Fork Of A Road
Number of words: 754 - Number of pages: 3.... bent in the undergrowth”. Alistair MacLeod does it differently; the narrator has come to a fork in the road, but without hesitation he takes the more traveled by. This is the first contrast between the two literatures. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black." the leaves had covered the ground and since the time they had fallen no one had yet to pass by on this road. Perhaps Frost does this because each time a person comes to the point where they have to make a choice, it is new to them, somewhere they have never been and they tend to feel as though no .....
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Hills Like White Elephants
Number of words: 1262 - Number of pages: 5.... 277). This is a tale that Herodotus learned in Egypt and many believe that this anecdote was told to him by Egyptian priests, claiming it a true story. Herodotus, himself, didn’t actually believe this particular story but he felt it was his duty to report what he was told. Now, for those of you who didn’t read it, I’ll quickly give a brief synopsis of the story. A dying father tells his two sons how to break into the king’s vault, which he, himself, built. The father then dies, leaving the family with no way to support themselves. So the two sons begin their thieving. They manage to e .....
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A Moveable Feast
Number of words: 638 - Number of pages: 3.... writer he talked about was Ezra Pound. He begins his chapter on Ezra Pound by saying that he "was always a good friend and he was always doing things for people". He also said that Ezra was a kinder and more Christian person with people than Ernest was. He was very impressed by how Ezra could write so perfectly and hit things just right. He was very meticulous about his errors. But, he said that sometimes he could be rather irascible. He also described him as the most generous writer he had ever known. He would help poets, painters, sculptors, writers, and anyone else the he .....
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The Prince And The Pauper
Number of words: 1475 - Number of pages: 6.... he is thoroughly mocked and beaten all the time. Miles Hendon, a man who saves him many different times, befriends him.
The “true” Prince spends a short amount of time in jail in which he must witness as innocent people have limbs cut off, and are burned at the stake. He remembers it all though, and promises himself when he is returned to his rightful position he will rule mercifully and correct unjust laws. Due to his persistent claim that he is king, he is sentenced to twelve lashings in which Miles takes for him. Edward is greatly moved that he could be so generous. It is w .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 874 - Number of pages: 4.... without a valid reason, because he had done something Jack did not like. Other comparisons are Simon, who represents heroes and philanthropists because he wanted to always help others, and Piggy, who represents the scientists and advisers for his ideas and the advice, which he gives to Ralph. Roger represents the criminals and sadists because he abuses and wants to kill others and does not feel any remorse for what he does. These groups of people are evident in life and in most stories. Most people in life can be compared to one of these characters on the island world.
Not only .....
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The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Number of words: 2529 - Number of pages: 10.... to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In The Crucible, Abigail starts the accusations by saying, "I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!" Another girl, Betty, continues the cry with, "I saw George Jacobs .....
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Analyzing The Creek
Number of words: 1821 - Number of pages: 7.... a certain extent, and now he has to make a decision between the two. He allows Eve to manipulate him into thinking and doing things that he normally would never do. When she gives him a copy of the PSAT, he jumps at the chance to bring his friends in on the "jewel." When the test turns up missing, he immediately blames his friends, but allows them to make the decision to return the test anonymously. He trusts his friends enough to believe that they will return the test. When he finds that no one has confessed to swiping the test,
Eve hints to him that Pacey was the culprit. Dawson allo .....
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Julius Caesar - Tragic Hero
Number of words: 1052 - Number of pages: 4.... a tragedy happening to someone in high authority, will affect not only the single person but also society as a whole. Another reason for the tragic hero to be in high authority is to display that if a tragedy may happen to someone such as a king, it may just as easily happen to any other person. Julius Caesar fits the role of a tragic hero. Julius Caesar is a high standing senator that possesses hamartia, failings of human nature. Julius Caesar’s imperfections may be seen in three distinct aspects of Caesar, such as the following: his pride, his vacillation, and his ambition.
Juli .....
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Short Plot Summary Of Giver
Number of words: 340 - Number of pages: 2.... the country and they went to a village.
The story was told as a third person point of view. I enjoyed this story because it shows that how Jonas stands up against what he thought was wrong. The place was suppose to be a utopia turns out to be a dystopia to Jonas. It shows that how the people acts in the real life. How they act to be honest but they are actually lying. The government in the story is the biggest lie, they control everything of the people and assign them what to do, and so that they won't even notice that they are in such a situation that they are controlled. After all, this n .....
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Mark Twain 3
Number of words: 1355 - Number of pages: 5.... in 1839 James Clemens moved his family to Hannibal, Missouri where he hoped to find prosperity. 8 years later, Samuel’s father died of pneumonia leaving behind a family of five. Samuel was 11 and was devastated.(Miller, 4&5)
Samuel Clemens was a difficult child. He almost drowned on nine separate occasions. Within a year of his fathers death, Samuel was apprenticed to a local printer, Joseph Ament. He worked for nearly two years for Ament, leaving him in October, 1850 in order to join the Hannibal Western Union, a small weekly newspaper that had been bought by his broth .....
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