Analysis Of Steppenwolf Diseas
Number of words: 1096 - Number of pages: 4.... existence. He is at the point of suicide when he meets his treatment and his cure. Companionship and love.
That is the only help for this most debilitating of diseases, companionship and love. One will help but only both together will be able to cure him of his wretched mental sickness. His cure happens to come in the form of a beautiful young woman named Hermine. She is his treatment and his cure, but whether he allows her to help him is up to himself.
Hermine shows Mr. Haller all he has become. She brings his disease to the surface in all it’s pain and does so rather bluntly, open .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow.” This sums up his entire disposition towards himself at the end of the novel. He was taken into the army, willfully, but still taken, in the prime of his youth, to a place where death and destruction were facts of life. Remarque depicts a transition in the value systems of Paul and his comrades. Kemmerich’s boots, symbolic of a horizontal value system, can be seen to have considerable influence over those in the novel. However, Bäumer comments, “…Mülle .....
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Woodrow Wilson’s League Of Nations Speech And Yezierska’s The Bread Givers
Number of words: 1907 - Number of pages: 7.... unyielding opponent, and increasingly so as she gets older. She, the youngest, has breathed heavily of the New World’s aura, and eventually decides it’s more important than her father’s preaching. Sara has also inherited a large part of her father’s tenacity, and uses it in her own particular way to achieve her goals. This equality of willpower, this sameness of temperament between Sara and her father is necessary for their ability to resist each other’s choices. No one else in the family has the necessary rigidity to stand up against the father in a decisive way. In the str .....
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Joy Luck Club
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5.... she still feels from the memory of it. Because Suyuan lost two daughters in China, and her entire family was killed in the war, she leaves this place behind her and places all of her hopes in America and her family there. She wants the very best for her daughter June. Even her name, Suyuan, meaning "long-cherished wish," speaks of this hope for Jing-Mei, meaning "the pure, essential, best quality younger sister." Suyuan tells her daughter June that she can be anything she wants to be, and that she has great talent. At first June is excited and dreams about what she will become: "In all my .....
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Number of words: 995 - Number of pages: 4.... like, to not eat the apples from a certain tree because that would lead him to evil. Adam took this into consideration, but broke his promise and ate the apple. This is similar to Victor and the monster because, in the book, Victor represented God and the monster represented Adam. Victor like God, created human life "not following the law of nature", the difference was that the monster did not have his creator there to tell him what he should or should not do and that Adam was made with mud and the monster by chemicals and materials. Victor was a normal person and became ill after his creat .....
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Hemingway And Alcohol
Number of words: 2664 - Number of pages: 10.... it seems to grow from a fear of failure, a fear of being unable to fulfill potential. A number of stories and vignettes from In Our Time reflect these trepidations, and throughout, the presence of alcohol surfaces as a reminder of the desperation felt by the characters as they confront or avoid the circumstances surrounding their fears. It should be clarified, however, that “desperation” here does not insinuate the many nuances that the term conjures, but rather, it describes its simplest meaning of a loss or a lack of hope. For the characters of the early stories, the lack .....
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A Separate Peace
Number of words: 280 - Number of pages: 2.... unfolds the friends have to deal with the fact that the unfortunate event was no accident. An extremely well written book, is a wartime story about New Hampshire schoolboys as they approach maturity and learning how to handle adult responsibilities. The story begins with minor incidents among friends. As the plot becomes more complex the story takes on new meanings. has many intriguing allegories. Leper, Gene’s friend, is treated as an outcast by his peers and is shunned by society. Leper’s isolation forces him to enlist for military service. The tree from which Phineas falls and br .....
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Spoon River
Number of words: 366 - Number of pages: 2.... of the people who are always changing their minds because of what other people say and end up doing something they regret so badly, they begin to fall apart emotionally and financially. "While we seekers of earth's treasure, getters and hoarders of gold are self-contained, compact and harmonized." That quote is a metaphor for people who are always trying to find news ways to make more money and those who don't like to spend their money. They are cool, calm, and always prepared for a rainy day. This poem has no rhyming or rhythmic words. It tells how Thomas Rhodes feels about money. The poe .....
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Infidelity In Anna Karenina
Number of words: 405 - Number of pages: 2.... her, or his adulterous relationship with her later on. It is important to note that it is Vronsky’s frivolous nature that is responsible for his inability to fully love Anna with the passion that she so desperately needs from him. Vronsky initially believes that he loves Anna, but Tolstoy shows the reader that Vronsky’s love for her is not absolute. His love is not based upon firm emotional commitment, and it is easily questioned and redefined. Eventually, Anna’s love becomes burdensome to him because he remains steeped in the pursuit of his own freedom and pleasures, without placin .....
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Ethan Frome 4
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2.... became an "invalid," confined to her bed and no longer capable of managing the household. In desperate need of assistance, Zeena employed the aid of her cousin Mattie Silver. Mattie came to the Frome's household for free. She agreed to do the housework in exchange for her room and board.
Although untalented in the kitchen, Mattie's young and vivacious spirit brought happiness to the house. Finding Mattie's presence refreshing compared to the bleak, dismal surroundings of the farm, Ethan took a great interest in her. He found great joy in her company. Since she lacked skill and experie .....
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