Macbeth An Expose
Number of words: 862 - Number of pages: 4.... of Macbeth's actions could be seen as attempts to vindicate his manhood. In weak opposition to the murder and in defense of his manhood, Macbeth argues, "I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none." His wife argues that by being more daring, he will become more of a man: (Act 1, Sc 7 49-51) " When you durst do it, then you were a man and, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man." Later that night, Macbeth is executing his beloved monarch. In Act Three, Macbeth sees an appartion of the dear friend he had sentenced to death, Lady Macbeth cuts i .....
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Number of words: 3750 - Number of pages: 14.... is a longer Prologue before a tale begins, the Wife of Bath's Prologue and the Pardoner's Prologue being the most remarkable examples of this. At 's death, the various sections of the Canterbury Tales that he was preparing had not been brought together in a linked whole. His friends seem to have tried as best they could to prepare a coherent edition of what was there, adding some more linkages when they thought it necessary. The resulting manuscripts therefore offer slight differences in the order of tales, and in some of the framework links. The tales are usually found in linked groups kno .....
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Arthurian Romances
Number of words: 758 - Number of pages: 3.... horse and
weapons. The knight in the first story is named Erec, son of the King Lac. He
marries a girl named Enide, who is at his side throughout the story. Together
they adventure through the countryside and Erec fights his battles as they go on.
The knight will give up on nothing ever, it is his duty to serve his King and
God to the best of his ability. “Sire, I have no wound from which I am
suffering so much that I want to interrupt my journey. No one could detain me;
tomorrow- I shall tarry no more- I want to leave in the morning, when I see the
day is dawning.” (1) He is e .....
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Why Steven Landsburg Is Delusional, On Drugs, Or Should Be Taking Them
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... is a gross attempt at suppressing our humanity in the interest of profit. Isn’t morality or in other words virtue, what civilization needs to strive for more so then ever? I fear logic that excludes morality, for its conclusions could seldom be virtuous. It seems to me that in this introduction he is openly admitting that his concept of economics is corrupt.
Next Landsburg stumbles over the “irrevocability” argument. Using the same example of paving, this is the environmentalist idea that “wilderness should take precedence over parking because the decision to pave is irrevo .....
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Lancelot And Odysseus
Number of words: 1516 - Number of pages: 6.... and Odysseus lived in completely different and
somewhat opposing time periods, their heroic and "larger than life"
personalities share some quite distinguishing characteristics. I say that their
time periods were somewhat opposing because the views of the culture regarding
the afterlife and any supernatural occurrence represent the conflict present
between monotheism and polytheism. One mutual characteristic of Lancelot and
Odysseus is their physical prowess present when they do battle against anyone
opposing their divine quest. Odysseus tends to take a more militaristic and
pitiless attit .....
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Aristotle On Excellence In Lea
Number of words: 473 - Number of pages: 2.... that of the rest of the citizens. This citizen does not fit the mold of the common man. He is an outlier. Therefore, something must be done with him. The community could ostracize the supremely "excellent" citizen for having a quality different from the qualities of the majority. However, this course of action would only waste the gift of a small part of the whole and promote mediocrity. The other option, Aristotle's suggestion, is to utilize the gift of the preeminently "excellent" citizen to protect the state's constitution by making him the ruler of the state. Aristotle further justifies .....
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The Sound Of Hollyhocks
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... fall apart. One thing leads to another, and Sarah and Rock’s marriage ends with Sarah’s abrupt death. This pushes Rock into his present state of hearing flowers talk to him. This is a great example of how social problems such as condescension and discrimination can have devastating effects on those around us. If Rock’s mother had not shown such hostility towards Sarah and Rock, they wouldn’t have grown apart and Sarah would not have died and Rock would not have gone crazy. So Rock’s mother, who originally just wanted the best for his son, becomes the person .....
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Number of words: 1584 - Number of pages: 6.... that he leads. In establishing basic questions of these two concepts, Socrates has precluded his own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion , that the choice that he has made is just. "…I am the kind of man who listens only to the argument that on reflection seems best to me. I cannot, now that this fate has come upon me, discard the arguments I used; they seen to me much the same."( p.48b)
The introduction of this work has also provided the concept that it is our society or majority that has dictated what is considered virtuous action. According to Socrates we have bee .....
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East Of Eden
Number of words: 1245 - Number of pages: 5.... to handle love.
When he first appears in the novel, Adam Trask is a young man who is not loved by his brother or mother but only by his father. Cyrus had punished Adam before and had tried to teach him to be a soldier and so Adam hated him for that and when Cyrus told him he loved him, Adam did not accept his love. Cyrus tells Adam, "I think you’re a weakling who will never amount to a dog turd. Does that answer your question? I love you better. I always have. This may be a bad thing to tell you, but it’s true. I love you better. Else why would I have given myself the troub .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 952 - Number of pages: 4.... stamps on it savagely, and looking around him with a broken and distracted face, stammers “Damned sh*t, the damned sh*t!”” (page 18). Even after their good friend Kemmerich passes away, the circle of friends is able to pull together and get through it all. They have a deep love for each other. Some soldiers like Paul and Katczinsky even feel a father/son relationship with each other. “We don’t talk much, but I believe we have a more complete communion with one another than even lovers have” (page 94). The war has brought them together. It has made them rely on each other for sur .....
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