Number of words: 1665 - Number of pages: 7.... island of St. Lucia which occupies the majority of the pages of this epic poem. It just happens that he uses the classical method to tell the story of this island and its history.
Before going into the places where the story reflects the history of St. Lucia, it would be beneficial to go over a brief history of the island. It was first settled in around 200 CE by Arawak (or Aruak) Indians. However, by 800, they had intermingled their culture with that of the Caribs. Europe’s relation and discovery of this island is a bit hazy. One belief is that Columbus discovered the island .....
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Korean Traditional House
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... Korea. Today most thatched houses are found in "folk villages," living museums where traditional Korean culture is preserved.
Many thatched-roof houses have simple fences made of sticks or stones. The walls of the houses are made of mud mixed with straw. In the colder northern provinces, roofs are very thick and hang low over the house. In the warmer southern part of Korea, roofs are thinner, and windows and porches are larger.
In the Choson Kingdom, which ruled Korea from 9 to 90, there was an elite class called the yangban. They held government positions and were .....
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A Duty Dance With Exploring De
Number of words: 2171 - Number of pages: 8.... compassionate evaluation of Billy's response to the cruelty of life" (Bryfonski and Senick 614). This cruelty stems from death, time, renewal, war, and the lack of compassion for human life; all large themes "inextricably bound up" (Bryfonski and Mendelson 529) in this cyclically natured novel that tries to solve the great mystery of death for us, once and for all.
Billy's life had revolved around these ideas from the time he was a child. At the age of twelve Billy "had undergone the real crises of his life, had found life meaningless even if he could not then articulate that concept, a .....
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Romeo And Juliet 3
Number of words: 995 - Number of pages: 4.... and Benvolio are approached by a Capulet servant
who invites them to the Capulet party. Romeo agrees to go because he knows that
Rosaline will be there. Before Romeo goes to the party he has a dream that something
bad will happen if he goes; Benvolio tells him that dreams are meaningless and they
When Romeo and his friends arrive they are discovered by Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin,
Who wants to kill them but is stopped by Juliet’s father. During the course of the party
Romeo and Juliet meet and instantly fall in love. Romeo no longer loves Rosaline and is
totally fo .....
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Creative Writing
Number of words: 2820 - Number of pages: 11.... arrest tonight. I need to tell you that Anna has never really showed any interest in short, chubby Martin, but I can’t break that news to him. I lie and tell him that we’re in, when what I mean is, I’m in. Really, Anna with her tall beanpole-like figure isn’t anything to get too excited about. Her shoulder length brown hair is always pulled back so tightly it looks as if her forehead is about to crack.
"So, how do you want to do it?" Martin asks me.
"Well, seeing as how neither one of us has a car, we’re gonna have to meet somewhere close to their house since the .....
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Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawth
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2.... life.
Arthur on the other hand, was in total denial. His love could not professed at the beginning, because of his position in the comunity. He couldn't accept that fact that he is the town's clergyman, and he had an illicit affair with a married woman. It went against his moral code as a man of God. He broke the covenant of," thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife." And he could not enought to take a way the guilt he had inside him. It wasn't until he returned to the woods and found Hester there, that he realized that the affair had happen and he must face the truth. And the truth was that .....
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How Is Mystery And Suspense Cr
Number of words: 4192 - Number of pages: 16.... of his stay in Edinburgh, he met Joseph Bell who was a professor at the University that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle attended. Bell had an intriguing hobby of deducing people’s characters from their appearance. Bell became the model for the protagonist of the Sherlock Holmes stories, which were introduced in 1887. In these stories, Doyle portrays himself as Dr. Watson, a friend of Holmes who spends a great amount of time with him.
The story of “The Engineer’s Thumb” starts in a way that is typical of many of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Dr Watson is recalling one of the num .....
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The Mafia
Number of words: 1149 - Number of pages: 5.... in any way in which he could. This attempt at elimination was quite unsuccessful since ’s base was so far ranging. ""Arlachhi (1986 44-5) concluded in 1983 "there does not exist a centralized criminal organized called … The cosca mafiosa is a simple organism but a solid one, without formalism or bureaucracy. Within it are neither statutory ordinances, initiation rites nor courts of judgment"" (Fiorienti and Peltzman 38). This is in contrast as to what others recognize as organized crime. In direct retrospect to his earlier writings, Arlacchi claims that, through interviews wi .....
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Extensive Symbolism Of The Sca
Number of words: 3871 - Number of pages: 15.... of forms and places. Not only does the A manifest in various forms, but it also acquires a variety of meanings. It represents more than just the sin of adultery. Even as the original mark of adultery, the scarlet letter has a different individual meaning to the various characters. To Hester, the A is a symbol of unjust humiliation. The "A" magnifies in an armor breastplate at the Governor's mansion to "exaggerated and gigantic proportions, so as to be acutely the most prominent feature of [Hester's] semblance. In truth, she emerges absolutely hidden behind it.". The A grows to be large .....
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A Separate Peace 3
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... he wore the school tie as a belt. Gene was anxiously waiting for Finny to get yelled at, but because of his openness he was able to talk his way out of getting into trouble. Finny claimed that he wore the tie as a belt because it represented “Devon in the War.” Again, Gene was envious of Finny’s openness to make up a story and “get away with everything.”
Another one of Gene’s enemies is his anger. Alone, his anger is mild, but when mixed with his jealousy, prove to be a deadly combination. Gene was angry at such things as Finny’s ability go get o .....
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