Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 1452 - Number of pages: 6.... as a cub reporter on the Kansas City Star. At the train station his father, who latter on in Ernest's life would commit suicide which would totally disgust Ernest, kissed his son goodbye with tears in his eyes. This exact moment in time would be the soul purpose for a book he wrote called "For Whom the Bell Tolls". One of the reasons why he wrote that book is because he felt so much older than his father at that time that he could hardly bear it any longer.
While he was at Kansas City he was quite and did not stand out much. He stayed to himself. He went through a little culture shock due to .....
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Comparing Henry David Thoreau And Herman Melville's Writings
Number of words: 1704 - Number of pages: 7.... in harmony with nature, in tern exposing love and truth.
Both authors attempt to analyze all aspects of nature and its relevance
to human life. They explore the powers and influences of nature over mankind.
However, Melville centers his point of view upon mankind in conflict with
nature's forces, while Thoreau believes that if mankind experiences nature, we
will envelope ideas which will teach mankind to live harmoniously in our natural
environment; in turn, allowing individuals to reach the highest levels of
achievement synergistically with nature.
In Moby Dick, Herma .....
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The Original Sin (poem)
Number of words: 275 - Number of pages: 1.... poem is my representation of this famed story.
The Original Sin
A woman and a man,an essential part of God’s master plan.The Garden of Eden, the place they lived.They were given all it had to offer, except for one thing.
Not allowed the forbidden fruit,but the snake tricked Eve, he did beguile.
He spoke with an evil smile,“To be like God, the forbidden fruit ye must eat”
Eve was convinced, she had been defeat.The temptation far too much,she had to have just one touch.She bit into the apple with a sense of satisfaction.
Yet, for the first time she sensed a strange emoti .....
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Billy Budd
Number of words: 1510 - Number of pages: 6.... the crew and they like him lots. An officer asks him about who his parents are and he reply's that he doesn't know. He was found in a basket hung on a man's door handle in Bristol. Billy seems to be practically perfect, but he does have one weakness. When he is strongly provoked, he is inclined to stutter, or may even become speechless. The author tells us of the uprisings in the British navy. It is later called the Great Mutiny. They sail for the Mediterranean and have an uneasiness about them as they watch for signs of trouble or discontent.
Chapters 8-15, Pages 28-55
Billy had seen the .....
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Macbeth - Fate Or Free-will
Number of words: 583 - Number of pages: 3.... immediately after the witches have visited him, Macbeth begins to take their prophecies as a reality. He is almost trying to fulfill the tempting predictions, now that his mind is lustful for power, instead of remaining loyal to the King.
It is once again apparent that Macbeth does control his own destiny when the witches make their second appearance to him. They show Macbeth three apparitions. These tell Macbeth that he will be king until Birnam Woods meet Dunsinane Hill, he cannot be killed by anyone born of woman, and he sees Banquo’s descendants that will become kings. At this poi .....
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Antigone: Gender Conflict
Number of words: 980 - Number of pages: 4.... The marriage was
arranged by their fathers. Marriages were conducted with these
words, “I give this women for the procreation of legitimate
children...I accept...And I give a certain amount as dowry...I am
content.” Clearly the purpose of the women was to bear children.
The role of the husband is vague and seems as though he doesn’t play
much of a role in the household. Contact with other men was not
allowed for the wives, yet for the husband it was common to pursue
adulterous relationships. An Athenian male stated “Hetairai we have
for our pleasure, mistresses for th .....
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The Bhagavad Gita
Number of words: 682 - Number of pages: 3.... teaching him the ways of a selfless life. The most amazing aspect of all of this, I find, is that throughout the entire story – through all of Prince Arjuna’s reluctance and stubborn beliefs – Krishna, the deity, never abandons him. This love and devotion, shown by a deity for a subject, is amazing. It is a kind of two-way worship that I admire greatly.
The beautiful idea of the true Self, or Atman, is raised in Chapter Two. The Self is never born and therefore never dies, allowing one to work through life for the benefit of the greater good and not pers .....
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A Critique Of Charlotte Gilman
Number of words: 1202 - Number of pages: 5.... unable to cope with normal activities. She is not even allowed to write, and says that, "he hates to have me write a word." Throughout the story, he is condescending, referring to her as a "little girl" and insists that she take a room she does not like, as if she were a child. In fact, the room they stay in used to be a nursery, and has child-safe bars on the windows, making her seem even more like a child and a prisoner. It is odd to note that, Charlotte, being the one for whom the vacation is taken, is not allowed to do what she wants. John, in his pragmatic reasoning, believes he .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Piggy
Number of words: 930 - Number of pages: 4.... as if was the adult on the island trying to help the "kids". More proof of his clear thinking is the fact that Ralph relies on Piggy’s good advice to succeed. Without Piggy, Ralph would be lost. As the story progresses we see the boys drift apart however we see Piggy try to retain order as an adult might. When there is going to be a fight he says, "Come away. There’s going to be trouble. And we’ve had our meat." He realizes the intensity of the situation and tries to stop any altercation. The boys continue to drift apart but Ralph and Piggy continue to be .....
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The European Enlightenment
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... absolute and centralized power of the government and the monarchy, this age is called the "Age of Absolutism" (1660-1789), beginning with Louis XIV and ending with the French Revolution.
Crises and tragedies primarily motivated absolutism of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Absolute monarchies were originally proposed as a solution to the bloody civil and religious wars erupting as a result of the Reformation. These absolutists argued several important roles of the national government should solely be in the hands of the monarch: the military, judicial system, and tax collection. P .....
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