The Hidden Story In Green And
Number of words: 954 - Number of pages: 4.... it was already behind him… (Pg.189)”
Another symbolization of the color green, which contradicts the first, is the meaning “go.” As in a traffic light signal, most people associate green with the word and action “go.” This can be interpreted as meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. It implies that Gatsby and Daisy are meant to be together and nothing should stop Gatsby from his destined happiness and love with Daisy. It inspires hope for Gatsby that he is on the right path, heading towards the best years of his life. He believes that things will soon be as .....
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The Odyssey - Gender Roles
Number of words: 885 - Number of pages: 4.... the great difference between the Odyssey and all other epic poems. No other literary work of this period, or of a similar cultural background, gives such a prominent position to women. No reader of the Odyssey can help having vivid memories of the poem’s outstanding female characters. There are many women in the Odyssey and all of them contribute in mean-ingful ways to the development of the action. Furthermore, they are treated seriously and with respect by the poet, as if there were no difference between his attitude toward them and his feelings toward the chieftains for whom his epi .....
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Analisis Of Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 1105 - Number of pages: 5.... his supposed parents again. But it is quite certain from the first that his best efforts will fail.
Others would argue that because Oedipus was a tyrannical ruler and didn't make the best choices in life, he deserved to suffer. E. R. Dodds states that, "Oedipus' behavior on the stage reveals the man he always was: he was punished for his basically unsound character." It was unavoidable and was his destiny to suffer in life. It was certainly not his fault that he reacted to his circumstances as he did.
One of the most outstanding examples of the god's predetermination, is when Oedipus recal .....
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Siddhartha By Herman Hesse
Number of words: 392 - Number of pages: 2.... meets the elegant and beautiful, Kamala, gets caught “off track” and entangles himself in a “senseless cycle” of acquiring and squandering wealth.
In the final chapters, Siddhartha proves that achieving or over-coming obstacles do lead to better Unity. Prior to making a leap forward in reaching his goal, Siddhartha finds himself in despair. He speaks to Vasudeva, the ferryman. The ferryman smiles and says very little, allowing the River to speak for him. Siddhartha listens as the River reveals its first true, complete message.
“Om.” Siddhartha hears.
His “wounds” heal .....
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Number of words: 933 - Number of pages: 4.... Also, the explores the mysteries of nature and supernatural. It reflects interesting in nature because the Romantics describe their story and poem about America wilderness or countryside or they depicted nature. This element that the reader can recognize clearly in the compositions of these writers above. The third element that the Romantics interest in unusual or ordinary. Furthermore, Romantics had a strong belief in democracy, a deep awareness in the past. Some writers explore the mysteries of nature, the inner self and the relationship between the nature and human imagination. Also .....
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Penelope As Moral Agent
Number of words: 2964 - Number of pages: 11.... of a few facts that could possibly be construed as being in opposition to her findings. Since I am not familiar with and have not read any of the outside texts to which Foley refers (Aristotle's Oedipus Tyrannos, Poetics, Politics, and Ethics, the Hippocratic medical texts, and the feminist theory of Carol Gilligan), I can only assume that her interpretations of these texts are correct. In any case, she uses Aristotle and Hippocrates in order to develop a historical framework against which she can judge Homer's fictitious character Penelope. This method would have led to a good argument if sh .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 775 - Number of pages: 3.... their ship was attacked by a storm. However Robinson was the only one who survived and was stuck on an island. In order to live on the deserted island, he cultivated small farmlands and raised animals with his own hands and wisdom. After he saved a savage, whom he names Friday and made him his slave, the small island was changed into a tiny society. Before he returned to his homeland he had stayed on the small island for twenty-eight years.
was the first novel, which describe the creative activity of human beings with a rather different method compared with many other novels o .....
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Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... this government is Big Brother. The novel is told in third person and partly first person, and is also divided into three parts. In the first part the main character and his conflicts with the world he lives in are revealed. Winston Smith is a bureaucrat who works for the government by altering history at the Ministry of Truth. He begins to ponder the reason things are so bad and commits a terrible crime. In the second part, he falls in love with Julia, and is taken in by a man named O'Brien, a member of the anti-party society called the Brotherhood. O'Brien turns out to be a true member of .....
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Much Ado About Nothing Summary
Number of words: 1446 - Number of pages: 6.... taken his place in his brother's affections. He hopes Claudio's desire to wed Hero will give him an occasion to cause some mischief.
Act II, scene I
Leonato and his daughter and niece are ready for the party to begin. While Beatrice complains that there is no man who can match her spirit, Hero obediently consents to her father's counsel to accept the Prince when he woos. All wear masks for the dance which leads to confusion and fun. Don Pedro talks to Hero privately while Benedick and Beatrice exchange insults. Meanwhile, Don John tries to cause trouble by telling Claudio that Pedro plans to .....
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Diction And Imagery In The Poe
Number of words: 367 - Number of pages: 2.... glass moving down through pools” conveys the mental picture of the water being glass shattered with every stroke. Shattering glass suggesting danger and fear. “Barely missing the moon’s pale hiss,” portrays the image of a deadly snake, heightening the risk of the challenge. The depiction of “white nudes between each sizzling shaft,” brings to the reader the vulnerability the swimmer feels running from one danger to another. Also, the affect of a challenging computer game is again played. The swimmer is like a loosing player challenging each feat an .....
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