The Red Badge Of Courage --
Number of words: 857 - Number of pages: 4.... war as a journalist for the New York World. Crane was obsessed with violence all his life; he loved war.(DMS Stephen Crane History Page.) At the age of 29 he died on June 5, 1900, suffering from tuberculosis, in Germany.
The Red Badge Of Courage commences with a new regiment for the Union army languishing for a battle. Jim, a friend of Henry (the main character) hears some rumors about their next movements. Jim tells a group of soldiers that their going to go around the enemy and attack them from behind. A few days later they started marching and they attacked. This .....
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People Of The Mist
Number of words: 766 - Number of pages: 3.... and the Greenstone clan is ruled by an old woman named Hunting Hawk, Her grand daughter, Red Knot, is murdered is murdered in the early morning of the day of her arranged marriage to Copper Thunder. He is a powerful chief of a different tribe. Red Knot loves a young warrior named High Fox, from a neighboring village, Three Myrtle. High Fox is the son of the Weroance of Three Myrtle Village, Black Spike.
Red Knot and High Fox hatch a plot to escape Flat Pearl Village and the arranged marriage to Copper Thunder. They plan to meet early in the morning of the day of her wedding an .....
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Orwell Critizism
Number of words: 333 - Number of pages: 2.... then he will surely miss most of the important aspects of the book. I do not think Orwell took into account his audience when he wrote this book. He must have known that not everyone who would read his great work of literature would not know well the complete history of the Russian Revolution. Taking this idea into account, I think he could have somehow made it possible for a person who did not know about the Russian revolution to be able to understand the main purpose of the writing. Not many people can just automatically realize that he is warning about the dangers of a totalitaria .....
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Animal Dreams
Number of words: 1426 - Number of pages: 6.... familial needs became centered around Hallie. Codi and Hallie identify themselves as orphans incapable of understanding their father's coldness. Codi and Hallie become dependent on each other for emotional nourishment. Codi describes her attachment to Hallie as being, "like keenly mismatched Siamese twins conjoined at the back of the mind"(page 8). Hallie becomes Codi's only definition and source of family. Codi becomes extremely dependent on Hallie in this aspect.This is the beginning of Codi's development of insecurities. In addition, Doc Homero's aloofness with the town people develops .....
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The Changing Roles Of Women In
Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3.... honey, God willing." (p. 38) Beneatha replies, "God hasn't got a thing to do with it." (p. 38) She goes on to say, "God is just one idea I don't accept… I get tired of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves through its own stubborn effort. There simply is no God- there is only man and it is who makes miracles." (p. 39) Lena rises across the room and slaps Beneatha in the face. She is so intolerant of Beneatha's beliefs that she makes her say, "In my mother's house there is still God." (39) In a sense, she is right. Lena is so demanding and intolerant; she is .....
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The Scarlet Letter 3
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... onto his chest, and he severely whipped himself. He tortured himself not because the Puritan’s had punished him, but because he felt an undying guilt for what he had done.
In contrast to the punishments of Hester and Dimmesdale, President Clinton will be punished less severely. President Clinton should not be impeached for the controversy surrounding him. According to Elaine Kamarack, author of “The Comeback Kid Can Do It Again,” “The core issue is simply too trivial to warrant something so traumatic to the nation.” She believes that Clinton's crime is not .....
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Should The Driving Age Be Lowered To Sixteen?
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2.... year olds with a license are not allowed to drive any later than 10.00pm and no earlier than 8.00am.The safety programs could also be a lot thougher.
Not only should teenagers be taught how to drive but also taught about safety, matenence and how a car works so they are fully aware of any types of hazards and can learn to take responsibility. It should also be the parent’s role to help their child overcome all hazards and continue to build their driving skills after licensing. A solution for people who worry about their teenagers a crash is to improve crash protection by emphasizing safet .....
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Colours Of The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 994 - Number of pages: 4.... with Tom in New York, is the complete opposite of the house she lives in. The Wilson's home is in "a valley of ashes... where
ashes take to form of houses and chimneys... a line of gray cars crawls along... the ash-gray men..." (Fitzgerald, 23) The author describes the part of the region in which Myrtle lives, as well as the other people of the lower class as this very hideous place full of pollution. Her life with Wilson is very colourless, she does not attended any parties with him like the rich people do. Myrtle wants colour and joy in her life and that is why she has a romance wit .....
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Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People
Number of words: 1605 - Number of pages: 6.... he accepted
Satan's challenge. With out warning to Job, God destroyed Jobs house,
killed his children, and slaughtered Job's cattle. He then cursed Job with
painful boils all over his skin, so to make his every movement filled with
excruciating pain. Many times Job's wife asked him why he didn't just
curse God, and ensue Gods wrath to strike him dead. Job's friends told him
to denounce his faith in God, after all look where it got him. Yet Job
remained faithful to God's will. When God saw how devoted and trustworthy
this humble servant was to him, he appeared to Job and rewarded him w .....
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June Jordan
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2.... "Thick long, black hair with a starched, white nurse's cap when she went on duty" makes you picture her leaving and getting ready for work. This shows how the daughter admires the way she looks but still does not want to become her.
In an essay by Carol Saline, the relationship between the daughter and mother is acontradiction. Meaning at one time they love each other, next minute they hate each other. Saline uses literary elements and techniques to show the daughters admiration for her mother but does not want to become her. One technique the author uses is metaphor. Meta .....
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