Poetry Assignment
Number of words: 2340 - Number of pages: 9.... The subject matter is perhaps similar in these two poems with the fact that both poems embody foul weather that prevent life from flowing in its normal path. To be more specific, a storm destroys plants, animals, and life in general, while a fog blocks out the sun and its energy to spring life.
In "Fog" the poet, Carl Sandburg, uses the weather condition of a fog as the main subject matter for his poem. The entire poem is literally focused on the fog above the city and harbor. Using a metaphor, Sandburg makes the fog come to life as if it actually had its own eyes to be able to overlook t .....
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A Typical Novel Hero (Charlie
Number of words: 1113 - Number of pages: 5.... Salter was somewhat obese, and definitely out of shape. While laying in bed one morning, he said to his wife, “My physique isn’t what it once was.” (A Question of Murder pg.24). Immediately after saying this Salter made a vow to himself to get back into the physical condition he once had during his early years on the force. Salter is showing a strong demonstration of mental strength by his motivation to lose weight and get back into shape.
In this manner, Salter was unsure as to how he was going to do all this. Losing weight and getting into shape is no easy task. It wasn .....
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Totalitarian Society As Showed
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... a hardship on himself by doing so. Squealer was sent around and said, ³I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napolean has made in taking this extra labor upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure!² (69) It was here that the shift to totalitarianism became rapid.
Aside from the pigs and dogs on Animal Farm, the other animals were not that smart. Most could not learn to read or write like the pigs and were very easily convinced by Squealer that their memories just deceived them sometimes. Boxer was perhaps the worst victim of .....
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A Visit To A Small Planet
Number of words: 372 - Number of pages: 2.... show any sign of knowing anything about morals or love. He overlooks the love of the Speldings and everything that they give him. Instead of showing thanks to the Speldings, Kreton does the opposite and tries to start a war.
I believe that kreton's care of only negative traits was both useful and destructive. Without even knowing, Kreton indirectly showed the characters of the play that they overused violence. At the same time of showing something useful to the characters, Kreton insulted the characters about being primitive and uncivilized.
I think the playwright of this play had many .....
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Exiles By Carolyn Kay Steedman
Number of words: 769 - Number of pages: 3.... and she said she'd worked in an office, done clerical work.
Steedman then goes on to say how she had sought out and verified that this lie was true:
. . .I talked to my grandmother and she, puzzled, told me that Edna had never worked in any office, had in fact been apprenticed to a dry-cleaning firm that did tailoring and mending.
Steedman later on sought additional opportunities to reveal her mother's evasion of the truth. From the top of page 650:
. . .Now I can feel the deliberate vagueness in her accounts of those years: "When did you meet daddy?"-"Oh, at a dance, at home." .....
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Oedipus Fate Vs Free Will
Number of words: 648 - Number of pages: 3.... plead before Apollo to relieve the curse of the plague. Instead of investigating the murder of the former King Lauis, Oedipus took matters into his own hands and cursed the murderer, now the curse would effect him as well, because he was the one who killed Lauis.. "Now my cursed on the murderer,/Whoever he is, alone man unknown in his crime or one among many, let that man drag out his life in agony, step by painful step- I curse myself as well as... if by any chance he proves to be an intimate of our house, here at my hearth, with my full know ledge, may the curse I just called down on .....
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Thoreau: "Our Life Is Frittered Away By Detail"
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... Thoreau is saying that all people, rich and poor, young and old, fritter their lives away with detail, instead of being concerned with the big picture. The important thing to Thoreau was having time to think about how man fits in with nature and what his place on earth is. Thoreau believed that man only needed the basics of food, clothing and shelter. Everything else was a luxury that took time to obtain. Thoreau thought that time spent getting anymore than the basics was not time well spent.
Thoreau couldn't understand why people in his time would waste energy on things that could .....
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Contrasting Views In Home Buri
Number of words: 977 - Number of pages: 4.... to the death of their child. In Donald J. Greiner's commentary on Frost's works, "The Indespensible Robert Frost," it is revealed that "Mrs. Frost could not ease her grief following Elliot's death, and Frost later reported that she knew then that the world was evil. Amy in "Home Burial" makes the same observation". "Home Burial" illustrates the cause of the failing marriage as a breakdown of communication, both verbally and physically, between two people who adopt totally different views in the midst of crisis.
Amy does not believe that her husband is in mourning over the death of their c .....
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Jims Compassion In Huck Finn
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4.... in a deep conversation. Jim speaks of the family he feels he has left behind. Jim tries hard to save up all his money in hopes of buying back his wife and children when he becomes a free man. He expresses that he feels terrible for leaving behind his family and misses them very much. As a result, Huck feels responsible and guilty for ruining Jim’s freedom. Huck decides that he wants to reveal the truth, that Jim really isn’t a free man. His conscience tells him not to and instead he finds himself helping Jim rather than giving him up. Jim feels so thankful to Huck when he says ". .....
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Another Voice In Frankenstein
Number of words: 1033 - Number of pages: 4.... into account, it becomes more apparent that Shelley was not commenting on social aspects of her time or the feminist movement that her mother helped create, rather, she was simply expressing her feelings as a teenager, as so many of us need to do. These feelings of isolation, separation, and being misunderstood, all of which are not uncommon to many teens, are in fact the same as those experienced by the monster in Frankenstein. In this way, the monster most likely is a representation of Mary Shelley.
Almost all of us can relate to a time in our lives when we were young, and misunderstoo .....
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