Under Milk Wood
Number of words: 1825 - Number of pages: 7.... he feels females are, he said, "I told you" almost scornfully as if he's trying to say that if he said it, it must be right which isn't the case. Tom's complete sexist attitude is shown by the word "girls" here he generalises about any females ability to learn Latin although I'm sure that isn't the case and he just makes the comment purely because of his sexist nature.
Tom's sexism isn't just used against his sister, he uses it to put others down as well, "like a girl's: Tom thought that truly pitiable". The sexism Tom is showing here is by discriminating against Philip due .....
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Escape Through Science Fiction Novels And Movies
Number of words: 787 - Number of pages: 3.... to the fact that most escapes are the temporary kind, leisure time is generally very precious. Therefore, it is not enough that an escape simply do away with work and responsibility. An escape must also take full advantage of one’s leisure time.
Third, an escape must not have any undesirable consequences. This is the condition that justifies the escape itself. Suppose for example that a person became tired of his or her job and simply stopped working. That person would soon be fired, and although he did avoid doing work, his method of escape cannot be justified because of the undesirable c .....
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Escape Theme In The Glass Mena
Number of words: 849 - Number of pages: 4.... apartment, not out. The fire escape separates reality and the unknown.
Across the street from the Wingfield apartment is the Paradise Dance Hall. Just the name of the place is a total anomaly in the story. Life with the Wingfields is as far from paradise as it could possibly be. Laura appears to find solace in playing the same records over and over again, day after day. Perhaps the music floating up to the apartment from the dance hall is supposed to be her escape, which she just can't take. Often in the play the music from the Paradise Dance Hall is the background music for the scenes. Th .....
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An Example Of Good Writing: Zinsser's "Simplicity"
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2.... the essay it is easy to understand. He
uses everyday words not dictionary words. No one wants to read an essay
that every other word they have to stop and go look it up because they do
not know the meaning. This causes the reader to become frustrated and they
also tend to loose interest. There are too many other options presented to
people today that already stray them away from reading.
By asking questions in the essay it keeps the readers attention.
In the essay Zinsser asks, "Who is this elusive creature, the reader?"
That question causes the people reading to stop and think, could .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper: Exemplifies Women's Position In The 19th Century
Number of words: 2398 - Number of pages: 9.... her story by symbolizing events in the main character's life and through analysis we can conclude that it is analygous to a woman's position in America at the time. Firstly, this association can be analyzed by the narrator's gradual descent into madness by her illusions of entrapment and liberation held within the wallpaper. This imajery can be linked to the real world of oppression of a typical woman's life. Secondly, the actual setting of the story can be analyzed as another element of Gilman's critique of women in America. The garden and nursury can also be thought of as imajery indicati .....
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Othello 3 --
Number of words: 1370 - Number of pages: 5.... he uses very strong language, while at the same time, he lies throughout the whole speech faking loyalty to a fellow soldier and all the while implying that he is reluctantly holding back the full truth: “I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth. Than it should do offense to Michael Cassio” (I.ii.21-22). This deception impresses and convinces Othello that his officer is a good and loyal soldier. Iago also succeeds in deceiving Cassio. After Cassio's drunken fight, Iago counsels him to speak to Desdemona about trying to convince Othello to reinstate him as lieutenant, all .....
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Sir Gawain And The Green Knigh
Number of words: 1589 - Number of pages: 6.... as well as man’s fall from grace in the garden.
Originally, the first duty of a knight was to be at the service of his church. However, with the rise of courtly love, knights began to give their devotion to their mistress rather than God. This elevated the church’s mistrust of women and the flesh. The characterization of Bertilak’s wife is not unlike that of Eve, a temptress who would bring both happiness and despair to her man. One interesting twist to this story is that, like courtly love, possession of power seems to be shifted into the hands of the women. The wi .....
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Traits Of An Epic Hero
Number of words: 438 - Number of pages: 2.... listen to the Siren's songs. Since Odysseus didn't have any leftover beeswax for his ears, he had to resist the temptation of hearing the songs. Secondly, he tricked the Cyclops and got away in time before he was killed. Third, Odysseus sends just two of his men, instead of the whole group, to find out about the songs. If he sent them all, they may have got killed.
Even though Odysseus is strong and intelligent, he also has enough self-confidence to get him through his journey. If he didn't believe in himself now, how would his men do the same. His men look up to Odysseus and learn from .....
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Comparison Of The Swimmer And
Number of words: 1561 - Number of pages: 6.... the first
stanza reads “ opening the spray corollas” which also means the blooming of flowers or plants. This similarity is very strong, as it helps to paint the same picture in the reader’s head. Both describe a very beautiful scene of nature involving the blossoming of a plant, perhaps reflecting the
changes the character might go through.
However, there is one fact that distinguishes the imagery in “Lone Bather” from the imagery used in “The Swimmer.” The “Lone Bather” tends to describe a softer, calmer image, while “The .....
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Oedipus The King
Number of words: 1127 - Number of pages: 5.... hastiness, he passionately curses the murderer, and in so, unknowingly curses himself. "Upon the murderer I invoke this curse- whether he is one man and all unknown, or one of many- may he wear out his life in misery or doom! If with my knowledge he lives at my hearth, I pray that I myself may feel my curse." (pg. 438; lines 266-271)
In order for Sophecles' Greek audience to relate to the tragic figure, he had to have some type of flaws or an error of ways. This brought the character down to a human level, invoking in them the fear that "it could happen to them." And Oedipus certainly is not .....
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