Huck Finn
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... impressed upon the mind, the life that went up and down it and went on along its banks are
projected with extraordinary power. Incidentally, and with a true artistic instinct, the villages, the cabins, the people of this river become startlingly real. The beauty of this is that it is apparently done without effort. Huck floating down the river happens to see these things and to encounter the people and the characters that made
the river famous forty years ago--that is all. They do not have the air of being invented, but of being found. And the dialects of the people, white and black--wh .....
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“Homeless Veterans: Perspectives On Social Services Use”
Number of words: 726 - Number of pages: 3.... in America has been well documented since the mid-1980. It really surprises me that it took to the 1980’s until homelessness was documented, or at least “well” documented. I believe homelessness has been a problem for hundreds of years. The article also states that between 567,000 and 600,000 individuals are homeless and on any given day 200,000 of them are veterans.
When I talk about cultural diversity I not only mean the obvious groups such as African-American, Native-American, Hispanic and so on, I believe that Veterans are a part of there own culture. The men who wen .....
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Macbeth Relationship Analysis
Number of words: 1170 - Number of pages: 5.... gentleman!” (King Duncan, I, ii, 24). This can be considered a weakness or, perhaps, strength in the relationship, it depends on the point of view. It is a weakness if we analyze Macbeth’s side. He is “…too full o’ the milk of human kindness…that wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false…”
(I, v, 16 & 21). It is strength if we analyze Lady Macbeth’s side. She has a very strong nature and knows Macbeth’s weak points, therefore manipulating and controlling the relationship. She uses of a great argument in Act I, vii accu .....
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The Bluest Eye
Number of words: 569 - Number of pages: 3.... to become beautiful so they will be recognized and be the center of attention. But the harder both characters try, the worse things get.
Pauline strived for beauty because she wanted to attention and wanted to be beautiful. Pauline seemed to have just worse case of bad luck, when she was a child she stepped on a nail and she was left with a limp forever. "The wound left her with a crooked, archless foot that flopped when she walked….." (110). She tried to put that behind her but she lost three middle teeth, not all the same time but slowly. It wasn’t because her teet .....
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King Lear
Number of words: 793 - Number of pages: 3.... intent to abdicate his throne. He goes on further to offer pieces of his kingdom to his daughters as a form of reward to his test of love.
"Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love,
Long in our court have made their amorous sojourn,
And here are to be answered. Tell me, my daughters
(Since now we will divest us both of rule, Interest of territory, cares of state), Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
That we our largest bounty may extend
where nature doth with merit challenge."
(Act I, Sc i, Ln 47-53)
This is the first and most significant of the many sins that he makes in thi .....
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Lisa Bright And Dark
Number of words: 437 - Number of pages: 2.... Lisa went into an almost trance-like episode and then proceeded to attack one of her three friends. Even through the difficult times, Lisa’s friends would not give up on her. The basic theme of friendship is expressed throughout the novel.
It is never told exactly what has caused Lisa Shilling to slip into this state of depression, which helps to make the atmosphere of the novel very mysterious. Just when it appears that Lisa is getting better, another episode occurs. The story is disturbing, being set around Lisa’s school and home. With other characters in the story, such as Lisa’ .....
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Life Of Shakespeare
Number of words: 863 - Number of pages: 4.... time of William's birth, and a man on the rise. He served in Stratford government successively as a member of the Council (1557), constable (1558), chamberlain (1561), alderman (1565) and finally high bailiff (1568)--the equivalent of town mayor. About 1577 John Shakespeare's fortunes began to decline for unknown reasons. There are records of debts. In 1586 he was replaced as alderman for shirking responsibilities, and in 1592 was reprimanded for not coming to church for fear of process of debt.
Mary, the daughter of Robert Arden, had in all eight children with John Shakespeare. William was .....
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Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... with a woman was prohibited but for when in the palace of the mating. The palace of the mating was where people were forced to breed. Equality thought touching a woman was shameful and ugly. Then one day while he swept the streets he found a grate that led to underground tunnel full of things from the unmentionable times. For two years he went to the tunnel and discovered a new glowing light. Then one day while in the tunnel decided that he must share his secret with his brothers. He decided that he would bring his secret in front of the world council meeting. When Equality entered the wo .....
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Educating Rita
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4.... the sense that a great many things are bound not to happen on stage. In fact nothing taking place outside Frank's office can be seen by the audience. All action is inevitably confined within these four walls. When Frank invites Rita to his home for dinner in the play the audience are not set up for suspension as to how it will turn out since they already know that whatever happens will not take place before them, but will be retold.
The movie is several scenes richer. Some of these scenes are in the play retold by the actors and some of them are not there at all. Scene three in act two begin .....
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Jane Eyre 6
Number of words: 1438 - Number of pages: 6.... humiliation, self-doubt, and forlorn depression" were deepened by such gloomy weather. (Bronte 9-10) Much like the beast's castle in "Beauty and the Beast", Gateshead, Jane's home, appeared to have an evil spell that would not allow the days to be sprinkled with sunshine and happiness.
Jane's horrible, doom filled days at Gateshead came to a halt when Jane was accepted into Lowood Institution. Although Lowood was a more joyous home for Jane, she never considered it home. Jane delighted in one wintery morning when the girls could not wash because the pitchers were frozen. "A change had ta .....
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