene I, Line 163] His cunning and craftiness make him a truly dastardly villain indeed.
Being as smart as he is, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to forward his purposes. Throughout the story he is commonly known as, and commonly called, "Honest Iago." He even says of himself, "I am an honest man...." [Act II, Scene III, Line 245] Trust is a very powerful emotion that is easily abus .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... 30) she accidentally swims out very far. At that moment, "a quick vision of death smote her soul, and for a second of time appalled and enfeebled her senses." (Chopin, 30) For the first time she comes face to face with death. Those are the events described by the book. The movie, on the other hand, only shows Edna swimming out, struggling a little, and returning to shore. In addition, the movie doesn’t mention the strength and joy Edna feels after this experience. She states that she "never was so exhausted in [her] life. But it isn’t unpleasant…it is like a night in a dream. .....
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Tone Analysis-their Eyes Were
Number of words: 340 - Number of pages: 2.... though Tea Cake treated her better than her pasts husbands, the act of Janie shooting Tea Cake shows her newly gained freedom and independence. Janie learns how to live for herself. The effusive tone or the outpouring of emotions can mainly be seen in the second paragraph. The beginning statements of how “she wanted him to live so much” and the sentences before that , makes us sympathize for Janie. Janie’s emotions can clearly be seen in this section. She “ held his head tightly to her breast and wept and thanked him wordlessly for giving her the chance for lov .....
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Hamlets Antic Disposition
Number of words: 2049 - Number of pages: 8.... encountered by the reader in the closings of Act I, scene v. In the preceding scene Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus are seen waiting for the Ghost Horatio had encountered the previous night. When it appears before them, Hamlet agrees that the Ghost bears a striking resemblance to his deceased father and it calls him forth to engage in some discourse-as during the previous night, The Ghost eluded the queries of Horatio and Marcellus to retreat at the call of a crow. At this point none of Horatio, Hamlet or Marcellus are certain whether the Ghost had come bearing evil or good sentiments. Ham .....
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The Crucible Essay
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... devil. She then
further involves herself by admitting that the devil called out to her.
“He say Mr. Parris must be kill! Mr. Parris no goodly
man, Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid
me rise out of my bed and cut your throat! But I tell him
“No! I don’t hate that man. I don’t want to kill that man.”
But he say, “You work for me, Tituba, and I make you free!
I give you pretty dress to wear, and put you way high up in
the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados!” And then he
come one stormy night to me, and he say, .....
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