Beowulf 8
Number of words: 424 - Number of pages: 2.... for bringing a iron sheild with him to fight the fire-breathing dragon. Beowulf is smart for doing this because being the intelligent man that he is, he knows that he will need it if the dragon is to breath the fire on him. Beowulf's intelligence is well spoken for him because he knows what to do in all sorts of situations without having to think about them.
The last one of Beowulf's qualities is that he's strong. Beowulf is talked to be one of the strongest men alive of all his nationality. He holds this title because he can do what no other of his kind can, with their strength. Beow .....
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The Thing They Carried
Number of words: 1087 - Number of pages: 4.... by ones self. Yet, add some energetic sprites and the show takes on the persona of a Broadway play. The window shoppers just see men and women cross-dressed and not the masterpiece inside the theatre. Sometimes people need to step back from the window and walk over to open up the door in order to see the big picture. The big picture is present in my life.
The essay "" has a relationship with my life. The Army was an underpaid, dreadful period in my life. The extra canteens, the spare ammo, weapons and maps were nothing compared to the things carried out of the Army. The images o .....
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The Rift Wars
Number of words: 802 - Number of pages: 3.... of woods. Either to avenge the burning forest or to escape the mounting flames, the elves poured out of the woods
in droves. As they emerged from the flaming trees, half blinded by hot ash and choking smoke, the dwarves mowed them down. The blood of these two peoples ran thick in the Caspian River.
Meanwhile, the truly evil god Morgion with his orcs and goblins capitalized on a chance to wreak havoc on two of their most hated enemies. They began to covertly destroy the villages of both elves and dwarves, knowing that the feuding creatures would blame each other for these atrocities. The .....
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Imagination In Keats
Number of words: 1092 - Number of pages: 4.... ear for fear of damaging the thoughts of sweet music in his head. He is afraid that the beauty the urn exhibits will tell a greater tale then the image he sees. The speaker must believe that the imagination is the greatest thing because he wishes not to hear any of the music. He would rather look to the urn and see a man pictured smiling and staying on key then having the real thing present and playing.
The piping music is the ideal form of music when viewed from the urn. Since the urn has pictures frozen in time, one can see the pipe players always pictured the same way. This idea can .....
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Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 2484 - Number of pages: 10.... was supposed to be , Casy was hailed and respected by many for simply being a preacher. Casy and Jesus both saw a common goodness in the average man and saw every person as holy. Both Christ and Casy faced struggles between their ideals versus the real world. (Despite Casy's honesty, goodness, and loyalty to all men, he would not earn a meal or warm place to stay. Although Jesus had many followers, still others opposed his preaching until the very end. ) These prophets attempted to disengage man from the cares of the world and create a high spiritualism that stemmed joy from misery. (All th .....
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The Picture Of Dorian Gray 2
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... give form to feeling. Now, Sibyl is a person that is able to provide all kinds of feelings that Dorian wishes to experience. Dorian finds extreme pleasure in experiencing through all the sentiments that Sibyl gives. Being a spectator to the different lives and stories amuses Dorian: one evening Sibyl is Juliet, next evening she is Imogen, another night, she is Roselind.
Art is something that arouse imaginations, imaginations of the viewer. In order for imagination to live, reality must not exist. ¡§She regarded me merely as a person in a play. She knows nothing of life¡¨ (61). Art is not .....
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Hamlet 6
Number of words: 948 - Number of pages: 4.... of a person he is if he can allow his father to be murdered and his mother
to be married so soon after his father's death to his uncle. This shows us
that he is pitying himself and is putting himself down. Yet another example
of his emotions running wild are seen in his first soliloquy:
...She married. O, most wicked speed, to post with such
dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to
good. But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue! 3
He is telling us that his mother has married right away and did not mourn
for his father' .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 474 - Number of pages: 2.... way he talks about or to each gives you some idea of whether he thinks they are
"phony" or normal. A few of his accounts make it more obvious than others to
discover how he classifies each family member.
From the very first page of the novel, Holden begins to refer to his parents as distant
and generalizes both his father and mother frequently throughout his chronicle. One
example is: "…my parents would have about two hemorrhages .....
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1984 Short Essay On Freedom
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... destruction of the government. Speech is also restricted due the Newspeak. Newspeak limits the words one can use to eliminate thoughtcrime. Without words, one cannot fully express themselves.
The people of Oceania do not have the freedom of expression like we do. Without thought, there is no expressions of any kind, which makes him or her a goodthinker. A goodthinker is one that knows naturally, without thought, how to behave or act according to the government. In society today, there is freedom of expression everywhere. In magazines, on televisions, on people themselves and even commu .....
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Shakespeare - Man Or Myth
Number of words: 544 - Number of pages: 2.... the
author must have accomplished many things. These including a superior
education, from what we know of "Shakespeare", this was not a
possibility.(Bethell 46) We do not even know if Shakespeare has ever
written anything in his life, Nor do we know that he was paid for
writing these works. The man Shakespeare does not even make a claim
that he is the author.(Bethell 50) He may not have been able to write
the simplest thing of all, His own name.(Hayes 1D)
Its not how little we know about Shakespeare that causes
confusion and difficulty, Its the things that we do know about this
man t .....
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