Female Protagonists
Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3.... negative thoughts about her future. She realizes that she will have freedom through her husbands death and whispers over and over, "free, free free!" Her unhappiness is not with her husband, it is with her ranking in society because she is a married woman. Becoming a widow is the only chance she has to gain the power, money, respect, and most importantly freedom.
Mathilde Loisel's chances for freedom are decreased because she comes from a middle-class family of clerks. "She had no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, wedded by any rich and distinguished man; an .....
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Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... another one of our shindigs. We all load up and head to his house and just sit down and watch television. About and hour later my aunt shows up. She is always late and her time is an hour difference from the regular time. She brings all her kids and her husband (whom wants nothing more than to go home) inside and tries to perk them up. Well after a while every body decides to eat and we all grab a plate and dig in. It’s not fancy at all- all plastic silverware and usually we just find a chair to sit down on and eat there.
After dinner and several long minutes of boredom the card t .....
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Death Of A Salesman - American Dream
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2.... Willy Loman comments on how he was "vital to New England". This is a great example of how Willy's distortion compromised his obtainment of success. In all reality he was not "vital to New England", but a hindrance to his company. This is one reason why Willy Loman never obtained the American Dream.
Another indicator to success is wealth. Although you cannot attribute happiness to wealth, you can buy things and live comfortably, which a lot of people believe is the epitome of the American dream. On Willy's last trip he made a commission of $70. But they owed money on a refrigerat .....
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Irish Literature And Rebellion
Number of words: 1437 - Number of pages: 6.... spirit through their writings so that the sacrifice of many would not be in vain.
William Butler Yeats was born in the Dublin suburb of Sandymont on June 13, 1865. Interestingly enough, his family was of the Protestant faith. He wasn’t much of an activist at first and didn’t really care all that much for schooling either, “because I found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my thoughts, I was difficult to teach” (DLB 19, 403). However, in 1886 he met John O’Leary, an old Fenian leader. O’Leary had been a Young Irelander and fought in the insurrection .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Primitive
Number of words: 1147 - Number of pages: 5.... satisfied, and/or has been led into spiritual contact with another realm. Another purpose of the chant is for one to feel a powerful being emerge within one’s soul, resulting in a god-like sensation for a short amount of time. In the novel, one can perceive that the hunting party’s vigorous chant ("Kill the beast! Spill her blood!") is one of their final retrogressions into savagery. Its repetitious, invigorating verse elates them, and when the procession finally ends, they behave in a trance-like, mystified demeanor. They begin speaking immediately in excited tones, feeling amazed a .....
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Of Mice And Men - What Are Friends For?
Number of words: 480 - Number of pages: 2.... last location in a town named Weed, Lennie grabbed a woman's dress to feel it and soon startled the woman with his overwhelming strength. So, once again George had to rescue Lennie, and with that they had to move again. George knew he could leave Lennie and have a great life, but what was a friend for. He couldn't just abandon Lennie.
So on to the next ranch they went. This time it just gets worse. In one confrontation with the boss's wife, things go terribly wrong. Lennie knows he is not supposed to talk to her, but he was trapped. As Lennie tried to wiggle out of her grip, is when things .....
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Robert Browning
Number of words: 2201 - Number of pages: 9.... to believe the unexplained mysteries of the Christian faith(Miller, 1953).
His mother, who had strong ties to the congregational church, took great time to instruct Robert in his
religious studies. With this open atmosphere, however, Browning exhibited signs of disinterest in religion
during his early childhood. The town preacher, in fact , found it necessary to publicly scold "for
restlessness and inattention Master Robert Browning"(as cited in,Miller, 1953, p.9). Robert Browning's
tendency toward skepticism was recorded early on.
Robert Browning's first de .....
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Macbeth - Downfall Of Macbeth
Number of words: 868 - Number of pages: 4.... him believe he is invincible. "Rebellion's head, rise never, till the wood / Of Birnam rise, and our high-placed Macbeth / Shall live the lease of nature, pay his breath / To time, and mortal custom." (IV, i. 106-109).
Lady Macbeth is a second major influence on Macbeth. As soon as Lady Macbeth learns of the witches' words from Macbeth's letter, we learn Macbeth is considered kind and without cruelty. She intends to influence him to kill Duncan. She says, "Hie thee hither, / That I may pour my spirits in thine ear, / And chastise with the valour of my tongue / All that impedes thee .....
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Othello - Manipulation To Gain Power
Number of words: 1082 - Number of pages: 4.... a Moor Iago causes Roderigo to become even more jealous, because of the fact that he lost Desdemona to someone who he feels is of a lesser race. It even seems that Iago is toying with Roderigo when he reveals that he is a fraud when he says, "I am not what I am." (I.i.62) By using these tactics, Iago has almost gained total control of Roderigo.
Iago uses a different tactic to manipulate Brabantio. He changes Brabantio's way of looking at the marriage of his daughter Desdemona to Othello. He awakes Brabantio by saying "Awake! What, ho, Brabantio! Thieves! Thieves! Look to your .....
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Hamlet Analysis
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... a low red glow and slowly rise to a bright red engulfing the whole stage when the ghost finishes off the quote saying, “murder”. If you manipulate the light in another way the ghost can be presented as a caring father. By using a white or a blue light would portray him as good because the colors of white and blue are connected with things such as heaven and angels, both of which have good connotations. For example, when showing the ghost, a white light could be coming at him from all angles, following wherever he goes. When the ghost of King Hamlet says, “Taint not thy .....
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