Scarlet Letter Reflective Mono
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... from the heavens I saw Mistress Hester Prynne with her daughter. Mistress Prynne sticks out like a sore thumb. She is an odd one. She walked with the child holding her hand, slowly, as heads to turned. She stood so clear of everyone else that I saw the brand clearly. It was a work of art. Never have I seen such good stitching. Standing in the light, her hair taken back, looking without expression. A picturesque woman, voluptuous breasts and smooth curves seem to be noticeable even though the scarlet letter seemed to steal much of the attention. Her complexion so fair, and so white in the l .....
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Ezra Pound, Imagism, And The Influence Of The Orient
Number of words: 1411 - Number of pages: 6.... Richard Aldington in 1912. The first states that the “thing” dealt with will be done so directly, whether subjectively or objectively (Spirit of Romance p.219). Pound insisted that the poem must present to the reader an active image, not a mere description of events or setting. Pound’s model for his directness was the prose of nineteenth century French authors such as Flaubert and DeMaupassant (Hakatuni p.48-49).
The second tenet of Imagism is to “use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation” of the image in question. Pound elaborates by saying: “The .....
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English Shakespeare
Number of words: 1511 - Number of pages: 6.... Camillo tells Polixenes he will help his friends and he flee the city, then serve under him, defecting from Leontes' court.
At the royal court, Hermione plays with Mamillius when Leontes enters, hearing that Camillo has left with Polixenes. Leontes wrongly determines that Camillo had been working for Polixenes for a long time, then accuses Hermione of being unfaithful and sends her to prison,although she publicly denies all. Antigonus and other lords try in vain to change Leontes' mind.
He tells them he has sent a messenger to the oracles Delphos and Apollo to confirm or deny his suspicion .....
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Ordinary Men
Number of words: 1620 - Number of pages: 6.... percent were middle-class but not greatly successful. Many were in their late 30s, too old for active army duty, but just right for police duty. They were old enough to know of political ideology other than that of the Nazi party, even though most were members.
Without a doubt, the men of this battalion greatly contributed to the final solution. The first action the 101st Battalion was order to do took place in Józefów. They went into the town and were ordered to "shoot anyone trying to escape" and "those that were too sick or frail to walk to the marketplace, as .....
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Comparing Prince Hal And Henry's Models Of Statescraft
Number of words: 1047 - Number of pages: 4.... Hal on the other hand has a different idea of statecraft. He expresses
his ideas in his speech in Act I, scene ii when he says "If all the year were
playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as to work; But when they seldom
come, they wish'd-for come,...My reformation glitt'ring o'er my fault, Shall
show more goodly and attract more eyes than that which hath no foil to set it
off." He is saying that he may be acting like a common ruffian now but when he
does take up his duties as heir to the throne and begin to act like a prince he
will shine more in the eyes of men because his a .....
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Taxi Driver
Number of words: 1179 - Number of pages: 5.... money but more importantly staying busy. He is disgusted by the world and it’s sleaziness and states that " One day a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.
Bickle works long hours sometimes from 6pm to 8am and while working is very disgusted by the city. In his free time though he represents everything that he hates about the city. He goes to the triple x theatre and even tries to pick up the concession stand worker. As he narrates he tells of how he is trying to find his own identity in the crowded city.
Then one day, out of the monotony, walks a g .....
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Song Of Solomon 2
Number of words: 1284 - Number of pages: 5.... of things as well as other people is a rather remarkable statement, coming from a descendant of slaves. Macon has not inherited this trait from his father, even though he mistakenly thinks so. His father had owned things that "grew" other things, not "owned" other things.
Pilate Dead, Macon's younger sister, is a marked contrast to her brother and his family. Macon has a love of property and money, and this determines the nature of his relationships with others. Pilate has a sheer disregard for status, occupation, hygiene, and manners, and has the capability to respect, love, and trust .....
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Comparing Tragedies (How To Te
Number of words: 0 - Number of pages: 0.... .....
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The American
Number of words: 995 - Number of pages: 4.... life of business and hard work, and is determined to live carefree and abroad. Newman changes day by day, and the reader follows along with these changes.
The name Claire de Cintré also enhances the reader’s knowledge of her as a person. "Claire" in French means "light" and "Cintré" often can be translated as "crazy" or "insane." Claire is a light in many ways. She always wears white clothing, which can be very bright and seems to almost emit a glow when she is in a room. Her personality is also very lightening. S .....
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George Orwells 1984
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... the Thought Police. Through the novel, Winston’s views change. At first, he thinks he's some sort of individual and different then most people. He finally expresses it on paper. Then he feels rage, because he's jealous of Julia. Then he feels hope, because he's part of a group doing the right thing. Then, he feels hope, but he's not happy. This is after he's captured. Then, he's resistant to the captures, and thinks they can never get to him. When he faces his greatest fear, rats, his spirit is broken. Then, he goes into realization that he loves Big Brother.
One of the two mi .....
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