Flowers For Algernon(Book)
Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... at the customers in the restaurant saying “Shut up. Leave him alone. It’s not his fault he can’t understand. He can’t help what he is. But he’s still a human being.” Charlie also does not realizethat his friends are laughing at him and not with him until his IQ beginsto increase, and he figures out what Joe Carp and Frank Riley mean by “he pulled a Charlie Gordon.”
Another reason the operation is not worth the risk is because the
operation is not permanent. Before the operation, Charlie has an IQ of 68 he can write but his spelling is not very good. Charlie’s IQ incre .....
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Number of words: 1585 - Number of pages: 6.... important imagery of Shakespeare's play, Macbeth. "The theme of Macbeth is reinforced by the imagery of blood." (Von Doren 338). Shakespeare mentions the word blood, or different forms of it often in the play. The best way to describe how the image of blood changes throughout the play is by following the character changes in Macbeth. First, Macbeth is a brave and honored soldier, but as the play progresses, Macbeth becomes identified with death and bloodshed, along with showing his guilt in different forms.
The first corrupt reference to blood is when Macbeth sees the dagger floating .....
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Critique Of My Reverend
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... said and meant. He was very organized in his delivery.
Vocal Delivery
His voice was not loud enough you had to listen hard to hear what he was saying. And his very heavy accent made it very hard to understand him if you hadn't been to this church. You would have had to cone a few times to be able to under stand his accent voice didn't show much variety only in a few spots for great importance.
Physical Delivery
He didn't use much body language or formal hand motions hardly at all. He sometimes leaned on the podium to show sincerity and emotion with a small amount of hand motions. An .....
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Let's Really Reform Our Schools
Number of words: 350 - Number of pages: 2.... from 8 a.m. until 2p.m., the same as a traditional school.
The second way is a work-placement program that can help these troublemakers to find work in the community when they are no longer able to attend or wish to be at these special schools. These programs would be designed to help these students get a job in what they are most interested in doing. By offering these worst troublemakers alternatives of being in jail or working, city officials hope this program will give these troubled teens a better choice then being in a gang or being in jail. There are more ways to deal with the issu .....
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Identity In Metamorphasis And
Number of words: 896 - Number of pages: 4.... treating them like some subclass of humanity better left untouched. His wife scoffs at the fact that the majority of the attenders of the party do not even grasp the concept of galoshes, a 'neccesity' of life that has not filtered down to the less fortunate. Gabriel's shame for his famile is readily apparent. He speaks down to them, refuses to learn their common language, and prefers to escape away from their land as much as possible. When he is asked about this shame and it is brought to the forefront, he becomes very upset and even lashes back at his family. "O to tell you the truth, ret .....
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The Curse By Andre Dubus
Number of words: 955 - Number of pages: 4.... in great detail. He is dynamic because he changes from a relatively carefree, self-assured man into an impetuous man who feels old and becomes consumed with guilt. After witnessing the rape: “He did not know what it was like to be very old … but he assumed it was like this: fatigue beyond relieving by rest, by sleep.”
Dubus uses all three methods of indirect characterization in describing Mitchell; he uses words, actions, and thoughts. An example of his words is “I should have stopped it. I think I could have stopped it.” An example of his actions come .....
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Number of words: 379 - Number of pages: 2.... or whole heartiness. These are Monkeys companions in the Journey to the West. Then there is Monkey who has the “monkey mind” which must be tamed by discipline before the spiritual journey can begin. Monkey and his companions face many demons and monsters along the way can be seen as projections of the mind. Monkey is set forth on the spiritual path.
Monkey than goes on to search for his immortality than is lead to getting weapons where he turns the weapons into a hatpin which helps lead him to his immortality. Throughout the novel. Keeps trying to find the Western paradise he faces man .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 1049 - Number of pages: 4.... school teacher known as Miss Caroline did not know the reputations of the predecessors of these two children. In what looked like a good day for the rookie teacher quickly turned into complete disarray and a total adversity trip for the teacher. Walter Cunningham being raised in a very hard working environment was taught not to take what he could not pay back. The teacher obviously did not know about his background in the most minute way and embarrassed him extensively by almost demanding him to take some lunch money. Knowing that he could not pay Miss Caroline back in the way that she had in .....
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Iliad/Odyssey Summary
Number of words: 1581 - Number of pages: 6.... him to fight with the Trojans. Hector saw his wife-Andromache, and son-Astyanax. He said his farewells to them as he went back to battle.
As the Greeks fought the Trojans, they realized they were no match, and knew that without godlike Achilles, they would be defeated. So Agamemnon’s advisers counseled him to apologize to Achilles. Gifts of land, gold, and women were offered to Achilles but he refused. He believed he was dishonored to greatly to rejoin the Greeks.
Achilles’ friend Patroclus convinced Achilles to let him wear his armor and lead the Myrmidons into battle. The armor intimi .....
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The Spirit Catches You And You
Number of words: 921 - Number of pages: 4.... ancestors, to ease the pain. She was so quiet that all of her other children slept undisturbed a few feet away, and woke only when they heard the cry of their newborn brother or sister. After each birth, Nao Kao cut the umbilical cord with heated scissors and tied it with string. After the birth, Foua washed the baby with water she had carried from the stream earlier that day. Foua conceived, carried, and bore all her children with ease. If there were any problems, she would use a variety of remedies that were commonly used by the Hmong culture. Some Hmong couples chose to not conceive. Som .....
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