Things Fall Apart 2
Number of words: 766 - Number of pages: 3.... rituals, the Egwugwu convey the teachings of important spirits. Their influence is displayed when they hear the case of Uzowulu, who is soon forced to beg his wife to return to him. This shows that the orders of the Egwugwu are always followed, weather the citizens want to or not. These teachings and directions are not alterable, and must always be obeyed.
Like the heroes of Greek Tragedy, Okonkwo had many tragic flaws, the most significant of these being hubris. Okonkwo is incredibly stubborn in that he would always let his temper get the better of him. This is shown when he becomes h .....
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Culture Clash
Number of words: 982 - Number of pages: 4.... as soon as he stepped home.
His family seemed to have a special connection to each other, culturally. I would see Hong, and his father have a discussion on Bruce Lee in their own private language. Every word that Hong spoke flowed smoothly, and was interpreted well by his father. Hong’s father also spoke in Cantonese, and argued against what Hong thought of Bruce Lee. They had an interesting debate in Cantonese. There was never an incident in the misinterpretation of language. As a result the family was in a stable condition. During this time my family had problems. My brother and I would .....
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Hamlet - Plot Summary
Number of words: 2413 - Number of pages: 9.... of Laertes asks if he should leave for France after attending Denmark for the coronation ceremonies. And his father and the king give him permission.
The king and queens attention is now towards young hamlet. They are wondering why he is still grieving of his father's death. They then realize that it is sweet and commendable for hamlet to show love for is father by immediate grief. The queen asks hamlet to stay at Elsinore and hamlet says that he will obey her and the king commends him.
Hamlet is left alone in the room and expresses his innermost thoughts, and admits that he would commit .....
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Babylon Revisited
Number of words: 1250 - Number of pages: 5.... he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it;" just another trophy on his shelf, and seemingly the gift one might give a person who has everything (Dreams 58). He is desperate for the lifestyle, the glittering things, and belonging. Judy, herself, is a symbol of wealth and to men, the ideal of love. She has proper breeding, incredible beauty, popularity, and above of all, lots of money. Though she is what men want to use as an example of love, she can not love. Rather, she is merely the idea of love and evidently the irony of love. She has no human capacity for it for .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 4
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... and works diligently to achieve this goal. However, one by one, family members leave the group for various reasons leading to the slow but sure disintegration of the Joad clan. The first to go is Noah; then Grandpa and Grandma die;Connie walks off and leaves Rose of Sharon; Young Tom leaves because he has gotten into trouble again; and Al becomes engaged and decides to go with his fiancee’s family. Ma deals with each loss as best she can. As the story progresses, we find Ma Joad becoming more and more concerned with people outside the family unit. She feels the need to share wha .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... her reserve and coyness to express her feelings. Mr. Rochester brings to Thornfield a party of guests; all elegantly appareled and socially sophisticated. Hesitantly, Jane reaches the drawing room where she and Adele wait for the party to enter. The ladies all come in first, gathered together and chatting when they notice Adele and Jane. The ladies swoon over Adele while Jane sits on the side inspecting and criticizing each lady as she passes by. No one is unpleasant to her and no one seems to grab Mr. Rochester’s attention; which puts Jane at ease. Jane is content and almost enj .....
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Sarah Canary
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... how the people in the story are the same, but still separated by one big gap and that is class status. The first hint to that was when the girl with the bow talked to Rosaura. “I and Luciana do our homework together,” said Rosaura very seriously. “That is not being friends,” the bow headed girl said (614). In that quote what the girl with the bow said that Rosaura was not a friend of Luciana’s just because you do your homework together. She did not understand what real friends are. She thought that friends were made by the social class you are in, which she .....
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Fahrenheit51 4 7
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... Montag doesn't know of his unhappiness until his first encounters with the mechanical hound (a robotic dog that is programmed to find books). The dog growls, which are what Montag dislikes. The growling alerts him of his unhappiness. Montag thinks that the dog knows that he had snuck some books from the home of their last burning.
Montag doesn't talk to Mildred about his unhappiness with his job. But Beatty knows of Montag's unhappiness, and makes a visit to his house. He gives Montag a pep talk about his curiosity about books. He tells him that all firemen have a curiosity about books so .....
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The Ironies Of 1984
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2.... siblings"-this not the case with 1984's Big Brother. The Big Brother in this novel completely watches over every move a person makes keeping them controlled with fear.
The next type of irony is Situation irony, which is when a character or a sequence of events appears to be headed one way, but it ends up as the opposite of what was thought. One example of this is Winston's general health. From the beginning of the book, it is shown how horrible his health is and is continually getting worse and more difficult, but as Winston gets involved with Julia then he begins a metamorphosis into a .....
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The Lottery
Number of words: 529 - Number of pages: 2.... coldness and lack of compassion the human race can exhibit in situations regarding tradition and values. The People who were stoned to death represented values and good being as the townspeople, who represented society, cold-heartedly destroyed them ( Jackson 79 ). Immediately after reading , one can compare the ritual, in the story, to some of today’s barbaric traditions in a new point of view. Hazing is a tradition that has been around forever. Some people do not see anything wrong with giving a new person a hard time; however, this ritual has caused numerous deaths and countless in .....
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