Farewell My Concubine -- Inter
Number of words: 1081 - Number of pages: 4.... are trained in certain types of roles, in which they specialize for life. Douzi, with a natural feminine beauty, is trained for female roles, while Shitou is given masculine military parts. Douzi, however, has difficulty accepting his role as a woman, but eventually does so for he does not want to disappoint his fellow students. Douzi, a confused, pained, and jealous man who cannot distinguish between male or female, reality and dream. He is doomed to fail the one thing he wants: Duan's love. His movements, both on-and offstage, are careful and precise, much like a woman's. At times, .....
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Jane Eyre 7
Number of words: 850 - Number of pages: 4.... seen in St. John as Jane describes her cousin as being “as stiff about urging his point” as possible. They believe that want they do is in the best interest of Jane and use unfair methods to tempt Jane into going against her own morals.
Rochester tries to convince Jane to run away with him by using the tragic story of his marriage to Bertha Mason. His story makes Jane feel sympathetic and only makes her “work more difficult.” Rochester turns to emotional blackmail when Jane still resists him. He tries to use her affection towards him to his advantage by accu .....
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To Judge A Book By Its Cover
Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4.... opening the account to ensure checked out material is returned, but after that, youngsters basically have carte blanche access to everything the library has to offer. Parents may never see what their adolescents are finding of interest. The minds of children, full of curiosity, snooping and filling the void that parents have good reason to make elusive, greedily lap up the dribble of some warped author's pen. Shelves and rows loaded from floor to ceiling with books containing pictures of art illustrating various sexual positions, manuals graphically depicting murder victims, books upon bo .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 830 - Number of pages: 4.... rightful job and duty.
A woman should act and look "proper" at all times. This is what Edna is fighting against in this novel. She feels that, though many women agree with this "known" rule, it isn't fair. For six years Edna conforms to these ideas by being a "proper" wife and mother, holding Tuesday socials and going to operas, following the same enduring schedule. It is only after her summer spent at Grand Isle that her "mechanical" lifestyle becomes apparent to her. She sees how much she is unhappy with the expectations, held by society, of her life and she wishes to erase them .....
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The Tories
Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2.... the public to punish a person themselves. The rebel states that the man was stripped naked, tar and feathers put all over his body, then he was tied up and carted around the town while the public inflicted punishment for only half an hour, not like the five hours that Hulton describes. He doesn’t describe what this punishment is but I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as the near-death experience that Ann Hulton described in her letter. These two letters show how two people who support different causes can describe an event in a way that sort of supports how they feel about what is .....
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The Strength Of A Family Willi
Number of words: 846 - Number of pages: 4.... her that she is one of five and of her explaining to him why her brother and sister are still very much part of her life.
One would expect this young child to be sad and heart-broken, yet she always comes across as strong willed, happy and quite grown up for her age. Before her brother and sister died, she recalls playing and running. Now she hems kerchiefs, knits stockings and eats her supper down by her bothers’ and sisters’ grave. All these activities and the mature manner in which she speaks, make us think she is an adult, when in fact she is eight. She doesn’t see .....
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"The Yellow Wallpaper": Decorating The Ugly Truth Of Oppression
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4.... more than a child, calling her "little girl"(1577), and saying her ideas are "foolish fancy"(1577). He devised a "prescription for each hour in the day"(1572) as he saw her as being incapable of seeing to her own schedule, even when all she was supposed to do was rest. These antiquated stereotypes are so ingrained she defers to him over her own judgement. To show how oppressive the husband's views are the wife describes the house they are to stay in as "a colonial mansion, a hereditary estate"(1571). This conjures images of medieval time when men were considered lords of the manor. .....
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The Character Of Macbeth
Number of words: 1826 - Number of pages: 7.... in the success which crowns his efforts in battle - and
so on. He may even conceived of the proper motive which
should energize back of his great deed:
The service and the loyalty I owe,
In doing it, pays itself.
But while he destroys the king's enemies, such motives work
but dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness by
more vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his nature
violently demands rewards: he fights valiantly in order that
he may be reported in such terms a "valour's minion" and
"Bellona's bridegroom"' he values success because it brings
spectacular fame a .....
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Comments On This Be The Verse
Number of words: 1293 - Number of pages: 5.... in the poem, or why other words that would be considered more acceptable to the general public were not used. Then, I will discuss the three stanzas of the poem and what they were meant to do for the audience. Lastly, I will explore why Larkin would write such a poem, and what he was trying to get across to his audience by writing it.
The second line in this poem contains the word "fuck," a word that is usually not considered acceptable for the general public. Yet Larkin incorporates it almost immediately into his poem. I can think of four possible reasons why. Firstly, words such as .....
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2
Number of words: 1186 - Number of pages: 5.... the entire story surrounds and normally begins with something the grandmother has said or done. At the very beginning of the story, she starts off by stating that she does not want to go to Florida. She would rather go to east Tennessee and tried anything she could to change Bailey’s mind (Page 426). Later in the story, as they began the trip to Florida, the grandmother talked the entire time. She would tell stories of her youth to the grandchildren and lecture them about being more respectful to their native state, and to their parents. Although the grandmother is the protagonis .....
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