Victorian Literature
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... the particular problems of creating a female identity.
Among the writers of early Victorian nonfiction, Thomas CARLYLE in Past and
Present (1843) argued for the re-creation in industrial England of the lost
sense of community between social classes. In contrast, John Stuart MILL
in ON LIBERTY spoke for the fullest development of the individual through
freedom from social restraint. The foremost art critic of the time, John
RUSKIN, articulated the assumptions of many contemporary critics by showing
in The Stones of Venice (1851-53) the interdependence of great art and a
society's moral healt .....
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Boll's "The Laugher"
Number of words: 340 - Number of pages: 2.... have the deire to laugh in other ways.
The laugher's married life is not like any others. Boll writes "
During the first years of our married liek my wife would often say too me "
Do Laugh !"" This quote show that his wife never heard his real life. She
had always heard his " fake " laugh. She is telling him to laugh on
purpose. She is encouraging him to laugh so the she can hera his " real "
laugh. Boll writes " SO our marriage is a quiet, peaceful one, because my
has also forgotten how to laugh: now and again I catch her smiling and I
smile too." This quote protrays that th .....
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Troublesome Farmhouse
Number of words: 1938 - Number of pages: 8.... distance and knew they could get a place to sleep for the night, but had to hurry before the storm closed in on them.
The blood trickled through Louis's fingers as he held his knees and screamed in pain. To see how badly Louis was injured, Lee took a box of matches out of his pocket and lit them all at once. The rocks around them danced with yellow and orange light that emitted from Lee's blistered hand.
Louis's injuries were mild, compared to what lay in front of them. Striking that box of matches actually saved their lives, as they found themselves a metre from the edge of a twenty-metr .....
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The Crown Of Diamond: Overview
Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3.... that all windows and doors were locked. He saw Mary at a side window at the hall. She closed it quickly, and Holder noticed that she looked anxious. After he went to sleep, he heard some noise that woke him up; he waited until he heard it again coming from his sitting room. He jumped out of his bed and saw his son holding the crown broken from the side and three diamonds were missing. In grief, he accused Arthur of being a thief and a liar. Meanwhile Mary came in and seeing the crown fainted. Arthur asked if he could leave for five minutes but Holder refused and called the police to take h .....
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East Of Eden
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3.... He was with her because that is whom he was supposed to be with. It didn’t seem he had deep emotions for her. Then in the end she leaves him for Cal, who she has, fell in love with. Aaron also lived in a closed world, not open for new ideas. When he was told that his mom was dead, that is what he believed and never questioned it. So when he found out that she was alive and a whore, his whole perfect world came crashing down. Aaron goes out and drinks a lot of alcohol and smashes his head threw a train window. He couldn’t except the truth about his own family. Aaron’s lif .....
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Frankenstein Themes Still Pres
Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3.... their head. Frankenstein didn't know the creature would turn into this monster and kill others, nor did he know the creature would also be as kind and gentle as well. Frankenstein also didn't consider how society would accept and treat the creature. The creature was not exactly of normal standards, and when someone tries to place a being like that in a normal human environment without any guidance or teaching, then he was certain to be ostracized and punished as many people have throughout history just for being different.
Frankenstein was also related to a significant theme of today, whic .....
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Advice I Often Receive From Pa
Number of words: 351 - Number of pages: 2.... "as long as you tried your hardest." It gets quite annoying when I second guess myself about what I could have done. However, when I know I did the work as well as I could and it isn't a good mark, I don't worry about it as much as some people might.
In conclusion, the piece of advice that I receive most often from my parents is basically a good one, and often it keeps me motivated in the things I do. It also shows me that my parents will support most of my decisions and treat me like a responsible person. I believe that somewhere along the line. I will probably pass along the advice "as l .....
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The Odyssey: Plot And Theme
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3.... Telemacus. He must venture to the land of the dead (Rieu p 160). The only important thing in Odysseus’ life is returning to his family in Ithaca.
Having the same feelings his father possesses, Telemacus’ only desires are to keep his mother from marrying one of the many suitors and acquiring knowledge of his father. He must do this because he knows that if his father is dead, he must return to Ithica to fight the suitors alone (and eventually be killed). His other choice is to stay away from Ithica all together and lose the respect of his people and do harm to his fathers name. To .....
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Independence And Failure In Ma
Number of words: 1932 - Number of pages: 8.... This metaphor also excellently exemplifies the catastrophe that occurs in Macbeth as both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to separate. Macbeth is a eighteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. Using these two metaphors, the breakdown in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and between the king and the thanes and how they perfectly parallel each other because each is caused by Macbeth’s will to be independent
According to Webster’s dictionary, the archaic definition of independence is “competence” (1148). To be independent is not to be “subject to control by othe .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 359 - Number of pages: 2.... had been released. This event shows how evils are present for all humans, and are waiting for the right chance to be released.
Furthermore, looking at how Jack had changed it clearly states that evil is present in all. As an example, Jack had changed totally from what used to be a regular boy, into total savagery. If without landing in this topical island, I believe he would not have changed, or at least not as extreme. Therefore, with this in mind, you can see how evil is waiting for the chance to be released by one.
As for conclusion, evil is certainly present for everyone. The f .....
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