African-American Literature, M
Number of words: 1495 - Number of pages: 6.... have lived. She lived as a schoolteacher in her young adult years. She simply fell into the cultural trap of love and marriage. Walker describes the ‘love’ Meridian’s mother felt as “toleration for his (Meridian’s father’s) habits ”(50). This woman had no want of children. She was completely unprepared for what they would mean to her life. Children shattered Meridian’s mother. Meridian would have loved for her mother to break the bonds of society like her great-grandmother Feather Mae, who “loved walking nude about the yard and worshipped only the sun.” But, her mo .....
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Scarlet Letter-the Sides Of A
Number of words: 310 - Number of pages: 2.... Pearl to join him on the platform and to hold hands. The evil side that is being revealed in the book is that Arthur is hiding a deep secret that Pearl is his daughter and Hester is his adulteress.
The Last to talk about is Hester and Pearl; Hester has her own guilt, but realizes
That Pearl is smart and understands her abilities as a little child, Pearl lives the life as a reality, but doesn’t want the scarlet letter to be attached to her mother. Hester has the guilt of a sin knowing that Arthur is Pearl’s father but doesn’t want that guilt to be given to Pearl. Pearl .....
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Greek Tragedies
Number of words: 1231 - Number of pages: 5.... nature.
Another kind of medieval play in contrast with Midsummer is Everyman it refers with death directly along with the metaphor "life is a precious possession." If you have many rituals, you must "invest" them wisely and use them as you should use material goods, in a charitable way. In the late 15th century English morality play, Everyman, is summoned by Death, he cannot persuade any of his friends to go with him, except for Good Deeds. Death demands the account book from Everyman and tells him to prepare for his death, and as he does he loses all of his companions. At the end of .....
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Commentary On The Short Story
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... feel eleven, but rather all the previous years together “like pennies in a tin Band-Aid box.” The embarrassment Rachel feels is made apparent through the use of point of view, when her teacher makes her take the lost sweater in front of the whole class. Even if the ugly sweater with red plastic buttons and a stretched out collar and sleeves were hers, she would not admit it since “it was maybe a thousand years old,” Rachel informs the reader. The teacher puts the sweater on Rachel’s desk, insisting that it belongs to Rachel; despite Rachel’s objections, the .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird Life Sty
Number of words: 404 - Number of pages: 2.... novel is very foreign to us. First of all, we don't have a cook or servant unless we are very wealthy. The Finch's had Calpurnia to fix their meals. There was more of a family closeness attitude back then too, whereas today families are often split up, and kids can become less and less attached to their families. Independence is a common denominator in both time periods. Rites of passage again, were another similarity in both time periods.
Children had a very limited role in society back in post-depression Alabama. They hadn't much of a say in what they were going to be, nor their activ .....
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Hills Like White Elephants: The Symbolism Of The Setting
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... if there has been no rain for quite some time. There are hills in the
distance that have a whitish color as the sun radiates on them. The woman said,
"They look like white elephants."(343) White elephants are known to symbolize
unexpected gifts, which is certainly what the baby would be should they choose
not to have the abortion. The barrenness of the land refers the tame life--
settling down and having the responsibilities of parenthood--that they would
have to start living when the baby came; a life that would be duller but would
have a purpose. The bead curtain represents the .....
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Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... he has been with him through the good times and the bad.
Another character who has helped reveal complexities about Troy is Gabe, Troy’s brother. Gabe has a metal plate in his head; caused by his time in War World II. The government in return gave Gabe monthly checks. The only way Troy was able to pay for his house was through the governments’ money. “That’s the only way I got a roof over my head…Cause of that metal plate.” (p.28) When Gabe moved in with Miss Pearl, Troy started to feel guilty. He was feeling culpability because not only was Gabe& .....
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The Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradition
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... the statistics shown in these censuses were very high for alcohol production and consumption, they are now expected to be incomplete. Since many of the officials admitted to not completing their findings, the amount of alcohol consumed is actually higher then documented.
Secondary books were used, to create for the author, an idea about societies attitude toward alcohol consumption and the temperance movement. Such books included John Krout’s The Origins of Prohibition (N.Y., 1925) and Joseph Gusfield’s Symbolic Crusade (Urbana, 1963).
“Americans between 1790 and 1830 drank more al .....
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Huck Finn
Number of words: 936 - Number of pages: 4.... all rags and dirt, and I didn’t see how I’d ever got to like it so well at the widows where you had to wash and eat regular…It was pretty good times up in the woods there, take it all around.” (p. 31) Living in the woods is harder work, having to catch food and build fires to stay warm, but Huck doesn’t mind work as long as he can do it how he wants to.
Huck is always going against society and cannot live by its rules. Society told him it was wrong to help a runaway slave, but when he paddled out to go turn Jim in he just couldn’t let himself. He decided that he didn’t care w .....
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Othello 3
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... when he kills her. When Lodevico asked Desdemona a question about Cassio Othello takes it the wrong way. An example of this is when Desdemona says, " A most unhappy end. I would do much t' atone them, for the love I bear for Cassio?" Othello gets mad and calls her a "Devil" and slaps her in front of everybody. (Page 859-860) Throughout the whole story the women were portrayed as whores to the men but they were something more. Even though Desdemona did nothing to ever hurt Othello she was still considered a whore because Iago told lies about her. If Othello really and truly loved Desdemo .....
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