All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1392 - Number of pages: 6.... Flo and shows that there has always been a distance between the two.
The title is derived from a patient Rose met at the nursing home whose only communication was spelling words. After meeting this patient, Rose dreamed that Flo was in a cage and spelling words like the old patient she met in the nursing home. Rose tells Flo about her visit to the nursing home and is obviously trying to influence Flo into going to the home. Flo is suffering from some sort of dementia, perhaps Alzheimer's. In this story the author doesn't tell the characters ages, Rose's occupation, and other information nec .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 862 - Number of pages: 4.... shut apart from society like the bird in the cage, and different ideas and feelings prevent her from communicating. The only person in society that begins to understand her, Robert, eventually decides that he must remain a member of society instead of staying with her. He says that "you [Edna] were not free; you were Leonce Pontellier's wife" and that "[Robert] was demented, dreaming of wild, impossible things...[such as] men who had set their wives free" (108). Robert does not want to do something wild and unacceptable to society. In a situation parallel to that of Edna's, the only .....
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Great Expectations
Number of words: 1360 - Number of pages: 5.... found to be indicative of the various classes. Through colorful narrations and descriptions, these characters come to life and guide us through the many social guises of ninteenth century England.
Miss Havisham's lazy and indulgent nature is seen through Pip's many vivid descriptions of her as he became progressively more embroiled in Miss Havisham's games. Miss Havisham personified the idle rich as she sat in her mansion, brooding over the past, while still wearing her disintegrating wedding dress. Miss Havisham was obsessed with her failed marriage and created another doomed relat .....
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Giants In The Earth
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... almost a dream. This was the place one
could hunt and build. This was the place one could live off of his
own hands. For example, Per Hans is basically happy with the prairie from the beginning to the end of the book. He knows that someday it will become a large town or city that he helped start or that in the future it will be the same clear and peaceful prairie forever. He finds happiness in these thoughts and he continues to keep himself busy by working as hard as he possibly can to keep the property in the best possible shape it can be. The story was not quite the same for most fem .....
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Bradstreets Views Towards Male
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... and apologetic tone, she talks about the Great Writer Bartas, admiring his works, and sarcastically admitting that she will never be as talented as he is: “A Bartas can do what a Bartas will / But simple I according to my skill”(stanza 2, lines 11-12). The sarcasm in these lines cause the typical reader of the poem to reconsider that perhaps women are not as bad as Bradstreet portrays them to be, exactly the thought she has schemed for the reader to think.
Continuing, Bradstreet mentions regret for her lack of skill, in which she laments the fact that “A weak or wounded brain .....
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The Cult Of True Womanhood
Number of words: 561 - Number of pages: 3.... until marriage.
Submissiveness means that the woman should, once married to a man, completely
devote herself to him, carrying out his every wish within her power. One very
powerful sentence in the essay well represents the woman's goals and values well
according to "The Cult of True Womanhood." It states, "Marriage improves the
female character, not only because it puts her in the best possible tuition,
that of the affections, and affords scope to her active energies, but because it
gives her higher aims, and a more dignified position." In my opinion, this means
that marriage improves a wom .....
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Mans Inhumanity To Man
Number of words: 1027 - Number of pages: 4.... Miss Cambell added him to her invitation list for that night's 'dinner party'.
"Good evening, can I help you", he asked. "Yes I have this itch in my head and I just don't know what it is", replied Miss Cambell. The pharmacist moved closer and examined her scalp closely. After much deliberating he confirmed that it must be dandruff. "I have just got this wonderful shampoo in for dandruff if you would like to try it", he suggested and Miss Cambell gladly bought the small brown bottle of shampoo from.
That night, Miss Cambell washed her hair with the new shampoo and instantly she fe .....
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Achilles And Socrates
Number of words: 1249 - Number of pages: 5.... but there was one thing that would have been worse for Achilles: dying without glory.
As a result, becoming a hero means to either kill or be killed in the pursuit for honor and glory. In order to conform to the ideals of society, Achilles becomes a tragic figure, and ultimately dies to uphold his heroic ideals. Achilles consistently reflects his overwhelming tragic flaw of pride, throughout The Iliad. His choice to not fight for the Achaians resulted in his and Patroklus' death. Achilles freely accepted this fate. Although, his decision to kill Hector and to mutilate his body drasti .....
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A Man For All Seasons 2
Number of words: 799 - Number of pages: 3.... when More says " I believe, when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties...they lead their country by a short route to chaos."(Bolt, p 22).
Despite what many may think, More would rather not get involved or influence the life of the king concerning the divorce. To most people signing the oath is a minor thing. It is something that should be done to appease the King , despite personal beliefs. However, for More his decision to sign the oath must be based on his beliefs. If he were to sign the oath he would lose all self respect. The audience l .....
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Foucault And Truffaut: Power And Social Control In French Society
Number of words: 715 - Number of pages: 3.... and
scaffolds) are technologies that are typical of the modern, painless, friendly,
and impersonal coercive tools of the modern world. In fact the success of these
technologies stems from their ability to appear unobtrusive and humane. These
prisons Foucault goes on to explain like many institutions in post 1700th
century society isolate those that society deems abnormal. This isolation seeks
to attack the souls of people in order to dominate them similar to how the
torture and brutality of pre 1700th century society sought to dominate the
physical bodies of prisoners. In Foucault's interp .....
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